Newbie :: job title -- information product creator and developer?

8 replies
Is there a market for information product creation and development? What do these people call themselves; job title? Please let me know.

Are there people who successfully sell information product creation and development to the Internet Marketing community? If so, who are the leaders I could model in their approach?

What are the steps to reaching the market and creating working relationships?

As I imagine the process:
  1. I would work with market researchers helping pinpoint exactly what the market wants (defining the product),
  2. I would work with Internet direct marketers to define a sequence of money magnets through the sales funnel, and primarily,
  3. I would create and develop a final information product with value added bonuses.

I'd like to position myself as the information product creation and development side of the business.

Is there a specific market for this? Do Internet direct marketers suffer from enough pain points in information product creation that they want someone to specifically focus on information product creation?

#— #creator #developer #information #job #newbie #product #title
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  • Profile picture of the author Shinjiru
    Job title as 'Product Designer'
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  • Profile picture of the author Ghost Shinobi
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Alber
      Hi Ghost, Thanks for your great reply. I realize my OP was a little vague. My reply to Kay King below fills in the details. I feel that you have your finger on this. I hope the reply to Kay King below gives more details that might help to 1.) pinpoint a title that this industry would understand and 2.) suggest a path to leverage the marketable skills. Much appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Do you have experience as a product creator/developer


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Alber
      Yes. I created a brand of post-traumatic stress recovery products and a brand of English learning products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    1. I would work with market researchers helping pinpoint exactly what the market wants (defining the product),
    2. I would work with Internet direct marketers to define a sequence of money magnets through the sales funnel, and primarily,
    3. I would create and develop a final information product with value added bonuses.

    I'd like to position myself as the information product creation and development side of the business.
    In the scenario above I'd think your title would be 'freelance writer' or copywriter.

    If you were the 'product developer' you would more likely:

    1. do the research to define the market for the product
    2. create a sales funnel around the product
    3. write the report or the ebook or the sales copy

    You don't give background or experience. Best way to choose an 'online job' is to base it on your own personal skills/knowledge/experience.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dave Alber
      Hi Kay King,
      I began the original post with info on my background but it got kicked back as being an indirect sales pitch. (It was my first post.) So, here I will state my background:
      easyamericanaccent dot com [I created all of these products: books (in dual language), audio, DVD.]
      The Rhythm of Health, David Alber [found on Amazon under music. This is an Ericksonian self-help program walking people through recovery from trauma. 9 audio CDs.]
      The Story of the Chinese Farmer [found on Amazon under music. a hypnotic storytelling journey retelling the Chinese fable. It has messages about healing and recovery.]
      Aesop's Fable of the Tortoise and the Hare. [found on Amazon under music. a hypnotic storytelling journey retelling the fable. It has messages about healing and recovery.]
      Also books: The Heart of Myth: Wisdom Stories from Endangered People; To the Dawn; Alien Sex in Silicon Valley; and Myth & Medium, and others.
      I would like to bring The Rhythm of Health project back to life. Also, I believe that there is real value in the hypnotic storytelling work (Chinese Farmer and Aesop's fable). I can imagine entering new markets with those types of products. Yesterday, I downloaded an audio by James Wedmore that is a light trance indirect hypnosis, so I definately see the value in a number of industries.
      I really... really... have enjoyed the product creation side of things. True story: I left my job in Silicon Valley and lived in Nepal to focus on creating the Rhythm of Health brand. I didn't now how to sell it, lost money, and have been teaching at universities abroad ever since. That's when I created the Easy American Accent product lines. I love the creative side of building things. I'm excellent at the travel part of the 4-Hour WW. (Visiting Myanmar in a week.) I recognize that I need a partner for the marketing and sales... or rather, to monetize products. The idea of strategizing a brand in a market, pulling info from the market about what they need, and developing something to fill that need is very exciting to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Dave Alber View Post

    Is there a market for information product creation and development?


    Yes, there is a huge and expanding marketplace for information products.

    I would like to suggest, however, that if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't be a freelancer writing under contract for other people. With that business model, you work on a job, get paid once, and it's done. Forever.

    Why not create and develop your own information products and sell them in your own business either directly or through affiliates?

    Here's the thing:

    Making money online, especially making big money, generally means you have your own products and you learn to use leverage to sell them.

    Apparently you already have the skills to write, create, and develop products. By selling a product to a client, you are simply working for a fee and getting paid once, which OK, but why not get paid over and over again for that masterpiece you created. The system you would need to put into place to do this is fairly simple and straightforward.

    - You can learn to do market research and you should be able to do a good job of it in 4-6 hours.
    - You can learn to set up a web site and a financial transaction system pretty easily (or you can pay to have it done for you).
    - You can pay for traffic to your offers (which you should be able to write and create yourself or use a swipe file to model other offers).
    - You can pay affiliates to bring leads to your offers.

    The point is . . . working for clients is a JOB . . . do the work and get paid and it's done.

    Creating your own products means you can leverage them into multiple paydays over and over again. All the things you have to put into place to do this are not real difficult to accomplish or you can pay to have them done for you if your like.

    Writing and creating value laden info products is the hard part - and it sounds like that's your strong suit. Owning your own products can be much more profitable and enduring than selling one to a client.

    The best to you in your new career,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    I agree with Steve B - I have created more than 40 digital products, in the early days they were training programs & conferences for small companies, then went on my own more than 10-years ago creating dozens of my own products from e-books up to 10K+ coaching programs.

    In that time I have taken on coaching other product creators - I try to limit this to just a few people otherwise it eats into my own product businesses...ONCE and only ONCE did I do a complete, end-to-end "product in a box" contract - even though I received a nice fee, it STILL was not worth the time spent when you consider lost time/effort/energy that could have been put into spinning up a new business or product of my own.

    There is definitely demand for what you are talking about - unless you can identify very high quality prospects that will pay you several 10's of thousands of dollars - your time will be better spent creating your own products in my experience...
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