Challenge not accepted

6 replies
I was browsing FakeBook earlier and saw a very interesting challenge being issued to a great marketer.

The challenge came from someone who has no skin in the online game - claimed that he sent the same challenge to everyone, even the top dawgs - and wanted to see everything involved in the challenge documented so they can copy and learn from.

So I did some probing.

By asking one question...

Has the person issuing the challenge actually done it himself.

They answer was no.

You see the problem?

Scared pantless newbies thinking they are going to embarrass someone who put some skin in their online business - trying to get people on their side (for their lack of results online).

Challenge not accepted.

I'm not documenting how I'm building my online business - unless people are paying for it - but thats just me.

What are your thoughts?
#accepted #challenge #internet marketing #marketing #mentor #online business
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I've seen those - even on this forum.

    I don't think they mean to 'embarrass' anyone. They think they have a smart new way to be 'coached' without having to pay for it.

    They haven't learned a basic life lesson:

    When you think you are the smartest person in the room - chances're in the wrong room.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Isaiah Jackson
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I've seen those - even on this forum.

      I don't think they mean to 'embarrass' anyone. They think they have a smart new way to be 'coached' without having to pay for it.

      They haven't learned a basic life lesson:

      When you think you are the smartest person in the room - chances're in the wrong room.
      I agree with you on this one.

      But when you see things like

      "I 'have asked other BIG SHOT marketers to take the challenge and it either went ignored and didn't take it"

      Kind of makes you wonder what the hell people are thinking most of the time.

      Send Emails, Get Paid - My business summarized in four words. For the how-to go here
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      • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
        Originally Posted by Isaiah Jackson View Post

        I agree with you on this one.

        But when you see things like

        "I 'have asked other BIG SHOT marketers to take the challenge and it either went ignored and didn't take it"

        Kind of makes you wonder what the hell people are thinking most of the time.

        Another reason why the "big shot" marketers probably don't take the challenge is because they are way to busy working on their own SUCCESSFUL businesses, and because they have nothing to prove to anyone anyway.

        I'm no big time marketer by any means, but I do alright for myself, and I wouldn't accept a challenge like that. Is it because I'm afraid? Of course not. I know what I'm doing works. I just don't feel the need to have to prove it to others.

        And I also agree with the OP. If I'm going to document my entire business, there's no reason why I shouldn't get paid for my time.

        I've coached several people for free, and that's only because I saw they were really good people who were willing to learn and who had put their time and a lot of hard work in and I felt they deserved it. If I see someone who is working their butt off but they're just a bit off the mark I have absolutely no issue with pointing them in the right direction for free.

        However, I don't think I need to take hours of my time to break down my entire business and how I make money online just because somebody "challenges" me to do so.

        The sad part about the whole thing is the person who issued the challenge is probably sitting back thinking they have it all figured out because nobody would take them up on it. In their own closed off little mind, they think they have proven that it's not possible to make money online.
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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

          The sad part about the whole thing is the person who issued the challenge is probably sitting back thinking they have it all figured out because nobody would take them up on it. In their own closed off little mind, they think they have proven that it's not possible to make money online.
          Or they think they've "proved" that it's a private club bent on "keeping the little guy down." That way, they have a built-in excuse for not even trying.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    In my experience, people who do things like that already have their mind made up that it can't be done. Usually that's because they've tried and failed. When I say "tried," I mean they probably put in about two hours worth of "work" and didn't make any money, so now they think they know everything and they feel the need to go on a little crusade and prove that's it's the method and not their own shortcomings.

    Usually these people are unable to be coached, so trying to help them is nothing but a waste of time anyway.

    I also agree with Kay -- It could just be a sad attempt to get a free education.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamie3000
    Accept the world is full of idiots and focus on making your business great (greater) :-)
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