Hi warriors New to all this

28 replies
Been doing some studying for awhile on internet marketing, email marketing, cpm, cpa, etc..

I am lost how and where to start. i thought maybe i should just walk away but i know there has to be away to make money online i just feel like i am not over-standing just how to start a LP i am confused i really don't want to have someone hold my hand threw the process of building a webpage then hosting i have a book online business for dummies and im still like what is i do first how do i find products or services that i can offer to potential clients that i do not have to create i just populate and then post to the world wide web.. I WOULD EVEN SIGN A CONTRACT OFF MY FIRST three deals you can get 12% if u can really show me how to make money online i mean money like $2,000 - $5,000 or more in areas such as ecommerce, email marketing, digital marketing. i need a coach i live in Washington State (Seattle - Tacoma)..
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Well to start, you need to figure out what you want to do, there are so many different things and areas it can be overwhelming, but you gotta just pick one, and learn it and learn it well. Don't jump back and forth between different ones.

    Personally I'm a fan of affiliate marketing and paid traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Much of your post doesn't make sense. Building a web page? Not hard - there are literally hundreds of videos and free tutorials online explaining/showing how to build a simple wordpress site or landing page or sales page.

    you can get 12% if u can really show me how to make money online i mean money like $15,000 or more
    You want $15k - over how long a period of time? 12% of what??? If you aren't earning anything, that is $0 so you can't expect busy marketers to drop their own business to teach you one on one. You can pay for coaching but you can also start doing searches on this forum to find "how tos" and find experts who post here.

    ecommerce, email marketing, digital marketing.
    how do i find products or services that i can offer to potential clients that i do not have to create i just populate and then post to the world wide web
    That's 'affiliate marketing' - not as simple as 'just populate' but many marketers are quite successful selling other people's products.

    First things first - be honest about your own skills and then decide WHICH online method appeals to you. The more you ask good questions and people here see you are working to learn and actively testing and trying to get started - the more help you will get from other marketers.

    What have you done - what are you interested in - what computer skills do you have - is there a hobby or niche where you have knowledge and experience?
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    • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
      Thank you so much for your reply I am interested in men fashion. i know how to build webpage from scratch using notepad++ now its atom.io cause its useful. i've been away from the technology field for a while i was working for an aerospace company. one of my hobbies is fixing drones.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by PerseusDaGreat View Post

    Been doing some studying for awhile on internet marketing, email marketing, cpm, cpa, etc..

    I am lost how and where to start. i thought maybe i should just walk away but i know there has to be away to make money online i just feel like i am not over-standing just how to start a LP i am confused i really don't want to have someone hold my hand threw the process of building a webpage then hosting i have a book online business for dummies and im still like what is i do first how do i find products or services that i can offer to potential clients that i do not have to create i just populate and then post to the world wide web.. I WOULD EVEN SIGN A CONTRACT OFF MY FIRST three deals you can get 12% if u can really show me how to make money online i mean money like $15,000 or more in areas such as ecommerce, email marketing, digital marketing. i need a coach i live in Washington State (Seattle - Tacoma)..
    Hot topic of the week? Help me make money. I want...I need, I this and that.

    You guys, who have been doing some studying for awhile, have been at IM since 2011, piddled in this, dabbled in that. You all want.

    What do you have to give? You don't need a coach.

    You need a career counselor, someone to help you focus. 12%????? Only shows how little you know about all this.


    PS. Was it the eclipse? WF seems to be overrun with folks who WANT, WANT, AND WANT. Won't even take the solid advice of READING the forum for a few days and figure out how to get the real help you need.
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    • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
      If you had a bad week cause of the eclipse. Its not that i want it its that i honestly am trying to learn this technology at our finger tips. i do apologize if my forum came off needy.

      an 12% out of three deals of profits after 2,000 dollars is not something i would think anyone would have an issue with.. Honestly if you can not respond with any good advice other than insulting a young person because they want to learn and make money with a tool. then you should do that old saying and shut your mouth until u got something life changing to say. i will figure it out and if anyone ever asks me for help i won't down play them act like i don't whip my behind like every other human on this planet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gedd
    I think you're being a bit harsh, PerseusDaGreat is just confused, like a lot of us rushing about like a kid in a sweet shop, trying everything until it makes you sick!
    ChrisBa is right though, pick one area and learn all you can about it. I did a lot of jumping about myself and wasted some money on so called Guru's who just took the money and suddenly became hard to reach. I have a good guy now and will let you know how I get on.
    I needed someone to help me focus.

    "] Gedd[/URL]

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Lots of newbies come here asking for someone to hold their hand. You don't even want that - you want someone to build you an asset and then turn it over to you for 12% of something. And you add the stipulation that you want $15k out of it.

    So, if my arithmetic is still good, you want someone to build and turn over a $15,000 asset for $1800 sometime in the future. And even that assumes that you can manage the asset to generate the $15K, which is highly unlikely given your post and the attitude it shows.

    Ongoing success in business, online or off, is based on a win-win situation between business and customer. In an ideal situation, both you and your customer will walk away from the table believing they got the better end of the deal.

    Instead of begging for a handout, with stipulations, spend some time figuring out how you can trade value for value, rather than offering the IM equivalent of a junk bond.
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    • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
      Thank you so much for your reply The reason i typed the question is not for a hand out. First and for most. It was saying hey i am young individual who is under information overload. I do apologize that offer profits in a manner of not looking in point what you want to say is trade value. i don't need a life counselor or career whatever counselor what i need is a person who is going say this information can take you places this how to over stand while executing the information i was taught to always ask where, when, and why. my numbers was off for a reason because not because of a junk bond.. but thank you anyone for useful info...
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    I don't think Gordon is trying to be harsh. It's just frustrating to read this type of post for the fifth time today.

    No one is going to hold your hand and tell you exactly what to do. That's called being an employee.

    Running your own business takes guts, tenacity and the ability to do some honest evaluation of your own skills.

    What can you offer people that they'll be willing to pay for? If the answer is nothing -- then you have some work to do. Learn how to do something.

    Yes, it is overwhelming because the options are limitless. That is exactly why we can't tell someone what they should do. Only researching their options and matching those with their current skills (or what they're willing to learn) will tell them what they should do.

    Again, this is not said to be mean. It's what I would tell my son if he asked me the same question.

    Do your own research and then come back and ask specific questions. Then, those who know about that specific thing, can help you.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gedd
    Ouch sorree! Just trying to help, didn't want Perseus to pack it in, again! It is a big subject and having worked for companies and been self employed I know that nobody finds the work, does the work and gets the money for the work, except you when you're running your own business. When you work for someone else you can pass the responsibility, it won't win you any promotions, but you can. it certainly does take a certain something to go it alone and not everyone is cut out for it.
    When I started my first job a burly builder told me to f**k off and get someone who knows something, I wanted to cry and go home, but I was a big boy now.
    When I first started on my own and I was in a hole, I wanted to cry too, but I knew nobody else was going to sort this out and if I wanted to get paid I had to.
    Harsh lessons, life is hard, business is hard. maybe Perseus hasn't got what it takes, I just hope he can find it.
    I think what their saying mate is dig deep, no-one is going to do it for you, unless you pay them.

    "] Gedd[/URL]

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    • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
      Actually Perseus did not pack it in. Perseus needs this as much as his lungs needs air. I am not going home crying i am on my committed learn execute mission of process to progress. I've been reading post even late night i saw the post last night when i clocked out. Decided to reply to say this first i smelled the pie, the aroma something tasteful so i got on the hunt for it cause i knew it existed then i started to view this pie its far but its in sight and will i have my slices of this pie Aight.. Salute you Gedd..
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    No one is going to coach you in lieu of a 12% payout and likely no percent regardless of what it is.

    If you don't have any skin (money) in the game, you could easily just decide at a moments notice you are no longer going to follow through. Then the person coaching you is out all the time they spent...time is money.

    Based on what you are saying that you want to promote products/services that you don't have to create, you want to promote affiliate / CPA offers.

    I've been promoting affiliate / CPA offers for over 16 years and my preference is to promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offer that requires a sale to be made.

    Also, you will find that many super affiliates got to their success level by building lists. That way they can follow-up and promote other offers at very low cost. So list building should be at the top of your list to learn.

    Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    What? The OP has nothing more to say on the matter


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
    Actually i have a lot to say in this matter. First off thank you everyone for your reply's. You think i want someone to create a product or service for me. NO NO AND NO.. LETS MARK THAT OUT JUST HEAD NOW..


    That's why i used the 12% of the 15,000 at first (i edited) but as i looked at i was like that is not even possible for anyone to make money on cause i would win and they would loose and bottom line. both should be a win win so you think some will say, but look at this away some of us buy things that it only cost manufactures 15 cent to create the companies buy in bulk then re sell it back to customers making a 200% profit off of the customers so don't give me all those mordant comments.

    Just say exactly how CHRISBA , kayking,Rose Anderson, Gredd, And Diablo did they gave vital information i can implement.
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  • Profile picture of the author oadvantage
    Best way to make money is:

    1. Get a product to sell.
    2. Build a list
    3. Send an email to this list each day

    Master those three.

    Commissions on the net usually start at 50%.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
      Originally Posted by oadvantage View Post

      Commissions on the net usually start at 50%.
      No, they don't.

      Amazon Fee Rates. For the first one to six sales, commission is paid at 4 percent of the product's price. At seven to 30 sales, commission increases to 6 percent. Between 31 and 110 sales, you'll earn 6.5 percent, between 111 and 320 sales you'll get 7 percent and between 321 and 630 you'll earn 7.5 percent.
      Amazon Affiliate Commission Structure | Chron.com
      I would guesstimate SAS's average to be around 10%.

      The only way you will get much above 20% is with digital products that cost little or nothing to produce.
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      • Profile picture of the author oadvantage
        Originally Posted by Brent Stangel View Post

        No, they don't.

        I would guesstimate SAS's average to be around 10%.

        The only way you will get much above 20% is with digital products that cost little or nothing to produce.
        He is not selling Amazon books Mr Strangel.

        He is wanting a type of joint venture- which, again...usually start around 50%. Some as high as 60-75%

        And..not only is he wanting a joint venture, he is wanting a coach.
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    • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
      Thank you..

      question do i need a whole sale licenses to buy this products at first?
      or is there away pass that with drop shipping?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson

    First, Kudos for coming back to your thread and facing all the comments. Many just run away.

    One of my main concerns with your post is you say you've already bought a lot of products and you feel they didn't explain enough.

    The problem is, a lot of people who pay for one on one coaching end up feeling the same way. And they pay a lot of money to find that out. Sometimes thousands of dollars.

    You'll probably get a lot of pms trying to sell you coaching services. I advice you to ignore them all.

    Personal coaching, that woks, is very expensive and you'll have to pay upfront. They won't be willing to work on a percentage basis. That's just the market. Maybe it's wrong, but I think that's how it is.

    We will continue to try and help you if you'll just narrow your search.

    Do you want to set up a website to review and sell men's clothing?

    Do you want to review men's clothing with a YouTube channel?

    Do you want to learn how to build an email list?

    Do you want to blog?

    Do you want to build websites for other people?

    We truly are here to help.

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    • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
      Thank you Rose you have started a great journey for me to narrow the options down here are the results.An i have a few questions of my own.

      Do you want to set up a website to review and sell men's clothing?yes

      Do you want to review men's clothing with a YouTube channel?yes

      Do you want to learn how to build an email list?yes

      Do you want to blog?no

      Do you want to build websites for other people?yes

      Here is the few..
      Do i necessarily need a blog to build an email list? can i do email marketing with the review's from the website and youtube channel?
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  • Profile picture of the author Gedd
    Wow is this still running?! Seriously Pursesareus, get peoples name right, or they won't want to help you, it's Gedd, not Gredd! Only joking mate, I have been called worse.
    Really seriously, this game is like anything else, you can have anything you want, if you know what you want!
    Deep man!!

    "] Gedd[/URL]

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    • Profile picture of the author oadvantage
      Hey Gedd

      He just started the thread yesterday.
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    • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
      I apologize mate that good old fat finger.lmao. seriously thank you that you guys for answering with some real helpful tips. i know there are many ways and avenues to tap into this internet market and make passive income i am willing to learn to become successful in this industry in my eyes of what success is.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by oadvantage View Post

    He is not selling Amazon books Mr Strangel.

    He is wanting a type of joint venture- which, again...usually start around 50%. Some as high as 60-75%

    And..not only is he wanting a joint venture, he is wanting a coach.
    Yep, and if he's going to promote affiliate products outside of the Clickbank/JVZoo type universe, commissions are going to run ~5-15%.

    So a 50/50 JV would net ~ 2.5% to 7.5%.

    The 12% he offered would be more like 0.5 to 2 percent.

    Perseus, since I seem to have misread your original post, I'll simply wish you luck in your search. If you have more specific questions, I'll try to provide answers you can use.
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    • Profile picture of the author PerseusDaGreat
      Thank you JohnMccabe you gave me a lot to think about as well with understanding the percentage of promoting affiliate products outside of the clickbank/jvoo

      Do offers such as those need to have a website or can the campaign offers be copied and pastie their banner in forums and or in groups..or is that consider spamming
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by PerseusDaGreat View Post

    Do i necessarily need a blog to build an email list? can i do email marketing with the review's from the website and youtube channel?
    You don't necessarily need a "blog" to build an email list. You do need at least a minimal website which can host your subscription form and a few associated pages.

    Here's a couple of common paths people follow:

    If you use single opt-in (people who fill out your form are added directly to your list):
    • I see your opt-in offer.
    • I click on it and go to your landing page.
    • I fill out the subscription form and submit it.
    • The success page has a thank you message confirming the subscription, any gift you promised for subscribing, and often an offer.

    So you would need a minimal two-page site, which can be had very cheaply.

    If you use confirmed opt-in, sometimes called 'double opt-in':
    • I see your subscription offer and click it.
    • I go to your landing page and fill in the form.
    • I go to a page saying that an email has been sent to the address entered, with a link to confirm the delivery.
    • I find the email and click the confirmation link.
    • I go to a success page, where I find the same thank you message, delivery of any gift promised, and often an offer.

    This adds a third page to the mix (the confirmation page).

    I won't go into the details or the pros and cons of one method over the other. A simple forum search will show you all you want to read on the subject, and likely more...

    Originally Posted by PerseusDaGreat View Post

    Thank you JohnMccabe you gave me a lot to think about as well with understanding the percentage of promoting affiliate products outside of the clickbank/jvoo

    Do offers such as those need to have a website or can the campaign offers be copied and pastie their banner in forums and or in groups..or is that consider spamming
    Copying and pasting banners with affiliate links, or dropping affiliate links in general, is considered spamming and will get you banned from most forums or groups very quickly, as well as having your posts deleted.

    There are groups set up specifically for posting ads, but most of them are a waste of time. People don't join or read these groups to find your ads. They join/post so you can find their ads.

    [Side note: Did you notice that asking better questions is getting you much better answers?]
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Perseus...you might be trying to 'over' analyze the whole process.

    Too many people are in your shoes.

    Just find a product to sell, get some tools like site / auto responder / ect.

    Pick (1) marketing strategy for creating traffic and leads and keep taking action and adjusting your self along the way.

    Theory is only partial learning.

    The only way to truly learn is by DOING!
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  • Profile picture of the author HellaLeadz
    The best advice I can give you, is, identify a good niche and build a nice looking website around it. Then you are basically all set. You can do affiliate marketing, you can do CPM, whatever you like and keep promoting.
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