Xsite pro2 and hostgator help

by 2 replies
Hopefully those experienced in web design and Xsite pro can help me here!

Anyone know how to include Greek characters in the navigation bar?
I get a hostgator error if I use Greek characters. I designed the site with Xsite pro v2. in the 'page settings', the 'page title' allows me to write in Greek but when I upload site to the hostgator server the pages with a Greek page titles on the navigation bar are not dispayed at all and I get a 404 error by Hostgator.

Any ideas where the problem is? With Xsite pro v2? Hostgator? And more importantly any ideas how to get round this? I have resorted to writing my titles in Greeklish which is ugly.
Have a look:

Thanks a lot
#main internet marketing discussion forum #greek #hostgator #prov2 #xsite
  • Banned
  • Hi bz,

    Are you naming the URL extension with Greek characters, or just the link name?

    I am sure that hostgator would refuse a Greek letter, but I can't see why you would have problems with your nav bar.

    I have just tried it, without publishing, and it works fine in XSitePro2.

    So, to clarify, name your pages with English characters, then, on the page settings, enter the Greek name in the box titled "Menu Text"

    I hope this sorts your problem.

    Pete Lauder
    • [1] reply
    • Fantastic it worked!
      Thank you so much Pete.
      Yes the secret is to use only English on the page settings / page title/file and Greek on the right where it says menu.
      Great program

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