If you had a cash cow...there's no way you'd show others how it is done

51 replies

I have been in business many years, with varying degrees of success. It's tough. It's never easy for long. Always something to deal with. Something to watch. Always changing.

If you ever did stumble across a real successful venture... scale the hell out of it fast as someone somewhere will be watching and will do it bigger and faster soon.

It does make me laugh when someone claims they make $XXXX,00000 and are willing to let everyone in for a few $$$'s. Only seems to happen in the I.M. industry.

Every savvy business person knows you keep your cards close and hope for enough time to make a decent dime. Cash out at the top if you can. Sharing it... (if it even works) kills it fast.

My 2 cents. Good luck.
#cash #cowthere #show
  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    I think most that provide courses, coaching, etc... are providing strategies that are not affected by others doing as well because the market is big enough to support it. Otherwise, it would be foolish. Also, you can teach someone A-Z what you are doing that is working, however, there will be steps in the process that the user will have their own inputs.

    Look at Facebook for example. You could show someone everything there is to know. But they will have their own offers, ads, audiences, etc... They were taught the correct strategies, they have their own projects and the market is certainly big enough, so there would be no effect on the person doing the teaching.
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    • Profile picture of the author moneycov
      Good taught ...Well said.
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      • Profile picture of the author anayb
        feel-good stuffs, right? they aren't going to help, the sooner your realise the better you got to work your butt off before you see anything coming in along the way
        Do you need an exclusive video product?
        Graphics Design - Motion Graphics - 2D & 3D Animation - Video Editing - Color Grading - Logo Animation - etc
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by rappormomentum View Post

    Every savvy business person knows you keep your cards close . . .

    I author a book that does extremely well. I am happy to discuss exactly how I created it and encourage others to do the same as I did by writing their own book.

    How is my sharing the information about what I did to be successful going to diminish my published book? It's protected by copyright. My knowledge, background, writing style and information in the book are certainly different than anyone else's book is going to be.

    Sometimes sharing your own path to success helps to motivate and show others a way to be profitable online.

    Your post may be true in some circumstances ... but clearly not in every situation as you seem to imply.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
      Excellent advice Steve. It is never true because this OP's take is based on fear, and fear is complete illusory. We all get more by giving it all away; for free and premium.
      Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Meharis
    Looks like your glass with water is not even half empty. Almost unfilled.
    Competition is everywhere and that's great because inspire us to be better every day.
    There's one of the greatest books describing the above mentioned subject among others:
    "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Solo.
    Read it, if you do, you'll be glad you did.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11132213].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kurt
      Originally Posted by Meharis View Post

      Looks like your glass with water is not even half empty. Almost unfilled.
      Competition is everywhere and that's great because inspire us to be better every day.
      There's one of the greatest books describing the above mentioned subject among others:
      "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Solo.
      Read it, if you do, you'll be glad you did.
      The Man from Uncle was a good TV show, but not sure I'd trust Solo's business advice.

      I think you meant Napoleon Hill...
      Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11132491].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Meharis
        Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

        The Man from Uncle was a good TV show, but not sure I'd trust Solo's business advice.

        I think you meant Napoleon Hill...

        Oh boy, quite embarrassing. That was a real bummer...
        Thank you, again, Kurt.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11132724].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kurt
          Originally Posted by Meharis View Post

          Oh boy, quite embarrassing. That was a real bummer...
          Thank you, again, Kurt.
          Don't worry about it...it's just a funny mistake that shows how old we both are...
          Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
          Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11132807].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Meharis
            Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

            Don't worry about it...it's just a funny mistake that shows how old we both are...

            The book was given to me few months ago for my 21st birthday...
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          • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
            I love this stuff guys

            The other day I was talking to my wife about who Katy Perry used to be married to. I answered "Russell Brunson, right?" And she started laughing for my mistaking the business builder with the British comedian Russell Brand.
            Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11135253].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
              Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

              I love this stuff guys.
              Ryan is a great example of what I said about successful People sharing their knowledge, ideas, and experience. Ultimately it's not what you gain in Life, it's what you give ...

              "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by rappormomentum View Post


    i have been in business many years. Varying degrees of success. It's tough. It's never easy for long. Always something to deal with. Something to watch. Always changing.

    If you ever did stumble across a real successful venture...scale the hell out of it fast as someone somewhere will be watching and will do it bigger and faster soon.

    It does make me laugh when someone claims they make ,00000 and are willing to let everyone in for a few $$$'s Only seems to happen in the I.M. industry.

    Every savvy business person knows you keep your cards close and hope for enough time to make a decent dime. Cash out at the top if you can. Sharing it...(if it even works) kills it fast.

    My 2 cents. Good luck
    They share their million dollar secret out of the goodness of their hearts, or they want to help humanity, or screw them over for a fast buck?

    Yes, l agree, maybe sharing it, would help some, but the risk of someone thrashing it, and leaving you destitute is a real worry.

    I would gladly share the steps l took to find it, but share the actual concept, nope.

    Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post

    I think most that provide courses, coaching, etc... are providing strategies that are not affected by others doing as well because the market is big enough to support it. Otherwise, it would be foolish. Also, you can teach someone A-Z what you are doing that is working, however, there will be steps in the process that the user will have their own inputs.

    Look at Facebook for example. You could show someone everything there is to know. But they will have their own offers, ads, audiences, etc... They were taught the correct strategies, they have their own projects and the market is certainly big enough, so there would be no effect on the person doing the teaching.
    Yes, $100 a month, and 4 months later when the video and audio is running out of puff, and they still havn't show their members how to do it, it is time to leave.

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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    I can see the OPs point but everything has it's own variables involved.

    Sometimes I get ideas I can not possibly carry them all out so I share them freely. And I always get more.

    Once I created a post that issued a challenge to Create Domains for any Niche someone suggested.

    Some thought I was crazy but for me it was fun like some people love doing crossword puzzles.

    I began to get suggestions and would come right back with catchy keyword domain that popped into my head and was available. I really had no ulterior motive the idea just popped in my head to create that post. And a couple of them I know for sure I could have flipped for cash.

    But I got thanked by someone who was first very curious and doubtful trying to figure out what I was up to. That was good feeling.

    I do have to share that also out of no where I began getting PMs from people asking me to create domains for them and I ended up making $1000 doing that on that side but I gave them alot more value than they paid I am sure of it.

    That was just an unplanned result of giving to the universe I think.

    Now I do remember a guy once here on the forum that made some money and had some success with some Tactic he was using by going to live Conventions I can not remember the exact details but he was going to conventions and handing out flyers and generating leads and business.

    He shared everything in a post and gave good follow up as well.

    But weeks went by and I went back to that post and he said the method no longer works and they have banned all flyers from those types of conventions. They had actually made a new policy just aimed at his unique tactic. No more Tactic.

    I felt for the guy. Because he was trying to help others. And ended up losing an income stream.

    There was a WSO a fellow warrior shared about Adult Coloring Books and it was a hot selling WSO but I think it had its peak but before it did he made a small mint on the topic.

    I do not know if he ever actually even made an Adult Coloring Book but he cleverly cashed in on a Trend for offering others a quality resource to learn from and cash in on while it was hot. That is what we all are Marketing Entrepreneurs.

    We each have to make a judgment call with each scenario.

    It is like the two Samurai. The Student comes back to Fight the Master and the Master says I taught you everything you know but not everything I know.

    He saved some, he did not give it all away.

    Maybe he would offer that additional expertise in a Premium offer.
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  • Profile picture of the author boblyle
    IMO the market has a very low chance of getting oversaturated, regardless of the technique, strategy, or method. Not so much by the sheer number of people interested in MMO, OM, or NM, it's more the fact that the number of people that take action on the information is minimal (4%)
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    You'd have to be a halfwit to buy anything claiming it will make you rich.

    You know it's a scam, so what, forget about it. Not your problem.

    Look for legit stuff that fills in the blanks on your own projects, example, building a website, css, hosting, etc... Now in order to have your own project you've got to be using your own head which again cancels out all the desperate money claims/hype.

    It's sort of like ad blindness (that's a real thing), after a while you'll stop looking at threads with dollar signs in the thread title, well, except when you want a good lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    It's not just IM. Way before the Internet and IM there's been snake oil salesman - almost anywhere there's easy money to be made.

    You're not their target market, they want self-selecting newbies.

    And it's not just in the MMO niche of IM... For example, there's a difference between selling an SEO service to a who client understands it's about playing the long-game, and selling the same service under the promise that their website will quickly hit the top of Google for million-dollar keywords.
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    • Profile picture of the author anayb
      How many times you tell us that you wrote a book blah blah blah... telling your secret steps towards becoming successful online, or created a website that offers your secret sauce of success for free, you can never impress me UNLESS and ONLY UNLESS you have ran a real business with real people in one or multiple physical office setups with real revenue.

      More than 99% people who tend to share their success stories online are either fraud or offer misleading info.

      Your hear success stories about organisations, companies FIRST then you take a look at the company profile out of your curiosity to find out who run such companies so successfully, RIGHT??

      As far as I know Larry Page never declared in online forums and websites that he was successful, people know he tremendous successful he is, RIGHT??

      I have seen in numerous instances some authors give advice to people how to earn big online, but its as funny as a heart attack that he/she only earns a few hundreds bucks here and there.

      So, the OP is completely RIGHT.

      Authentic information and consultation comes with a very high fee. What people offer is common place information that can be found in billions of places online such as "You can be successful by creating a YouTube channel with lots of subscribers", but he got no idea how to do that properly neither the readers.

      Neil Patel tells you can set up a money making WordPress blog in under five minutes and some believe its true, where Neil knows very well that making good money from a blog first time is as hard as achieving your BS degree from a collage.

      Despite, we tend to search online forums and websites for what? because we need a starting point that's all. Its a tip of the iceberg, nothing more. Good luck.
      Do you need an exclusive video product?
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  • Profile picture of the author hashtag17
    Most people won't show it. People could have different motivations behind their actions. Some people may just want to do it so they can brag. While others may do it so they can make another business out of it.

    The business they succeeded in may have just become too competitive for them, so it is a possibility that they are just teaching "what used to work" instead of teaching an old dog new tricks (in this case, themselves).

    Or as Steve said, there are many industries where people who have done well would love to share their stories so they can motivate others. We as humans have needs and getting respect and recognition is a basic need.

    Some people may simply do it because they have reached the pinnacle of success and now want to share it with others.

    And finally, you can share all you want; but in most businesses, it is the actual execution that matters. There are millions of ideas out there, but only a few come to fruition. Remember, Orkut was doing the same thing Facebook does and became popular before Facebook?
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    • Profile picture of the author anayb
      Originally Posted by hashtag17 View Post

      Remember, Orkut was doing the same thing Facebook does and became popular before Facebook?
      If Orkut wasn't sold to Google, we may never heard the name of Facebook for sure, Google thought the advent of social age may hurt its search business, so they bought Orkut and made it defunct--they now (Google) believe its was huge mistake, but its too late, they tried again with Google Plus but failed. I believe MySpace should have been global and have had the real capacity, but NewsCorp was so dumb that they never realised its true potential and made it some narrow social media for only music lovers. Mark and others tried where FB was successful because of Mark's super mania for product creation. Facebook has some 12,000 versions since its inception, believe it or not.
      Do you need an exclusive video product?
      Graphics Design - Motion Graphics - 2D & 3D Animation - Video Editing - Color Grading - Logo Animation - etc
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  • Profile picture of the author sunnybunny
    very interesting post. To this point, I would like to ask what you think about business mentors, who tell you how to work and to do your business or how to make it successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    The tricks, the "Code" and magic formula products are mostly hype. I know lead generation, and I know how to make it work. I share that with people, but the really awesome things I know...I don't even tell my wife.

    Good techniques get warn out and abused to the point of becoming useless so I discover things for myself. Share the tip of iceberg and keep the rest for myself.

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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Very sad to see people making less then $100 per month and create "courses" that teach others how to earn $1,000's per month.

    It's like the blind leading the blind and that it why so many people are failing.
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    • Profile picture of the author anayb
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Very sad to see people making less then $100 per month and create "courses" that teach others how to earn $1,000's per month.

      It's like the blind leading the blind and that it why so many people are failing.
      Exactly, what I tried to say in my posts. Blind leading the blind ...
      Do you need an exclusive video product?
      Graphics Design - Motion Graphics - 2D & 3D Animation - Video Editing - Color Grading - Logo Animation - etc
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11132928].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    I create teams based on a very powerful affiliate offer.

    And my job as a start up coach is to help those on my team (who are willing to help themselves).

    So I am basically sharing 'energy' all the time.

    I share one on one with my personal team and I share on you tube and I share on Facebook.

    Hell...I a even share here.

    Energy is what you put out to the marketplace.

    Some call it 'reciprocal' energy.

    Karma if you will!

    But it doesn't stop with only the type of energy that you put out online.

    The energy that you put out in your personal life matters even more.

    Success online is a form of Freedom.

    But no one will get success (what ever that means to you) without learning how to conduct ourselves.

    How we live and especially how we are being around others on AND off line is a very very important matter indeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Kuo
    That would be true if everyone who bought your course had the same drive and determination as you have. Most people will be given the blueprint on how to make money online but when they hit some road blocks or start losing money they give up right away and move on to something else.
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  • Profile picture of the author missmystery
    Lets just look at this logically. If you make a decent amount of money, you can do what you want, right? Well after a while, it's human nature to want to keep busy. For some that means sharing knowledge. Also, most people here sell their methods to make fast money. There really aren't many people who claim to make that amount who have $1 wsos. But the point I'm trying to get across is for the uber rich, having everything can get, well, boring. Look at celebrities who give away their time and knowledge.

    I think in regards to this place, people want to make fast money. That's why they sell. It doesn't mean their methods aren't valid.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrjackpowers
    Unless of course, you're NOT making all that money and you try to create a "Cash Cow," product by telling other people that you ARE making it and that you'll show them how to do the same thing if they buy your "product."
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    • Profile picture of the author rappormomentum
      there is a huge difference between teaching people the basics of buisness/sales etc as oppsoed to showing them your golden egg.

      Let's say you sell commercial property....it's a grind but you do ok. Then you come across petrol stations in Chicago that do something new. They sell like hot cakes....would you keep quiet and scale the hell out of it or drop it and rush to create a wso on it?

      It's common sense. You know what i have been here so many times..and nothing changes. Same cycle every time. Desperate/newbies/ignorant jump into what they think is a golden egg seller. Lose money..repeat.

      It will never change no matter what.

      I expected all the get rich quick wso to defend them-selves as they have to. i get it. you are desperate to make some money but ripping people off kills you in the long term.

      One there now...

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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    The real truth is people get paid for IMPLEMENTATION not information.

    I can share with you all the secrets of my business but would you be able to implement?

    You have to have the knowledge and be able to use that knowledge practically to solve people's problems.

    I get paid for the implementation of my knowledge and the results my business produces.

    Best regards,

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    • Profile picture of the author Wile E Coyote
      Most of the people on this forum is brain dead.

      Thanks for being a light in this ridiculous place.

      Information means nothing when it boils down to it.

      If I took 1,000 people in this room and showed them EXACTLY what I'm doing right now in my business, none of them would become my competition. They don't have the infrastructure nor the expertise in the fields to threaten my business.

      I think the problem with the Warrior Forum's skewed vision of "IM" and "MMO" is that they think there is just a single pie on the table, and it's up to everyone to dig into the exact same pie. Or they lock themselves into such a small window of the same niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author xeniux
    Every business is complex & need right steps in order to succeed. I think IM too, so the IM guru shared their secret, but it might only 0.00001% people could have success and get the result that they invested for.

    So by sharing what you know doesnt means that every one could simple copy and succeed, needs lots of factors in order to succeed, Motivation, Integrity, Persistent, etc (you may name it from a-z)

    By sharing the IM guru enriched the other's mind about IM (although only small percentage of IM guru is a real guru, you know what i mean) also making them gets more money and i think it is a fair exchange.


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  • Profile picture of the author Tyler Pratt
    A lot of the "get in cheap products" are old cash cows that don't work anymore.

    So they milk a cash cow, cash cow is not making any more money, so now sell a course on how I crushed it with cash cow.

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  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    7 eleven, mcdonalds, subway, ups, anytime fitness, great clips etc etc etc all sell cash cows (some in patty form) and still make money. So whilst I agree that most of what is said is rubbish (especially in IM and MMO) you can't say no one.
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan93
    This has also been my overall conclusion; however, I will add that there are legitimate course out there which teach (rarely) new strategies and rehashed time tested strategies that do work.

    The catch is that how those strategies are implemented varies for each individual and their unique situation... so alas... testing testing and testing!!
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    • Profile picture of the author Wile E Coyote
      The catch is business success hasn't really changed in 100s of years. The "rehashed" strategies are still the strategies that work now and will work 100 years from now.

      Where the Warrior Forum falls on their own faces with is the "4 hour work week" everyone is trying to sell. Make $10,000 with 30 minutes of work, every month! Those will never work, and are often hid behind obvious time sinks.

      I read a thread of a guy here saying he made $28,000+ in a week from a product launch. That's probably true, but they fail to mention how long and how much investments/commissions it took to get there.

      Warriors see "$28,000+ in 7 Days" and go brain dumb afterwards.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vex Vane
    The "Get Rich" niche, which you call IM, and which is just a tiny subsection of it as Internet Marketing is not restricted to teaching, but includes Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, ... is primarily three things.

    First, its outright scams where guys using mathematics take variables to be unrealistically high (ie: if only 1 in 5 visitors buy this product, solo ads will send 100,000 visitors for 1 cents each and these are trained buyers, lol) and only complete fools fall for that.

    Second, far more common, is "feel good" stuff, which is nonsense to me but seems to have a lot of fans who wish to delude themselves that somehow they will seriously get rich overnight. This is not much different from compulsive gamblers, or people who play lottery. Perhaps they are incredibly optimistic, perhaps they just need some kind of hope to get through lives they dislike.

    Third, is type of thing I am interested in, and that is things which might point me in direction of new service I have not heard about. For example I found out about Gumroad and Sellfy here, and both made me a lot of money. Actual WSO's were terrible, something like "Make 100,000 in one day" or whatever, but that part is irrelevant. Part which matters is the process, the steps, the tutorials. Sometimes most unexpected Clickbank garbage product happens to have just few lines worth far more to me than entire product, and those few lines tell me new method to obtain USA verification numbers, or new source for cheap or free proxies, or some new trick on backlink building or quicker way to rank my videos.

    However you look at it, at the end of the day, it is 100% up to you what information is worth. If person is complete newbie, literally ANY course explaining funnels will be useful, and while they can go learn that free, perhaps they are new to internet, do not know how, and $7 WSO is best course of action for them.

    If you take things at face value instead of read between the lines, well then you will learn the hard way. That is all there is to it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    In certain markets/models, the OP has a valid point.

    Methods that work very well when almost no one is using them quit working when many people are using them and the others know about them.

    Here's an example.

    A couple of decades ago, I used to spend a lot of time hanging around horse tracks. I studied the various methods professional handicappers used, and came up with my own model using a mathematical concept called "curve fitting".

    Without getting too technical, I could enter data from the horses' past performances, workouts, etc. and come up with a numeric rating for each horse in a race. I could then take those ratings and compare them in a similar fashion and have a very good idea of which horses had a chance.

    I even wrote a computer program to do the number crunching and spit out neat charts for each race on the card.

    My best day with this model, I hit on 10/12 winners. Even on a bad day, I'd make enough to pay my gas, parking, entrance and food/beverage tab.

    The key was having information other people didn't.

    Then two things blew my method out of the water.

    First, the folks who publish Daily Racing Form started making the past performances available as a downloadable data file, so the tedious manual data entry that discouraged many from trying to do what I did was no longer an obstacle.

    Second, and this was the real killer, was when DRF started printing information similar to my ratings right in the DRF. Now everyone had access to the same information.

    Could I still pick winners? Yes.

    Were the payoffs large enough to make the method profitable? No.

    What would once be a 3-1 or 5-1 payoff was suddenly even money. You had to maintain 50% wins just to break even. I quit going to the track not long after that.

    On the other hand, if you have a methodology for making a local pizza place more profitable, you won't kill the golden goose by teaching other pizza makers to run better.

    So, should you keep your cards close to your vest? Depends on how showing your hand affects your chances of winning.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketing4life
    I agree. If you have a working system that earns you that kind of money, you would surely not give it away for free, or even share at all. Everyone that claims otherwise sounds like a scam.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian_Jones
    If you can share the information without hurting your original income stream then it makes sense to sell the info.
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    • Profile picture of the author awledd
      I have almost stopped checking new products here or elsewhere. Instead I am in several groups in Facebook where some "share" their method. Of course they will not tell you everything. But very helpful people over there who walk the talk.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rene Gaillard
    I wouldn't say that sharing your knowledge kills your business. I would say quite the opposite! Of course it depends on the market, but sharing some know-how, giving some tips and tricks, just enough to get people's attention and stimulate their thinking, it might allow the industry to push further the boundaries, it will create this healthy competition where you give something, have someone come up with a modification or another solution, you need to rethink again your ideas, come up with new, better solutions, ideas etc, and so it goes on. The perfect example can be in software developer industry - there are tons of free materials available or courses conducted by software houses. Everybody could do it, if they cared enough to learn. Let's take elPassion case - they organize conferences, share their knowledge through workshops, even do courses for kids. They want the industry to grow and they have a brilliant approach. By sharing the knowledge now, they will grow kis that might come up with maybe even their own programming languages that will revolutionize the world of app creation! I think sharing some knowledge is always beneficial to everybody - the rest is on peoples' side - what they will do with this knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by rappormomentum View Post


    I have been in business many years, with varying degrees of success. It's tough. It's never easy for long. Always something to deal with. Something to watch. Always changing.

    If you ever did stumble across a real successful venture... scale the hell out of it fast as someone somewhere will be watching and will do it bigger and faster soon.

    It does make me laugh when someone claims they make ,00000 and are willing to let everyone in for a few $$$'s. Only seems to happen in the I.M. industry.

    Every savvy business person knows you keep your cards close and hope for enough time to make a decent dime. Cash out at the top if you can. Sharing it... (if it even works) kills it fast.

    My 2 cents. Good luck.
    Depends. All SUCCESSFUL ventures, new or different, will find competition and it is part of the business, IF you deal with the public and need customers, you can't hide it. Build something unique or Proprietary into it.

    I guess it depends on how you define your cash cows. Eh? My 1000 dollar a day business went both ways...my OFF KEY SINGING telegram biz, was knocked off, but so was Western Onion, who tried to scale and franchise it, but, once people saw how lucrative it was, dozens popped up. So, you are right ABOUT competition and keeping some things close to vest.

    My ResumesPLUS biz, also a 1000 bux a day deal, couldn't be knocked off, it was dependent on what I could do. So, I didn't mind sharing those details, because it was so localized, I couldn't have scaled it up but was quite happy to build it and sell it off and move on.

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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I give away my best info for free and premium. If I did not, I'd believe in lack and limitation, and would also be FEARful of competition, and I work for and with, not against. Be abundant; ya make a lot more money that way and never lose sleep either, as those competitive minded, fear-filled entrepreneurs are. When you give away the secrets to the cash cow you show the way for all to get rich and you also get to investigate your fears concerning competition, your terror of loss.....all that good stuff
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Sometimes People that have "made it" enjoy sharing their success with other People.
      : )
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    It's always amusing watching people who have never done
    something saying... with a great deal of sincerity and authoritative
    tones... that it can't be done.

    There is nothing the least bit mysterious or dodgy about a successful
    person sharing or selling books and courses that teach others how to
    emulate their success.

    The trick is be be astute enough to be able to discern the difference
    between the legitimate teachers and the one off scammers.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author Pham Tu
    Courses only support basic knowledge, the most common. It is important for the learner to acquire and distill knowledge for himself and draw experiences for himself.
    Not going to school is good. It depends on the ability of each other.
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  • Profile picture of the author Omiro
    depends on the cash cow.

    I've seen people's cash cows dry up quickly, selling a course could be just diversifying the income stream. Besides, 99% either won't take action or if they would they give up too soon and quickly

    Also, most cash cows nowadays aren't that original
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  • Profile picture of the author Elvis Michael
    OP, i'm afraid it's never that black and white. This really depends on the person and the industry in question.

    The reality is that many people love to read and learn, but very few have the courage to take action.

    Back in 2011, a WF member released a report encouraging people to write erotica and romance stories on Kindle. Guess what? It was (and still is) hugely profitable.... even after all these years and the immense saturation that followed.

    Point is, he wasn't afraid to disclose the market back then, even when most marketers hadn't yet explored it to the fullest. I read his report, I applied it, and I made money that very same month. And i'm sure my success did not affect his.

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  • Profile picture of the author iwantbreak
    this is so true...with so many IM ventures all around the Internet, it has got next to impossible to cut through the wave and make your own mark in the hearts of potential customers...nowadays either an extremely unique product could work in your favor, or possibly it is the years of credibility in Internet Marketing that helps you build trustworthiness within no time
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