Need opinion on ads

Profile picture of chadcf
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
7 replies
Hi Warriors. Like it's said in the title, I need your opinion on my new ad campaign. I'm trying to sell a good seller on AliExpress. My niche is "Pug related items" and I'm trying to sell a casual Pug watch.

So here is it:

I shared it on my Facebook page for the moment trying to get a few likes and comments (if it happens) and after I'll pay an ad for people outside my group.

Can you give your opinion on what it's written and maybe what you guys, would have written.

#ads #opinion
  • Profile picture of the author shahmonir
    Profile picture of shahmonir
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    Profile picture of VidasVegas
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    At first I suggest you to run only LIKE my FB page campaign collect only likes later this strategy pays you back trust me.
  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    Profile picture of cjsparacino123
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    you can also run free traffic at it, check out facebook groups, and IG, i've been using those two and getting alot of visitors.

    you can also use youtube, pinterest, g+, and tumblr, although im not familiar with these

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
    Profile picture of Princess Balestra
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Ur so pug!

    Time gonna hugya.

    Get this onya wrist -

    who gonna outsmugya?

    (K, so prolly a pussy person, but I figureya gotta drop the self-apologetically lame tone right at the start an' PUSH THE PUG.)

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    • Profile picture of the author chadcf
      Profile picture of chadcf
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Hhahahaha it's a nice way to go. It's a more friendly one. I'm welling to test it. Can I switch tone like this haha? I mean, I wrote like a normal person in each of my publication since then...

      Sale business baby.

  • Profile picture of the author AriCooper
    Profile picture of AriCooper
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I would trim the copy on your post some, and move the link up higher to just below your headline...

    I'm new to this forum, but not new to making money online... I've been doing it for years now.

    I'll add an image here and just block out the important niche specific stuff... but you can see in both post, strong headline, call to action to link, then some calls to action to share, etc. and Let your sales page do the selling.

    Maybe your ad could go:

    "Is it pug o'clock yet? It can be with this FREE Pug Collectors watch (just pay $9.95 Shipping)

    See it: link to product here

    Tag in someone generous or someone who would love to see this! You could always just treat yourself at the link above or below!

    Click: Link "

    I've attempted to add a photo of 2 posts to see the structure, even though one was a free + shipping offer and one was a giveaway contest.. . .

    (I've hidden niche specific stuff so no one can try and steal the niche and offer but you can see every thing else that you need for your ad)

    upload photo

    These two campaigns brought in over 1,000 leads and hundreds in sales. . . so I know that structure works.

    Let me know if I can help further...
  • Profile picture of the author chadcf
    Profile picture of chadcf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Are people really falling into the free shipping things? I mean, they must know that we're doing profit with the shipping right?

    Also, I'm agree to get the link higher, but didn't really understand where I should put it.

    "Hi Pug Lovers! What time it is? It's Pug o'clock!!! (I know, funny joke.)
    Tired of all those boring "non-pug" watches? This classy and elegant Pug watch for women is what you need. Choose between 4 colors: White, pink, beige or black.
    Only $9.95 + Free shipping.
    Buy here ->"



    Sale business baby.

    • Profile picture of the author AriCooper
      Profile picture of AriCooper
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      It's not "falling for" the free shipping thing and of course people have to understand there is a little profit built in...

      When they are at a grocery store, are they second guessing the fact there has to be profit built into a head of lettuce?

      Your angle of PRICE + Free Shipping is almost the same thing, except "Free Shipping" is a much wider known deal. A lot of places offer Free Shipping as a way to get more orders.

      The free shipping offer worked well for me because the product that was "Free" has a value of $14.95. So I asked them to just cover the Shipping and Handling costs of $4.95 and I also tested $6.95...

      So, they feel like they are getting a $20 product, and all they have to do is cover the shipping (which you usually have to do). They aren't falling for anything, they are happy to just pay shipping.

      I get the product for about $1.00 a piece (with 100 bought at time). So I am making $2.95 to $5.95 per order... and that is just to get the new customers in the door. I have a store set up and I e-mail market to them our other products and sales.

      There are also other things they can add to there order once on the order form (think of how amazon says "other people also added this to there order).

      You just have to tinker with what works in your market!

      As far as your post, you have a lot of "copy" (colors, elegant, etc) that is not needed on your use that stuff on your sales landing page

      The post just needs to get clicks to your site, not make the sale:

      "Pug Lovers! Want it to be Pug O'clock everyday? Just $9.95 & FREE Shipping at the link below:


      Tag in someone generous or just spoil yourself with this elegant limited edition watch at the link above or below:


      Let the sales page talk about the colors and such, but if you really want to work it in so at the bottom (where i said limited edition) because anyone who clicks "read more" will see it and they may need to be sold a little bit more on the post itself.
  • Profile picture of the author chadcf
    Profile picture of chadcf
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second

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