1 replies
Ive noticed that most experienced affiliate marketers reccomend getting a domain name for their product and creating a landing page then sending out emails to the prosepcts with an autoresonder. Which I understand that this greatly improves sales.

But, what I am wondering is to help curb the cost of domains, using url shorteners and just sending the customer directly to the sales pitch page. Is this method successful? Has anyone tried it?

Just wondering because being a beginner and low on funds (Which I know that domains are not expensive via Godaddy) but tyring to save money is the key to starting out.
#affiliate marketings #ideas #shorteners #url
  • Profile picture of the author radhika
    But, what I am wondering is to help curb the cost of domains, using url shorteners and just sending the customer directly to the sales pitch page. Is this method successful? Has anyone tried it?
    This is what many affiliates do. Mask the link and when visitor clicks on it the actual affiliate link appears in the url bar which takes to the marchant sales page.

    I always use this method to promote my affiliate links.

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