Guys I need your help super important

by gnr991
8 replies
What's up eveyone?
So, ive been working hard on my new blog for a month researching, building a strategy, writing articles.. And now when I started to check my site's speed, it's horrible.
Please I need your help I someone can take a look and see whats the problem:
Do you think it has to do with my hosting server (mochahost)?
#guys #important #super
  • Profile picture of the author SusanAdams1
    Maybe you should wait. How long your site exist?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Friedman
    Test it on here:

    You will be able to see what part of the page loading are taking the most time and work on reducing them.

    It doesn't look too bad, maybe compress the images a bit especially z27.jpg & cropped-26b.jpg. Also the load time for the connection to for one of the images seems to be quite slow. Look into Browser caching too...

    On the whole not too many issues from what I can see. Better hosting may help, but not sure it will make too much difference for such a simple site.

    Hope this helps.

    Ben Friedman - Affiliate Marketing Manager - Skype: benfconvergys

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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Bison
    You can remove some nonessential plug ins, and delay loading images (using javascript or jQuery).
    And, as Ben Friedman said, you can optimize your images.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Seemed to load okay for me, at least the home page.

    If you want another test, try using .

    You get a report on how your site works on mobile, along with tips to fix any problem areas.
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  • I just checked, took ~4 seconds to load and you have just the "hello world" post on there?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Load time was fast for me, too.

    It's not 'super important' - it's a site under construction. No content or blog posts, just some random unlinked "to do list", "cell phone" and blue "alphabet soup" images plus an overly large header image.

    Finish building the site and then see how it works. I don't see anything wrong with your hosting - may be your isp is slow. Complete your website and then see how it loads.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Loaded fine for me.

    If you saw a problem, it could have been your ISP / network hiccup.

    Check out the tools that others recommended. Both are good ones.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Think everything's good buddy; fast load time here.

    If you want to you can buy a CDN to speed things up even more.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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