Team IM or Solo Dolo?

Will Iam
Profile picture of Will Iam
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4 replies
Is anyone here a part of a company or a team that is doing internet marketing or is it advised to do it on your own and make decisions by yourself?

A lot of my friends are involved in entrepreneurship and start-ups right now and one thing I've realized from being around them is that it's so important to build a team. I always wanted to start a business but I was never surrounded by like-minded people and I didn't know how to seek them out. Now that I'm around the right people, these guys want to start an online business together and I'm really interested but trying to decide whether to just do it on my own and there are arguments both ways.

The biggest issue from the beginning is that in the past when I wanted to start my own businesses I didn't have the correct skill set that would make me successful in online marketing. The people I knew that were doing well in this business were good at a lot of different things, but I'm mainly good at writing web content and creating organizational structures. I think that I could accomplish a lot more if I partnered with someone that had graphic and web design as a core competency, or computer programming as a skill.

I've found that you run into a lot of obstacles working on your own if you haven't identified the skills that you need and found people that can satisfy those needs. Do you guys find success by using money to pay for skills that you don't have, by building the skills you need to be successful, or by partnering with other people that have the skills you need and then sharing success? Please let me know!
#dolo #solo #team
  • Profile picture of the author customerblast
    Profile picture of customerblast
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    partnerships all the way, but has to be the right partner where you create synergy together
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  • Profile picture of the author neshaword
    Profile picture of neshaword
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To be quite honest, I think that IM is a zone that favors lone wolves and lone rangers. At the same time, I'm fully aware there aren't many things you can do on your own. That's why, you are right when you say you have to build a team. On the other hand, I think that you have to lead a team in order to succeed. There is this saying if you don't work on your own dream, then you are very likely to end up working on some other person's dream. So, it's not an ideal situation. So, my idea, definitely a team work, but only the team you are leading. Cheers!
  • Profile picture of the author michdubs
    Profile picture of michdubs
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    IM is a game with old horses and gurus that wont spoon feed anyone because their system is working so well for them
  • Profile picture of the author Will Iam
    Will Iam
    Profile picture of Will Iam
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    These responses are super interesting to me. I recently got involved in a couple of start-ups and what I've found is that one of the main sources of friction comes from trying to define a vision for the company. Everyone thinks about the work that they've put into the project and says "Is this company moving in the direction that I want it to? Is this really my vision?"

    This has even been my experience in the company so far - our CEO is obsessed with sales and all he cares about is generating as much revenue as possible, but meanwhile our technology side is suffering and gets no respect, and it's not completely clear whether our product is really functional or not because we haven't invested the resources in validating our product. We have an opportunity to be doing cutting edge research and making a real impact in our field, but instead we're cutting corners and this definitely isn't my vision for how the company should proceed.

    If I create or join an internet marketing team, I want to make sure that the people I'm partnering with share my vision. We can create the vision together or they can align themselves with what I want to accomplish, but the end goal has to be the same and we have to be able to make executive decisions in our areas of expertise while still collaborating effectively as a team.

    For those who think that progressing on your own is the best method, what skills have you had to develop in order to make that feasible? Or did you do so by outsourcing tasks that are outside of your skillset?

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