6 replies
Fellow warriors,

I am a little confused by this matter at the moment.

If I am not interested in flipping my sites then a subdomain is ok to have am I right ?

Example is....

My main domain is XYZ.com and then I purchase ABC.com to run as a subdomain will people be able to search and find teh new site under ABC.com or must it ABC.XYZ.com ?

Can I also back link between the two domains?

Many thanks

Best wishes

#question #subdomain
  • Profile picture of the author Peter Adamson
    You seem to be confused about what a subdomain is.

    If your domain is xyz.com then www.xyz.com, sales.xyz.com, icecream.xyz.com are all subdomains of xyz.com which is the root domain. abc.com is not a subdomain.

    If you want to use abc.com instead of xyz.com then you need to do a permanent (301) redirect from xyz.com to abc.com. All visitors will automatically be redirected to abc.com and the search engines will know and replace xyz.com with abc.com in their listings.
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    • Profile picture of the author pjlyons1uk
      Originally Posted by Peter Adamson View Post

      You seem to be confused about what a subdomain is.

      If your domain is xyz.com then www.xyz.com, sales.xyz.com, icecream.xyz.com are all subdomains of xyz.com which is the root domain. abc.com is not a subdomain.

      If you want to use abc.com instead of xyz.com then you need to do a permanent (301) redirect from xyz.com to abc.com. All visitors will automatically be redirected to abc.com and the search engines will know and replace xyz.com with abc.com in their listings.

      Thanks for your answer, however, when I did register xyz.com with my host then on the same account I registered abc.com it forced me to make it a subdomain in the control panel.

      Whenever I entered to ammend the domain I was directed to page abc.xyz.com

      I am using hostmonster.com which allows me multiple domains and unlimited bandwidth on one account.

      Best wishes

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      • Profile picture of the author Peter Adamson
        Originally Posted by pjlyons1uk View Post


        Thanks for your answer, however, when I did register xyz.com with my host then on the same account I registered abc.com it forced me to make it a subdomain in the control panel.

        Whenever I entered to ammend the domain I was directed to page abc.xyz.com

        I am using hostmonster.com which allows me multiple domains and unlimited bandwidth on one account.

        Best wishes

        I had a hosting account like that once. Although you see it as a subdomain in your cpanel, it should look like a proper domain to the outside world. They just use the subdomain thing for site management purposes.

        If you register abc.com and add it to your hosting account and upload a file to abc.xyz.com you should see that file from any broswer under http://abc.com and you should NOT have to visit http://abc.xyz.com

        If you do, then their claim that you have the ability to have multiple domains is untrue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Adamson
    I tried to edit my response but the forum software keeps telling me my title is too long...

    I think I see what you are asking now...

    If, as I am beginning to suspect, abc.com is already a popular site and you want to redirect traffic from abc.com to abc.xyz.com then you would also do that with a 301 permanent redirect
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  • Profile picture of the author fthomas137
    Ah popular confusing thingie ma bob. I've seen the same thing with cpanel providers. Don't confuse one with the other. Please let me explain. When you open up an account with a web provider, they will use one domain name as your 'primary' domain name. Any add-on domain will be considered 'subdomains' to the primary. Now, this isn't the same as a subdomain in DNS talk.

    Looking at a domain name: www.myfunkydomain.com, there is three parts. One the .com. Two the myfunkydomain and finally, www. Domain names are written like human names are. The myfunkydomain.com is the 'last name' so to speak and the www is the first name.

    So, you can have a www, webmail, othersite in the front and all are treated as different hosts or subdomains.

    Now, not to confuse the issue with having suffixed subdomains, which, to avoid confusing will mention nothing more about, lol!

    Clear as mud, right?

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  • Profile picture of the author pjlyons1uk
    Frank, You get a thanks for completely blowing my mind... Many many thanks for what is obviously a complete answer.

    Peter, You get the thanks for hanging in there and having the patience to explain to me what I didn't understand.

    Great stuff everyone thanks.

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