Chat bots - What do marketers think about it?

8 replies
Facebook recently launched platform to make Bots for their messengers. Companies like, 1-800-Flowers and many other integrating bot with their fan pages for customer service, Order Delivery, Information Retrieval and many other things.

How do marketers think they could take benefit from this new wave?

#bots #chat #marketers
  • Profile picture of the author Dharmi
    For all marketers this will be a beneficial wave as they get to know their customers requirements better, and to fulfill their requirements more appropriately.
    Moreover it will be also beneficial for consumers.

    Build easy DIY chatbots with Floatbot

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  • Profile picture of the author IMMer1975
    Bots are considered by many to be the wave of the future.

    With all these platforms opening up to developers, it's causing a wave of innovation. The Economist calls this the Bot Economy. It used to be "there's an app for that". Now its a "bot for that".

    The other trend coinciding with this is Conversational Commerce - using a chat interface as your gateway to all your interactions with companies, brands AND applications. WeChat (>700 million users) already allows you to order a cab, make purchases, customize shoes, host a conference call, order food all through this chat interface.

    Bots are here in a big way.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Originally Posted by omashow View Post

    Facebook recently launched platform to make Bots for their messengers. Companies like, 1-800-Flowers and many other integrating bot with their fan pages for customer service, Order Delivery, Information Retrieval and many other things.

    How do marketers think they could take benefit from this new wave?

    It really depends on the application.

    If bots are used where they are not necessary, then it will negate the overall opinion of bots beings used, even in situations where it may actually be a better and more efficient solution than the human alternative.

    There's a difference between a live support 'Can I help?' which then passes to a human and a bot which can place an actual order, serving a practical use, instead of a mere bridge.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnsonAdam
    For all marketers bots help them know more about customer requirements by getting information from pages customers has visited and analyze them. Bots help marketing more efficient
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  • Profile picture of the author Higginbotham
    Chat bots are ridiculous. I remember first seeing one years ago when I was doing SEO work for a pharmacy client of mine. No one in there right mind would engage with one after sending there first message and getting a canned response.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Chatbots are the workhorse of dating site marketers

    Close to 33% of Tinder accounts (depending on region) are chatbots
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    • Profile picture of the author seogurus
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      Close to 33% of Tinder accounts (depending on region) are chatbots
      And to think I was getting all these swipes due to my good looks
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  • it is really awesome chat bots much much better than a normal 9 to 5 employee

    I am really excited to have it and i have trained my bot to a level which is much higher than outsourcing in philippine or for any any other country .

    In short it depends on you how much you want to get out from the bots period!!!!!!
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