Newbie :: job title -- information product creator and developer?
Are there people who successfully sell information product creation and development to the Internet Marketing community? If so, who are the leaders I could model in their approach?
What are the steps to reaching the market and creating working relationships?
As I imagine the process:
- I would work with market researchers helping pinpoint exactly what the market wants (defining the product),
- I would work with Internet direct marketers to define a sequence of money magnets through the sales funnel, and primarily,
- I would create and develop a final information product with value added bonuses.
I'd like to position myself as the information product creation and development side of the business.
Is there a specific market for this? Do Internet direct marketers suffer from enough pain points in information product creation that they want someone to specifically focus on information product creation?
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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