I have 28 milion subscribers - How do I milk it?

64 replies
Hi all,

I have 28 million subscribers who are normal consumers.

I want to milk them but I do not know what niche that have mass appeal that is worth sending them to.

Any recommendation?

Any niche except MMO should be good.
#milion #milk #subscribers
  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    Ask the person you purchased the list from?
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Profile picture of the author wifiboos
    It's difficult to imagine the value in your list, which can only be assumed to be farmed emails. You could attempt to email the list (at some considerable cost) with a survey offering some incentive to complete the survey. You would want ask which topics (a,b,c etc) would they like to receive information and offers on. But overall I'd advise you don't do anything with this list as the benefits accrued will be much less than the costs of trying to make money from it.
    Maybe you could get your money back if you bought this list.

    Get Your Mind-set Right - Take Consistent Action
    Connect with the right people

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    • Profile picture of the author affdaft
      I don't get how he would not see a decent return on 28mil, say even 0.01% converted that is still 28,000 people worth of sales now depending on what he paid for the list I would still imagine this would be profitable or am I missing something (apologies if I am fairly new to email marketing).
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      • Profile picture of the author evanbang
        How would you even be able to send them e-mail without getting your SMTP black-listed from the e-mail service providers?

        Affiliate Links are not allowed!

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        • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
          Originally Posted by evanbang View Post

          How would you even be able to send them e-mail without getting your SMTP black-listed from the e-mail service providers?
          Anyone that does this professionally uses mail friendly IP providers and they clean any new data as best as possible before sending it.

          Then based on the IP replacement policy of the IP provider, you will be able to get your IPs changed out if they get blocked/blacklisted.

          However, it's not about churning and burning IPs. It's all about collecting your open/clickers, segmenting and dumping non-responsive users. You want to convert the data from quantity to quality, so your IPs will last longer.

          There is actually a lot more to it, but I'm not going to go any further in an open forum.
          How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
          20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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      • Profile picture of the author japlon
        You replied well. Just one mail sent out can make $1k in return even if its a $1 offer
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  • Profile picture of the author JayKay Dowdall
    "normal consumers" - what the heck are those? lol

    You might have a list of 28mil on your list, but you don't have 28mil subscribers. Unless they have some kind of reputation with you, you'll find it hard to "milk" anything out of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrgt
    If your looking to make any kind of money on the Internet ,please dump the idea of reaching out to those on you list , if , as I suspect they are "harvested e-mails" you will do yourself no good , and will probably get you banned from whatever e- mail service you use . Also your credibility as an on/off line marketer will go out the window .
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Buy a cow

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author ksurivan
    Promote some viral content (blog post, article, video), which appeals to the general public. You can share funny stories, videos, and anything really. Have some affiliate links sprinkled in your articles which directs to a product or service you are promoting / selling. Be creative and Good luck!

    Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

    Hi all,

    I have 28 million subscribers who are normal consumers.

    I want to milk them but I do not know what niche that have mass appeal that is worth sending them to.

    Any recommendation?

    Any niche except MMO should be good.

    Check out this free tool to help you make money online!

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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I've been monetizing data for over 16 years. You want to promote lead generation offers that have mass appeal...

    Dating, insurance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc, etc..

    Lead generation offers don't require a credit card / purchase to complete an offer. It's far easier to get a user from cold email to fill out a form than to make a purchase.

    However, with that much data, there is so much that goes into doing such and there are special tools / resources that you will need.

    If you are new to monetizing data and really want to get into the business (which can be extremely profitable), it is easier and cheaper to start out with fresh / targeted data and start slowly and build up good data. But if you have the budget/knowledge, nothing is stopping you from doing it.

    However, in either case, you want to be working with 3rd party data that you have the opt-in record for.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    Just out of interest after you've milked them, what do you intend to do with the milk?
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

    I have 28 million subscribers ... Any recommendation?


    I think the basic law of marketing is that you find a need and fill it.

    Begin by writing a personal email to each subscriber asking how you can help that person. That makes sense, doesn't it?

    If you write one email every thirty seconds, you can do 120 of these introductory emails every hour. And if you work steadily 12 hours each day for seven days, you can write to 10,080 subscribers each week. That's 524,160 emails per year. And if you do this for 53.4 straight years you will have task #1 completed.

    Task #2 is to compile your results and begin creating problem solving solutions for your audience.

    Good luck,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author hounddog3
    My goodness. How in the world did you do that? Start emailing them. Give goodies to get them to a list where you can get to know them. Then put different kinds of content on emails and ask them to "comment" This way you can put them on different lists according to their interests.
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  • Profile picture of the author noblesilence
    you can create service at different freelancer site.
    Ex: post product or services in the page for $5
    you can create such service in seoclerks, fiverr and so on.
    I am sure you will make your wallet heavy.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I'd be more concerned that you're overemphasizing milk it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrew Hurst
    Provide Value! Give them a benefit if they bring in one new subscriber and then you'll have doubled your list. Honestly though my brain can't handle that number.
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  • Profile picture of the author dcristo
    You want to milk your subscribers? I must have it backwards. I thought you were meant to provide value.

    Are you wanting to learn all the poker lingo?

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  • Profile picture of the author Ratamok
    Simply ask them what they want, option A or option B.
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  • Profile picture of the author kocher79
    Wow, that's a huge list of people to get to know. Hopefully you can provide a service & fulfill a need for lots of them...good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    People who wear white signs that say normal consumer here. For sure. I've seen them all over this past week.

    Originally Posted by JayKay Dowdall View Post

    "normal consumers" - what the heck are those? lol

    You might have a list of 28mil on your list, but you don't have 28mil subscribers. Unless they have some kind of reputation with you, you'll find it hard to "milk" anything out of them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joey Babbs
    Diet - everyone is fat....


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    • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
      Originally Posted by Joey Babbs View Post

      Diet - everyone is fat....
      If you do diet, in my experience, you really want to promote a free trial (+S&H). The user pays like $5-$8 and gets something with a value of $50-$60 or more. Also, it needs to be a hot product...what is Dr. Oz talking about. Having a pre-sell page definitely helps a lot. Where most offers, I will send users straight to offer landing page.

      Just my 2 cents.
      How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
      20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by Joey Babbs View Post

      Diet - everyone is fat....
      I'm not fat, I'm just big boned.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
      Originally Posted by Joey Babbs View Post

      Diet - everyone is fat....
      Speak for yourself...

      Also, not everyone wants to make money from home, absolutely must have the latest gadget or is addicted to social media.

      Just thought you should know...
      Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
      All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    You don't want to "milk" your list. Figure out what the people on your list want and give it to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    Great ideas guys....I would be trying out some ideas here.

    I am running a CPA offer on Maxbounty so hopefully it works out well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Latinrage
    The first thing you need to ask yourself is how you got them to subscribe in the first place. How were they opted in? Did you use a lead magnet (a free incentive to get them to subscribe)? However, with that many subscribers I highly doubt this was the case. You mentioned that they are normal consumers. What exactly do they consume? Once you know the answer you just have to find products to market to them and you've got a goldmine. If you don't know all you have to do is create a survey with an enticing headline and get to know where their interests lie. There are some really good free online survey creators. You can do a google search for "free survey creator", "free survey maker", "free survey tools". Choose one and get to work. Wish you the best.
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  • Profile picture of the author jthom804
    Conduct a survey of what they want/want to learn and provide it for them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm not fat, I'm just big boned.
    A rather large friend of mine says "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy".
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11048265].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author quadagon
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      A rather large friend of mine says "I'm not fat, I'm fluffy".
      I'm just the wrong height for my weight.
      I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author Daily vlog
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

    Hi all,

    I have 28 million subscribers who are normal consumers.

    I want to milk them but I do not know what niche that have mass appeal that is worth sending them to.

    Any recommendation?

    Any niche except MMO should be good.
    Can you share deatils on how you obtained your subscribers and the niche and general demographics?
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Maybe somebody can straighten this out for me.

    I've been building my list for the past 10 years, and I currently have around 75,000 active subscribers. Now, that doesn't include people who have unsubscribed over the years, meaning that over the past 10 years I have added lots of people to my list.

    However, I've always done it in the way I consider to be the only right way, which is to send traffic to my squeeze pages and only email people who opt-in and give me permission to do so.

    I often hear a lot about people buying these huge lists of leads and talking about emailing them, but isn't it considered spamming to email somebody if they have not given you permission by opting in?

    Also, how would you be able to email 28 million leads?

    There surely isn't a reputable autoresponder company that would allow you to even add those leads to your existing subscriber lists, let alone send them a broadcast.

    I guess after 10 years in the business and achieving a pretty high level of success, I should know the answer to these questions.

    However, since I never considered this an honest or right way to do email marketing, I never did any kind of research on it, and so I know absolutely nothing about it.

    What I really want to know is wouldn't it be considered spamming to contact people via email without their permission?

    Is it alright to email them as long as you don't try and sell them something?

    I'd love if someone with some knowledge on this could enlighten me.

    I'd never purchase a list of any kind or attempt to email anyone who hasn't expressly given me permission, but I'm just curious as to how people get around the spam complaints (of which there must be many).
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    • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
      Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

      Maybe somebody can straighten this out for me.

      I've been building my list for the past 10 years, and I currently have around 75,000 active subscribers. Now, that doesn't include people who have unsubscribed over the years, meaning that over the past 10 years I have added lots of people to my list.

      However, I've always done it in the way I consider to be the only right way, which is to send traffic to my squeeze pages and only email people who opt-in and give me permission to do so.

      I often hear a lot about people buying these huge lists of leads and talking about emailing them, but isn't it considered spamming to email somebody if they have not given you permission by opting in?

      Also, how would you be able to email 28 million leads?

      There surely isn't a reputable autoresponder company that would allow you to even add those leads to your existing subscriber lists, let alone send them a broadcast.

      I guess after 10 years in the business and achieving a pretty high level of success, I should know the answer to these questions.

      However, since I never considered this an honest or right way to do email marketing, I never did any kind of research on it, and so I know absolutely nothing about it.

      What I really want to know is wouldn't it be considered spamming to contact people via email without their permission?

      Is it alright to email them as long as you don't try and sell them something?

      I'd love if someone with some knowledge on this could enlighten me.

      I'd never purchase a list of any kind or attempt to email anyone who hasn't expressly given me permission, but I'm just curious as to how people get around the spam complaints (of which there must be many).
      You can purchase 3rd party data, which is data that the users have given permission to receive messages from third parties. Everyone has either specifically requested to receive information regarding a specific vertical or has shown interest in it. You get the opt-in record for each user. So if you are ever asked for it, you have it.

      The downside is that there will often be users that didn't realize that they provided permission and may complain. However, there are ways to mitigate complaints and keep your account from getting terminated.

      Those that use autoresponders will send very fresh / targeted data. Those that send massive volume will use their own servers / IPs using mail friendly IP providers. Won't shut you down over complaints and are able to replace IPs if they start to deliver poorly or get blocked/blacklisted.

      While I may be explaining it in it's most simplistic terms. There is a lot that goes into it.

      Regardless how you are doing it. The entire point is that you are collecting your openers / clickers, segmenting your data and removing unresponsive users. Essentially you are converting the data from quantity to quality.

      One last note. Most everyone that does this heavily promotes lead generation offers.This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. As it is far easier to get a user to fill out a form than it is to make a purchase. So conversion rates are typically much higher.

      Basically, you are monetizing the data by sending lead gen offers because they offer the path of least resistance to generating conversion and converting the data into cash producing assets.

      I've been monetizing data for over 16 years and done right it can be extremely profitable. Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, for the most part, does 6-7 figures. While that may be a huge range.Much comes down to one's ability to scale and effectively build/manage the infrastructure needed to scale.

      Anyway, that's the real short of the long.
      How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
      20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11048386].message }}
    • Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

      Maybe somebody can straighten this out for me.

      I've been building my list for the past 10 years, and I currently have around 75,000 active subscribers. Now, that doesn't include people who have unsubscribed over the years, meaning that over the past 10 years I have added lots of people to my list.

      However, I've always done it in the way I consider to be the only right way, which is to send traffic to my squeeze pages and only email people who opt-in and give me permission to do so.

      I often hear a lot about people buying these huge lists of leads and talking about emailing them, but isn't it considered spamming to email somebody if they have not given you permission by opting in?

      Also, how would you be able to email 28 million leads?

      There surely isn't a reputable autoresponder company that would allow you to even add those leads to your existing subscriber lists, let alone send them a broadcast.

      I guess after 10 years in the business and achieving a pretty high level of success, I should know the answer to these questions.

      However, since I never considered this an honest or right way to do email marketing, I never did any kind of research on it, and so I know absolutely nothing about it.

      What I really want to know is wouldn't it be considered spamming to contact people via email without their permission?

      Is it alright to email them as long as you don't try and sell them something?

      I'd love if someone with some knowledge on this could enlighten me.

      I'd never purchase a list of any kind or attempt to email anyone who hasn't expressly given me permission, but I'm just curious as to how people get around the spam complaints (of which there must be many).
      What do you think of this answer then, CJ: Post #32?
      ♦ HighPayingPrograms.com - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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      • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
        Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

        What do you think of this answer then, CJ: Post #32?
        It makes sense, and it helped me to at least understand the process.

        That said, I would still never build my list this way.

        What doesn't jive with me is that those leads (even after they have been segmented), would be as responsive or more responsive than an individual who signs up to your list through their own free will. I just don't think that's possible.

        Also, after doing a little bit of reading about this just now, it seems like a real headache to set up your own email server and it also looks quite pricey. However, if a person knows what they are doing and knows how to get a positive ROI on these lists then I guess price isn't so much of a barrier.

        That said, it's not something I would ever get into.

        I'm not saying that it doesn't work well if you know how to do it, but it's definitely not for me.

        The popular ARs work great for me, and I've had accounts with a couple of them going on 10 years now and never had any issues (knock on wood), so for my business that's what works.

        I also feel that it's a whole lot easier when someone lands on your squeeze page and opts in voluntarily (especially if it's double opt-in). This way you are in the clear 100% legally, and you can be sure that the person wants to hear from you again.

        Apparently, it seems as long as you get an opt-in record with the list you purchase, that's enough to cover you legally as far as spam complaints. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but that's the way I understand it as of right now.

        Still, there's just something that seems shady to me about buying information like that. I mean, speaking from a personal standpoint, I wouldn't want anyone to sell my email address like that, and I absolutely hate when I get emailed by a marketer when I KNOW I did not opt in to receive emails from them. I hit the spam button immediately when it happens, and I'm guessing I'm not the only person who feels this way.

        In summary, it's not for me and I consider it pretty much borderline as far as ethics go.
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        • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
          Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

          It makes sense, and it helped me to at least understand the process.

          That said, I would still never build my list this way.

          What doesn't jive with me is that those leads (even after they have been segmented), would be as responsive or more responsive than an individual who signs up to your list through their own free will. I just don't think that's possible.

          Also, after doing a little bit of reading about this just now, it seems like a real headache to set up your own email server and it also looks quite pricey. However, if a person knows what they are doing and knows how to get a positive ROI on these lists then I guess price isn't so much of a barrier.

          That said, it's not something I would ever get into.

          I'm not saying that it doesn't work well if you know how to do it, but it's definitely not for me.

          The popular ARs work great for me, and I've had accounts with a couple of them going on 10 years now and never had any issues (knock on wood), so for my business that's what works.

          I also feel that it's a whole lot easier when someone lands on your squeeze page and opts in voluntarily (especially if it's double opt-in). This way you are in the clear 100% legally, and you can be sure that the person wants to hear from you again.

          Apparently, it seems as long as you get an opt-in record with the list you purchase, that's enough to cover you legally as far as spam complaints. Maybe I'm wrong about that, but that's the way I understand it as of right now.

          Still, there's just something that seems shady to me about buying information like that. I mean, speaking from a personal standpoint, I wouldn't want anyone to sell my email address like that, and I absolutely hate when I get emailed by a marketer when I KNOW I did not opt in to receive emails from them. I hit the spam button immediately when it happens, and I'm guessing I'm not the only person who feels this way.

          In summary, it's not for me and I consider it pretty much borderline as far as ethics go.
          Take a look at this site and you will see a checkbox that says you will receive info from third parties. Self Wealth System - selfwealthsystem.com This is one example of 3rd party data. In this case, it's for the bizopp vertical. You can also get data where it's stated in the TOS/privacy policy that your data will go to third parties and they agree to it. As long as you are can-spam compliant, it's 100% legal.

          You say that you can't see it being as responsive as a list you build yourself after segmenting. That very well may be true. However, how many new marketers build a list and it ends up converting poorly. It's not as easy as everyone makes it out. If it was, everyone here would have a list and be making good money.

          Data monetization is really more a business model than a traffic / subscriber strategy. As I mentioned before, most everyone promotes lead gen offers because you just have to get a user to fill out a form and not make a purchase. I mainly acquire data that is for lead gen verticals like...insurance, education, discount offers, homeowners offers, etc, etc...

          You also want to promote offers that have mass appeal (will be of interest to a very large general audience). I favor offers that have a have a make, get or save money benefit to them. As they have overall worked best for me and tend to have the greatest mass appeal. So the potential to produce high volume exists and they are fairly easy to cross promote on the back end.

          It's all about providing users with free information that they will find useful and getting an ROI from it. You are thinking as a mainstream email marketer and someone that has a negative outlook on receiving an email from someone you didn't signup to a list "directly". The overwhelming majority of the general public doesn't think this way and mark everything as spam.

          Another thing to think about is that many businesses fail to fully monetize one of their most valuable assets...their email lists/data.

          Once you know the business, there is also 2nd party data, where you can manage or monetize existing companies data. There are operations that collect opt-in data and it all goes to a call center and they don't monetize the email record. Or a company generates opt-in and they only have one or a limited number of products/services and you can help them further monetize the data and generate additional profits for them. Which is all done on a profit sharing split.

          I had a company contact me the other day that is generating 5K-10K opt-in records per day and it's all going to a phone room and they want a partner to handle the email data. There are a lot of companies just like them. It doesn't take many of them to build a serious income. Granted it is more work getting these type of deals than just acquiring 3rd party data.

          It'snot a business that's for everyone. But done right, it does work!
          How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
          20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11048982].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
            Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

            Take a look at this site and you will see a checkbox that says you will receive info from third parties. Self Wealth System - selfwealthsystem.com This is one example of 3rd party data. In this case, it's for the bizopp vertical. You can also get data where it's stated in the TOS/privacy policy that your data will go to third parties and they agree to it. As long as you are can-spam compliant, it's 100% legal.

            You say that you can't see it being as responsive as a list you build yourself after segmenting. That very well may be true. However, how many new marketers build a list and it ends up converting poorly. It's not as easy as everyone makes it out. If it was, everyone here would have a list and be making good money.

            Data monetization is really more a business model than a traffic / subscriber strategy. As I mentioned before, most everyone promotes lead gen offers because you just have to get a user to fill out a form and not make a purchase. I mainly acquire data that is for lead gen verticals like...insurance, education, discount offers, homeowners offers, etc, etc...

            You also want to promote offers that have mass appeal (will be of interest to a very large general audience). I favor offers that have a have a make, get or save money benefit to them. As they have overall worked best for me and tend to have the greatest mass appeal. So the potential to produce high volume exists and they are fairly easy to cross promote on the back end.

            It's all about providing users with free information that they will find useful and getting an ROI from it. You are thinking as a mainstream email marketer and someone that has a negative outlook on receiving an email from someone you didn't signup to a list "directly". The overwhelming majority of the general public doesn't think this way and mark everything as spam.

            Another thing to think about is that many businesses fail to fully monetize one of their most valuable assets...their email lists/data.

            Once you know the business, there is also 2nd party data, where you can manage or monetize existing companies data. There are operations that collect opt-in data and it all goes to a call center and they don't monetize the email record. Or a company generates opt-in and they only have one or a limited number of products/services and you can help them further monetize the data and generate additional profits for them. Which is all done on a profit sharing split.

            I had a company contact me the other day that is generating 5K-10K opt-in records per day and it's all going to a phone room and they want a partner to handle the email data. There are a lot of companies just like them. It doesn't take many of them to build a serious income. Granted it is more work getting these type of deals than just acquiring 3rd party data.

            It'snot a business that's for everyone. But done right, it does work!
            I have no doubt that it works, and I'm not disagreeing with the fact that it can be very profitable. I'm just saying it's not for me.

            I've done extremely well building my list using free and paid traffic, and when I first started building a list in 2008 I had the issue of me leads not being as responsive as I would have hoped.

            As time went on and I learned more and more about developing relationships and marketing plans and learning how to write goods email copy, my list got more and more responsive.

            I guess, as with everything you do, there is a learning curve involved.

            For instance, I hear lots of people who say buying solo ads doesn't work and it's just people who have "tired" lists monetizing them with solos because they won't buy products.

            I'll admit, it took me close to 50 solo ads before I finally "got it" and now I absolutely crush it with solo ads.

            I think a lot of people have a negative perception about things that they don't understand, or may have tried in the past and failed with.

            The point is, I'm sure that buying data can be very profitable if you know what you're doing. At this point though, with my current level of work and the fact that I've got a successful business, it's not something I'd probably be trying in the near future.
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            • Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

              I have no doubt that it works, and I'm not disagreeing with the fact that it can be very profitable. I'm just saying it's not for me.

              I've done extremely well building my list using free and paid traffic, and when I first started building a list in 2008 I had the issue of me leads not being as responsive as I would have hoped.

              As time went on and I learned more and more about developing relationships and marketing plans and learning how to write goods email copy, my list got more and more responsive.

              I guess, as with everything you do, there is a learning curve involved.

              For instance, I hear lots of people who say buying solo ads doesn't work and it's just people who have "tired" lists monetizing them with solos because they won't buy products.

              I'll admit, it took me close to 50 solo ads before I finally "got it" and now I absolutely crush it with solo ads.

              I think a lot of people have a negative perception about things that they don't understand, or may have tried in the past and failed with.

              The point is, I'm sure that buying data can be very profitable if you know what you're doing. At this point though, with my current level of work and the fact that I've got a successful business, it's not something I'd probably be trying in the near future.
              I would be concerned about whether one is buying bad data and getting scammed. Let's face it, the incentive and possibility of cheating those who buy such data is huge, just as with olive oil and honey. You've compiled a list of solo ad providers you trust. Where is the list of such data providers one might possibly be able to trust?
              ♦ HighPayingPrograms.com - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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              • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
                Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

                I would be concerned about whether one is buying bad data and getting scammed. Let's face it, the incentive and possibility of cheating those who buy such data is huge, just as with olive oil and honey. You've compiled a list of solo ad providers you trust. Where is the list of such data providers one might possibly be able to trust?
                I guess a person could compile a list of reliable and legitimate data providers the same way that I compiled my solo seller list. Unfortunately, it's a process of trial and error, and that means that you will probably lose some money along the way. However, once you get a huge list of good providers like I did it should be smooth sailing from there on on in.
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              • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
                Originally Posted by AffiliatePrograms View Post

                I would be concerned about whether one is buying bad data and getting scammed. Let's face it, the incentive and possibility of cheating those who buy such data is huge, just as with olive oil and honey. You've compiled a list of solo ad providers you trust. Where is the list of such data providers one might possibly be able to trust?
                You develop reliable sources.

                Also, you want to test data before spending a bunch of money.

                You can also get rev-share data, which is data that you pay $0 upfront for and then split the revenue that you generate from sending it, with the data provider.
                How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
                20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11049197].message }}
                • Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

                  You develop reliable sources.
                  I don't doubt you are personally doing well, but there is no way to develop whether someone has ethics and principles or not. Either they do or they don't, as well as preferably a track record of it that can be recommended publicly. You can't develop people to desire and practice honesty, fairness and all that.

                  Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

                  Also, you want to test data before spending a bunch of money.
                  I take it they let you do that?

                  Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

                  You can also get rev-share data, which is data that you pay $0 upfront for and then split the revenue that you generate from sending it, with the data provider.
                  Okay, that's a more interesting part of your plan, and I've seen you mention that before. However, the big concern there is, who controls who sees and has access to all the information about whether there have even been any earnings and what the split should be? I mean, presumably it's affiliate earnings, right? So who's affiliate account is used and who has access to it?
                  ♦ HighPayingPrograms.com - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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    • Profile picture of the author heaththompson
      Nice reply. And agree, it is much more valuable to do what you have done (to the person with 75k hard-earned emails). Regarding, spam, I don't think it is spam if you have an "unsubscribe" feature. The fact that people haven't subscribed is an interesting point lol. But such is life.

      If I had a list of 28M people I think the best way to earn money from it would be to sell it on Fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author mdallen
    I think the question comes from the wrong mind set. "How can I milk it?" What you need to think is how can I help them? If you provide value the money will find its way to you. If you are looking to scam and scheme them then you will stay broke and be considered a jerk...
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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    anything to do with health , wealth and relationship
    India Casino Affiliate - Best Casino Affiliate Programs in India
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  • Profile picture of the author Ratamok
    You will make Aweber rich
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0

    I'm not talking about buying a single file of data from an individual. Obviously, there is no way to buy data from a single person / one time and know their intentions. There are companies that generate, aggregate and broker data on a continuous basis. Regardless of the situation, you can just purchase a sample batch of the data and test it.

    With rev-share data, you use your CPA account and provide access to it, so it can be audited. The split is typically 50/50.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11049608].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zoe_21
      Originally Posted by DIABL0

      It's not a business that's for everyone. But done right, it does work!

      Thanks for the brief peek behind the scenes of how 3rd parties collect data to sell on.

      Must say though that it is so vexing having to wade through inbox or spam box deleting 'emails' that I know I didnt give my email address to or have no interest and wondering how did they get my email address

      Can you say whether, ticking that permission to receive messages from third parties box or even if you don't tick, the fact that the form is completed, is taken as interest and so these 3rd parties ignore a nontick?

      Originally Posted by DIABL0

      The downside is that there will often be users that didn't realize that they provided permission and may complain. However, there are ways to mitigate complaints and keep your account from getting terminated.

      Possibly explains why, I see the same sender name in spam box but with a diff SMTP address?

      Again, thanks for the brief behind scenes info
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  • Profile picture of the author BankableBarry
    Milk them? Those are customers you are talking about.

    I'd be careful. There is an old adage in the stock market, "Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered".
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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by BankableBarry View Post

      Milk them? Those are customers you are talking about.

      I'd be careful. There is an old adage in the stock market, "Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered".
      True, but I bet those hogs have a massive amount of fun before they get slaughtered!
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  • Profile picture of the author The Author
    28 Million Subscribers...WOW! You must be paying a fortune for your auto responder? If you can build a list that size, I'm trying to understand how you're struggling to make sales?
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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by The Author View Post

      28 Million Subscribers...WOW! You must be paying a fortune for your auto responder? If you can build a list that size, I'm trying to understand how you're struggling to make sales?
      Obviously you didn't bother to read the thread from the beginning, or else you'd know that he doesn't have those leads in an autoresponder and he bought them, not built a list.
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  • Profile picture of the author teacher100
    Well that number is impressive, but milking them sounds like you don't really value them. People don't like to feel they were used.
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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by teacher100 View Post

      Well that number is impressive, but milking them sounds like you don't really value them. People don't like to feel they were used.
      Why would they feel used if they buy a product and get good value from it? As a marketer your job is to "milk" them. It's just an expression is all. All it really means is he wants to sell to them, which is exactly what he should be doing. I'm so sick and tired of people expecting Internet Marketers to feel sorry for selling to people and making money. The whole idea is to make money.

      Nobody will feel used if they get a quality product for a good price. They will be happy that they got a good value and they will buy from you again. I have customers on my list that have bought upwards of 50 products from me in the years they have been my subscribers. Nobody has ever told me they felt "used."

      It's my job to SELL SELL SELL and I do it WELL WELL WELL!
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by teacher100 View Post

      Well that number is impressive, but milking them sounds like you don't really value them. People don't like to feel they were used.
      How about "draining them for all they're worth "

      - Robert Andrew

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Kenji M
    If I have such a big list, I divide it into many small lists and start to make some experiments using some of the small lists.
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  • Profile picture of the author venkat9985
    u can do survey to ask them what they want .
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  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Originally Posted by fated82 View Post

    Hi all,

    I have 28 million subscribers who are normal consumers.

    I want to milk them but I do not know what niche that have mass appeal that is worth sending them to.

    Any recommendation?

    Any niche except MMO should be good.
    Before I give any recommendation, may I ask what niche you are in?

    Is it just one niche?

    Or a variety of niches?

    Because if you are getting 28 million subscribers from a variety of different niches, then I will suggest you segiment or separate them into different lists and typed follow-up instead of broadcast emails.

    Although my suggestion is focusing on one niche and build up from there.
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  • Profile picture of the author fated82
    Hi all, just a short update about the list I acquire.

    First, I don't use an AR for this list. I have a server that is able to do that.

    Second, i am concern about bounce rate so I use Neverbouce to analysis my data.

    It turns out that the est bounce rate is 50%.

    So technically, I should have around 14 million sub....

    I will take Diablo advice. I think it's sound....thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    I'd created a product to educate these people on how to avoid having their emails stolen, sold and spammed.
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  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    28 Million probably you did buy the list from someone that is dead.
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  • Profile picture of the author jords16
    Send them offers with bulk email. collect those active emails
    [Drive REAL TRAFFIC to your website with SOLO ADS] Register Now! For FREE!
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