Who Are Some of the Most Successful Zazzle Sellers?

by dekwxd
2 replies
Hi everyone,

I could really use your help with a question I have.

Does anyone know who some of the most successful Zazzle sellers are?

Like, maybe you've heard of someone who was really successful with Zazzle?

Thank you.
#sellers #successful #zazzle
  • Profile picture of the author Blue Horizons
    Having been a Zazzle designer/shopkeeper myself since 2012,I am familiar with some of them.There has been a lot of image theft lately though,not only from Zazzle,but from many other POD sites as well,so I am not going to name names or specific stores.Can I ask you why you wish to know?Maybe I can help you further

    What I can tell you is that many of the people making the most amount of money on Z are the affiliates.People who set up a website/blog and promote the many different products offered.
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    • Profile picture of the author dekwxd
      Thank you very much for your response. Sorry for the late reply. I asked because I was making an information product on Zazzle and I was looking for some of the most successful Zazzle sellers so that I could get their help in making it.

      With that said, what you said about the people making the most amount of money on the platform being the affiliates was still helpful.
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