NEW UPDATE: I'm fat | "Swines" Rant | Swines CL Customer Support | Wagenheim's Warrior

by 97 replies
Yesterday I posted a video of how I get my son to do homework and started wondering if I can use these silly actors to market a product.

So here is Michael and Nancy having a conversation in a supplement store.

YouTube - I'm Fat
Here is my 2nd video:

This one has "swine" giving his time share sales man a few choice words. Happy ending at end of video. This video is RATED PG 13 because of the use of the F WORD

I worked time share selling a loong time ago and can attests to the rage of time share owners, so keeping along the same lines, here is the video:

YouTube - Timeshare Rant
Swinie sent a customer support email to craigslist and this is what happened. We all know Swinnie's language (Rated R) so watch with caution.

YouTube - Craigslist Customer Support
3rd Video: Nancy reads a PLR article about weight loss. Rated G

YouTube - **** Berry Free Trial | Lose Weight Fast
Kelly Verge's Video

YouTube - Nancy Has a Problem With Her Boyfriend
Steve Wagenheim's Multi Character Warrior Forum Video

YouTube - Internet Marketing Genius
#main internet marketing discussion forum #fat
  • Profile picture of the author EndGame
    I don't think I am going to sleep tonight.

    This shizzle has really, really, really freaked me out!

    "Nancy would you not be happy with me spanking your trunk?"

  • LOL, I'll be waiting for part 2 of this series where the couple is married and having problems - and which product they use to solve them.

    I am crying.

    Spank me please.
    • [2] replies
    • Profile picture of the author EndGame
      It took a lot of staying power to resist leaving a cheeky comment to this one!

      On a serious note, I just played around with that thing, and I think it makes for a more interesting video than a lot of the screen cam article/videos that are out there these days. Certainly might be a nice way to re-use article content etc.

      Thanks for the resource.
      • [1] reply
    • You must be a mind reader!!! My thoughts too.

      Should we start a worst or unintentionally funniest video on You Tube competition? I nominate this one.
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  • I can't believe I just watched all that. Amazing, really, had me laughing almost all the way.

    Great stuff!
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    • I think the cold medicine has me on funny mode. Poor Nancy just wants a more "manageable" trunk.

      They will have other conversations.

      Glad you liked it.
  • Love dungeon!?


    My sides hurt from laughing. I think I just lost 5 pounds.

    • [2] replies
    • LOL, I don't really get it but it is kinda funny :p
    • Glad Nancy could help you lose some weight

  • That is pure brilliance. How do you do the animation? (Not asking for specifics, just software.)

    [update: I see -- Xtra normal.]

    I'm gonna have to play around with that.
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    • is the website that allows you to do the movies.
  • OK, I'm going to need counsiling now... No, all joking aside... Did you do the animation too? That was great work.

    • [1] reply
    • Okay, so who's gonna write the "how to" book on how to make these videos
      because I just went to the site and my eyes almost crossed.

      Too much for an old geezer to learn.

      At least this old geezer.
  • "No wonder your trunk looks all spankable!" LOL! I'm dying here- that was hysterical.

    From a marketing perspective: 1) Make it shorter 2) Keep the humor 3) Take a look at Common Craft - Our Product is Explanation and their partners for more ideas- you could make a series of "How To" videos with your characters explaining stuff.

    Great stuff- thanks for sharing!
  • Awesome I loved it! "Make your trunk more spankable". LOL
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • lol, yeah a bad video but usually bad videos are the ones that go viral... I hope.

      The animation is done over at xtranormal

      It's getting clickthroughs

      Thanks for the tips !

      Hey Steven, long time no see. It is pretty easy, the icons on the right hand side is all you need.

      Thanks Tiff... I just finished "Swines Timeshare Rant" I'll post it here in a few minutes
  • Great!!! LOL
  • hahahaa ...
  • oh my gosh- stop it...I can't stand it anymore. "Does this look like f*$&ing Florida to you?!?!"

    I'm subscribing to your YouTube channel - how much would you charge to make a 1 minute one of these? ...just curious
    • [2] replies
    • OMG...that second one is hysterical.

      Question, do you control the gestures in the animation?

      I watch these things very closely and noticed some arm gestures at key
      points in the video. Do you control those or are they arbitrarily put in?

      My guess is, it can't be random because they fit too well.

      If you have that much control, that is one f^*^g great software.

      Ooops...did I say that?

      See what you started???

      Brilliant...just brilliant.
      • [1] reply

    • Most people found it funny. The best thing is that it generated 2 leads at $8.50 a piece already

      You can make your own video - I have no clue what I would charge as I've never done any of them for anyone.

      I'm slapping another one together tomorrow morning
  • Greenovni - my comment wasn't an insult- I was laughing when I wrote it. Kind of like when someone tickles you & you laugh, "Stop it! I can't take it anymore! Haha!"

    I think they're hilarious! You gotta figure out how much you'd charge & do a WSO on them or something- they're great.
    • [1] reply
    • Okay, here's an idea if you have Camtasia.

      Create the video. Then download it from YouTube and import it into Camtasia.

      Record a video of you asking the character questions and have the
      character answer them. You can have a running conversation between
      a real human and the character.

      Simply script out both parts but only have the online software record the
      character part. You provide your part at home.

      Yes, it will take some work, not to mention a digital camcorder of some
      kind and the Camtasia software.

      But if you can pull this off, and have the stage presence to do it, it can
      really add another dimension to this whole thing.

      Already my brain is churning with tons of stuff you can do with this.

      There is a market, I am sure...IF you can prove that this stuff converts
      prospects into buyers.

      Okay, now my head is hurting.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Wow, that swine has a potty mouth. Greenovni how long did it take you to make one of these video's.
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    • That's a good idea Steve, I could have a spoke person character and do interviews about all kinds of products. Now to find a camcorder

      About an hour per video, all the rendering time took forever.
  • Wow, "swinie" must have hit a cord. EPC directly attributed to the video is through the roof.

    Might just be a freak of nature
    • [1] reply
    • Well, I'm taking the plunge.

      I'm putting something together right now and will post it here when I'm done.

      It's simple, but it shows you what you can really do with this if you have
      Camtasia and a little imagination.
  • Hey Steve, 3rd video was just a simple plr article, no humor just a dry article being read by "nancy" - No click throughs yet.

    Swinie is another story.

    Called an old timeshare friend here in Orlando and asked him to refer people that call him to "return the timesahres" straight to the video.

    EPC = $97.54

    I am trying to call my AM now because the numbers are way out of whack.

    You must have thousands of articles ready to be made into videos. I'm just throwing stuff up there and see what sticks.
  • Oooh! It just hit me. You're doing the human to character interview? I was going to do that next week. Can't wait to see what yours ends up looking like.
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    • For now, I'm just sticking to the animated characters but still showing what,
      with a little Camtasia editing, you can do with this.

      Yeah, the human to animated interviews are going to be a scream.

      I've got so many ideas for scripts (I used to write for the University of
      Miami drama department about 20 years ago) that they're spinning around
      in my head.

      I REALLY don't have the time for this.
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  • OK. That should have had a warning or something. I laughed so hard at that pig I had my staff asking me if I was OK.

    Funny stuff. I HAVE to figure out to do that if for nothing else but to f with my wife.

    So cool!
  • This has great viral potential. Gonna have to test one myself.
  • Hey Steve, what did you think about the 3rd video? That's an actual article.
    • [1] reply
    • I honestly liked the first 2 better, with the second one being a total scream.

      I think the PLR was a little dry reading, but still much better than if you're
      just reading the article itself...which shows you the power of video if it can
      make dull PLR better.
      • [1] reply
  • Lol this is some great stuff. I was messing around making some vids
    last night and it's really easy to use.

    Also am I the only one that got a slight urge to go and get some ****
    berry after watching the first video? I'm not overweight or a woman lol
    but still got a slight urge so I think that these videos could actually work
    quite well for marketing.

    Thanks for making the vids, very entertaining!

    Will Cooper
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    • Hey will, I got an email last night from a women asking me if the ad was for real. She loved it and was under the impression that it was from the actual company.

      I'm about to go crazy making the ads that I think should be on TV
  • YouTube - Nancy Has a Problem With Her Boyfriend
    Gonna upgrade myself. Too much potential to not use this...
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    • Okay, here is my contribution to this insanity.

      It's really just thrown together, but after years of writing sitcom scripts I
      have no doubt I can come up with some funny sh*t.

      The longest part of the process was getting the online downloaders to work.

      They all seemed to be on the fritz today.

      YouTube - Internet Marketing Genius
      Enjoy, groan, whatever.
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
      • [2] replies
    • Kelly, very well done. Short, to the point and gets the message across.

      Yeah, I can see the potential in these...outside of the IM market because
      let's face it...once marketers get a hold of this, they themselves will
      become pretty immune to it. But...the regular folks looking for solutions to
      their problems who are also looking for a little entertainment I think will be
      a good fit.

      Time will tell.
  • Ah I tried too but I just don't have the funny bone. I wish someone could write funny scripts for us!

    Mine is here:

    Xtranormal Video Tool Is Fun Marketing

    Of course I just realized I hit stop before that message played so now I'll probably have to redo the recording to credit xtranormal now.
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    • Awesome Tiff! lol @ 'While I was at work, I was on the web instead of working on the presentation'
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  • OK - somebody owes me a new monitor - this is like the 3rd time here on the forum I've spewed all over my LCD; Though my wife says its because I'm old and drool too much - nope, I'm pretty sure its all this funny stuff on the forum ;-)

    Just too funny - and I agree the pig needs his own show - South Park beware!

    And to think I just ignored the thread yesterday (hint - the subject just didn't pull me in) - but lucky for me I read Tiff's email today so had to come check it out - and glad I did - thanks Tiffany!

    Steven - I'd like your permission to use your video for something I'm planning at my event in October - please PM with details on how to arrange permission.

    Curse you greenovni - now I have another fracking thing to learn....

  • I love this one here "Steve Wagenheim's Multi Character Warrior Forum Video". How did you do multi characters and backgrounds?

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  • In the meantime, I'll try to find out more how it's going with Swinie's email to craigslist customer support.
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    • I'm so inspired by these and I've never laughed so hard reading posts on a forum. This is great stuff. Been pacing all over the house coming up with ideas.

      I guess if you put it on a squeeze page that's giving away something for free, you aren't really trying to make revenue from it at that point. Just because the free report has money making links in it . . . .

      Keep em coming. I'm subscribing to this thread!
      • [1] reply
  • Just posted latest "Swine video" on the first post of this thread.

    YouTube - Craigslist Customer Support
    Just in case you didn't want to scroll up.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • We're in China at the moment, so youtube is blocked, so no idea what you're talking about. Not fair
  • We leave on Wed so will catch up with it then
  • I'm willing to bet that the TOS is being misinterpreted. I'm guessing that the commercial license is only needed if you plan on selling the videos themselves (or using their service and selling that as a service).

    I doubt they meant to say that you can't use the videos to send traffic to a website which may or may not make you sales.

    A lot of TOS writings I've seen are aiming for what I described above.

    - Koz
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    • Brian, that's what I'm trying to get to the bottom of with my email that
      I sent to them.

      Yes, reading the TOS, it's really not least not to me.
  • That TOS is a little crazy.
  • I'm a litle on pins and neeedles waiting to find out about the TOS!

    And I'm excited to see everyones movies that they make

    My small addition to this thread: If you have a VA just flip him/her a script and tell him what set/characters you want to be used, have them get to work and have yourself an "instant" viral movie!

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    • Hi all:

      Just wanted to pipe in to say how entertaining and creative all your productions are! I'm anxiously awaiting a statement on the T.O.S. clarification as I think the product is extremely powerful! I'll keep my eyes posted on this thread for when Steve provides some feedback on the T.O.S. provided by the site Admins.

  • OK OK here's my vid - WARNING: this spaceman curses and has quite the mouth on him but somehow he knows all about internet marketing

    YouTube - Space Man Somehow Knows All About Marketing On The Internet!
  • Cute video
    • [1] reply
    • Ok, I'm going to give it a shot. It looks like a ton of fun to play with. Wasted hours, here I come!
  • Here's my contribution. It's NSFW and don't watch if you are easily offended. ; )

    YouTube - Our Sex Life Sucks Ass
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  • lol, she needs to leave her boyfriend and go date "swinie"
  • Made my first one, don't laugh it serves it's purpose, they will get better I'm sure. This is a really cool find by the way, thanks so much for sharing it.

    YouTube - Barter In Alberta
  • I want to play too! I have not figured out how to make clickable urls yet. Working on that now.
    YouTube - Quit Smoking
  • I did one a few months ago to promote "Learning German"
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    • Pretty nice. lol @ what the hell is a blogspot

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  • LOL!! These are great because they are so bad!! reminds me of some badly dubbed Asian import films!

    The problem is, I think most of the videos that this can produce will be too funny for anyone to take seriously and so it limits what can be promoted with this type of video.

    Looks like great fun though!, Am off to give it a go now!.

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