What is your biggest bug bear when it comes to online marketing?

by desley
2 replies
Hi All,
Hope you're having a great day regardless of where you reside.

One of the bug bears I have re online marketing is driving high quality traffic that will actually convert into long term customers? And, I want to be able to do this which is both time & cost effective; uses the KISS principle; is streamlined; and isn't totally reliant on me all the time.
[LIST][*]What is your biggest bug bear when it comes to online marketing[*]If you had your way, what would be your top strategy to address your biggest bug bear?

Am I essentially a lazy person? Sadly I've come to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, when it comes to online marketing I might be that lazy person who simply doesn't want to spend hours and hours doing stuff with little or no result.

I look forward to hearing from you.

#bear #biggest #bug #marketing #online
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by desley View Post

    Am I essentially a lazy person?


    No one wants to spin their wheels or apply needless effort in their marketing. Unfortunately, the way to become an efficient marketer when it comes to driving traffic, converting that traffic, and doing it cost effectively is by testing and tracking results on a small sample, making adjustments, and testing again and again. Sometimes the cycle can be shortened with the help of a mentor that knows how to play this game.

    If you don't have the energy or will to learn about marketing and do some trial campaigns until you can be profitable in traffic and conversions . . . then I would say you're not cut out to be a marketer.

    I don't know if it means you're lazy, or just plain too scared to try, or that you're unwilling to do what it takes to be successful.

    Marketing is like any other worthwhile pursuit - you have to get educated on how to do it right, then practice, practice, and practice some more until you become proficient. The price has to be paid to get good at any skill like playing the tuba, pitching a curve ball, or becoming a doctor.

    You know, better than anyone else, if you have the will to succeed.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author SEOptimization@1
    Hey Desley:

    You mentioned "driving high quality traffic" -> First you get traffic and then you segregate quality traffic and high quality traffic.. Right? It takes time and lots of actions to define that.

    "convert into long term customers" -> First you get small customers, maybe on trial basis. Out of those few customers, in fact very few customers become your long term customers. It takes time and lots of actions to analyze and build such long term customers.

    "both time & cost effective: -> There could be lots of strategies - depends what suits you and your customers. So you plan accordingly to save your time and cost on marketing / conversion / operations / delivery.

    "What is your biggest bug bear when it comes to online marketing" -> There could be lots of marketing strategies and every strategy has its own pros and cons - again depends - how you take it.

    Remember, unless until you do it and analyze the process, nobody in this world would be able to give you the right direction... however you might get some tips for trials.

    Just start from one strategy and stick to one that suits you the best and expand it to make it large.

    Hope, that helps.

    Good luck.

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