Launching Clickbank Product

Profile picture of Innov8ing
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
5 replies
Hey Everyone,

I'm an outsider who just signed up. Come across this forum frequently, mainly while reading and learning about different markets. I've been an entrepreneur for 10 years mainly offline, running call centers.

Over the years I have picked up the skill of design/branding/building companies/offers.

Long story short...

I started writing a book a year ago, and just now finished/published it. I created an entire membership site and brand based on the book. All information is based on real word experience and the information is life-changing. (Anxiety Niche)

Simply put, I have the finished product. But full transparency: online funnels is not something I have a ton of experience with. I'm basically using Bing ads to drive traffic and I am testing different funnels and pages/offers.

The question: How much information in regards to conversions should I have before putting this on Clickbank? And with that being said, how can I make sure I over-deliver to the affiliates? What do they look for?
#clickbank #launching #product
  • Profile picture of the author amuro
    Profile picture of amuro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Can I just ask you a simple question?

    How well do you know your market before creating a product?

    You may wonder -

    Why am I asking this question?

    You see, most internet marketers only think of creating what they THINK is best for their target market before actually understanding and building a relationship with that market.

    Including me when i got started online.

    And then wondered why they got few or no sales or subscribers when their products are launched.

    Regardless of what you do be it promoting your own or others' products as affiliates, it is about getting the RIGHT people to see your offer in the end.

    That is how you get massive optins and sales.

    And in order to get the RIGHT people, you need to network,understand and give value to them as in reading their posts and answering them accordingly on what actually works and helps them.

    Be it on-or-offline.

    This is one important lesson I learn the hard and humble way.

    And then from there, you created your info product based on that.

    Doesn't matter if it is internet marketing or other niches.

    Why am I so emotional about this?

    Because people don't just buy from people.

    They buy from those they liked and trusted.

    And based on what they need and want through those products and services.

    Truth being said, if you know your market really well, you should have no problems in getting leads, sales and even -

    Affiliates to promote for you.
    • Profile picture of the author Innov8ing
      Profile picture of Innov8ing
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Great points and thank you for your reply. I definitely know the market very well, as I could consider myself one of the people who needed this information for most of my life. If I can take anything from your post, it would be to stay true to the actual needs of the people I am looking to serve, and the rest will fall into place.

      I have to be honest with myself though. The funnel, pricing, offer is something that I am pretty sure could make or break the offer, no matter how true to the customers I am.
  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    Profile picture of DWaters
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    To answer your question about what Clickbank affiliates are looking for I would uggest you spend time on CB and study any similar products and the high selling products to see what is attracting affiliates.

    In general a high percentage commission, low refund rate, potential for upsells and potential for recurring commissions are the items that will attract affiliates.
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Profile picture of aduttonater
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Figure out your niche and then move forward from there.

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