A new guy to the internet marketing world.. Just take a read.. and make a decision. Thank you.

8 replies
I have recently got into internet marketing and am looking for an online mentor.. now hear me out.

I know there is a demand for you experienced guys. I have been using the computer since I was about 8.. Idk why it took me 16 years to start to try making some real income off it, but I don't expect that immediately - I know I must learn and master the craft - and that will be time consuming. But I am ready - and I can work for you. I can give you a percentage of my earnings, whatever. I can't pay you an up front fee because well.. I'm broke.

I have learned an alright about through videos and articles.. but I know a mentor would take me from a 2 to a 5 much faster than anything else could.

It would mean the world to me. If anyone has an email or anything I can talk to them on - it doesn't have to be a full time thing with 4 hour skype convos.. just someone I can go to with questions.. and voice com would be cool every now and again but I don't have to have it..

my experience: just started clickfunnels/clickbank and wordpress.. know a bit about facebook ad targetting/fb pixel.. studying a bit about copy.. type 120 wpm if that helps at all..

I welcome anyone who can give advice even if you don't want to mentor - to post something helpful.

side note: can you make six figures off just clickbank? (not that it's my main strat just want to get an idea about it)
#decision #guy #internet #make #marketing #read #world
  • Yes you can make 6 figures in clickbank, you have to work hard, build a website and write some good content and promote to the google search engine, next buy some traffic from solo ads, bing etc,
    The people those who making 6 figure income all through Paid traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well i am not a mentor but i can give you some advices .Start by finding a niche ,spend a lot of time on this ,be sure that its has affiliate produsts,or people are intersted in it .Make sure that you have interest in .Then create a blog astart writing affiliate review articles with relevand offers etc .and put an optin page on the site .Also create a yt channel related to your niche and start posting at least 1 video daily and build also an email list there .After some time if you dont give up and work hard you will have some succes and you can start working with paid traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author newbieleoling
    I think for you now decide which area you want specialise in and find the that field expert will let you learn and grow faster.

    There are many ways to earn online income but, which path you want go?
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Originally Posted by noobfunnelz View Post

    I have recently got into internet marketing and am looking for an online mentor.. now hear me out.

    I know there is a demand for you experienced guys. I have been using the computer since I was about 8.. Idk why it took me 16 years to start to try making some real income off it, but I don't expect that immediately - I know I must learn and master the craft - and that will be time consuming. But I am ready - and I can work for you. I can give you a percentage of my earnings, whatever. I can't pay you an up front fee because well.. I'm broke.

    I have learned an alright about through videos and articles.. but I know a mentor would take me from a 2 to a 5 much faster than anything else could.

    It would mean the world to me. If anyone has an email or anything I can talk to them on - it doesn't have to be a full time thing with 4 hour skype convos.. just someone I can go to with questions.. and voice com would be cool every now and again but I don't have to have it..

    my experience: just started clickfunnels/clickbank and wordpress.. know a bit about facebook ad targetting/fb pixel.. studying a bit about copy.. type 120 wpm if that helps at all..

    I welcome anyone who can give advice even if you don't want to mentor - to post something helpful.

    side note: can you make six figures off just clickbank? (not that it's my main strat just want to get an idea about it)
    So does that put you at 16 then? or older like to know the age of students

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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Personally I like your approach and the way you presented your case.

    I think you should join a free site like Wealthy Affiliate free version or Affilorama free version to learn affiliate marketing and there are a ton of Product Creators here who just may not mind training you on how to promote THEIR products and services as THEIR affiliate.

    Win win.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    As I read your post - you're about 24? You are excited and ready to make money...and...what now?

    Caution: No matter what idea you come up wit for earning 6 figures - there are people who will post "yes, you can do it". They will say "it's possible" - but saying so doesn't make it so.

    My advice - slow down and get to know people on this forum. Check out more than 'clickbank' before you dig in with everything you have. Aiming for high income with CB is probably not the best plan for a new marketer today.

    Look into Amazon - FBA, Kindle, affiliate., drop shipping, lead production, etc - look into how successful bloggers make money - take the time to LEARN what people actually DO online. Do not focus on "I want $$$$$$" - focus on what you have to share, what you have interests in, and what you can offer to others. Chasing money doesn't work in gambling or online.

    For a few days instead of trying to get people to answer your threads - spend time reading here and identify the members who provide detailed good information on various ways to make money online. READ their threads and posts and you'll learn a lot.

    I'm not one who says 'you must have a passion for it" - but you need an interest in the work you choose online. If your niche bores you - you won't interest anyone else in it.

    Use common sense to CHOOSE the type of internet business you want to start with - you can change later but you can't replace time wasted so have a plan that makes sense. Find a niche that makes sense. Don't jump from one thing to another or you get nowhere fast.

    My personal advice: Don't blow off those who don't agree with you in a thread - they may know something you don't know.

    I suggest you come up with a plan for how to proceed. Once you have a plan, give the basic outlines and see what others have to say about it.

    I do NOT think you should join anything or buy anything at this point. There is enough REAL information and help already on this forum to keep you busy learning for a couple weeks at least. See something interesting - look into it further. When you are just beginning IM is the time to explore all the possibilities so you can narrow your focus to plan that will work for youl.

    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Given you started with Clickfunnels, CB , and learning FB ads - that's great - you will have been exposed to the importance of sales funnels, some idea of what digital products are selling on CB and some basics on how to drive paid traffic to your funnel.

    The missing piece for most people who take this approach is that they have not yet fully decided or committed to what BUSINESS they will build online.

    Sure, you can make a few bucks as an affiliate marketer driving paid traffic to a funnel on CF - but that's not really building a long-term, sustainable and high-growth business.

    Ideally you determine what product or service you will bring to market - your own digital product, course, ebook, trianing program; software product; licensed product; service, etc... and THEN use the tools and techniques like CF, paid ads, etc... to grow that business.

    For example, look at Russell himself and how he's done it.

    In the past he has created his own products or joined partners who created products and then figured out how to market them.

    It's that part about what market you will server and what products you will create/offer to your market that is missing from your current plan.

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Scrape up 99 cents and buy Ramit Sethi's new ebook on Amazon. If all you read is the chapter on finding mentors, you'll have gotten multiples of your investment back. The name of the book is "Your Move: The Underdog's Guide to Building Your Business". (not an affiliate link)
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