Has anyone tested this out? What were your results?

2 replies
My Web Host provider has an option where I can use my domain name and redirect to an affiliate link through something called stealth. I've cloaked my affiliate links by using php and html redirects but both techniques still resolve to a hoplink. By using the stealth option my URL stays in the location bar but my page redirects to the sales page. Has anyone compared the response to these scenarios?
#results #tested
  • Profile picture of the author Mikedb
    I have tested both for a long time and keeping your own URL on top always gave me more sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Root
    You should use your own cloaking because I have seen a lot of different "stealth" methods. Some of them work, some of them fail really bad. I have once seen a provider that actually changed their affiliate id randomly to affiliate link redirect. It's really easy to detect if it's known affiliate link
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