Finding Affiliates to Work with Us

7 replies
Where would be the best place to start finding affiliates as a merchant?

We were looking at networks but most of them just charge a lot to be the middleman. Now I do not condone this as business is business, but right this minute we did not sign up to any, so we thought we better ask around to see if any ideas will be posted in this thread.

We would be looking at sweepstakes i think for now, with next month perhaps a media streaming website as well.

Apologies if this is posted in the wrong thread, if so, please point out to me where I should be posting!

#affiliates #finding #work
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Why not just hire a VA to do niche site research and do outreach for you?

    Thanks to outsourcing, good VAs don't cost all that much (less than $100).

    Of course, the best they can do is lay the groundwork. You have to open and, of course, close.
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  • Profile picture of the author affcheck
    Where you find these?
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    • Hi affcheck,

      I've had success hiring VAs through upwork.

      The truth is, you will get a bunch of junk applicants no matter how specific you are with your job spec.

      A good tip I have found is to put a couple of 'challenges' in your job spec to weed out the automatic applicants / bots / 'spammers'.

      So what I do is I will have a long-ish paragraph (4-5 sentences) and in the fourth sentence I will have a 'challenge' like:

      "Please name one of the movies from the Harry Potter franchise in your job application".

      If you bury it in between everything else, the undesirable applicants automatically reject themselves. If they can't read your job spec, what do you think the odds of them doing a good job will be?

      After this initial screening, give them some real paid work - a small task that's easy to explain and has a definitive start / end, and leave them too it. I always pay for this stage even if they do a terrible job, but it's proven to be a great way to weed out the many who apply but haven't got a clue.

      Treat hiring a VA like hiring an "in-person" person for a job in a bricks and mortar store and you should see more success. I did.

      I hope that helps

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  • Profile picture of the author Doan Chi Tin
    For digital product:
    => Clickbank, Jvzoo, MarketHealth

    For physical product:
    => Amazon, Ebay
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  • Profile picture of the author ammk
    What niche or vertical are you in, as that will determine where best to find affiliates?
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  • Profile picture of the author CB Elite
    If you have a good product then this shouldnt be too difficult.

    Be prepared to give away alot to your affs.

    Build a network and consider paying referral %
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  • What are you seeking to sell?
    ♦ - 100% free super high paying programs. Make up to $10,000+ per deal & lifetime revenue share.
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