Insanely high Avg $/sale, ridiculously low Gravity? (Clickbank Marketplace)

by 4 replies
I'm looking at the top Avg $/sale products in the Clickbank Marketplace:

And my question is, why are products that (supposedly) bring in so much money per conversion...and surprisingly, some of these actually have decent-looking sales pages...why are these products so insanely unpopular (ultra-low gravity).

Where's the catch?
#main internet marketing discussion forum #$ or sale #avg #clickbank #gravity #high #insanely #low #marketplace #ridiculously
  • Metrics like gravity and popularity have absolutely nothing to do with conversions or how much money is being made on any given Clickbank product.

    For example, I am consistently pulling in 4-5 figures per month in sales for some products with single digit gravity and low popularity.

    Select products with relevance to your audience, not by how the sales page looks or other superficial attributes and silly algorithms that have nothing to do with marketing.
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    • Thanks, man, it's awesome to hear this could be a step in the right direction for me, from someone with real life results.

      And I understand these metrics don't mean anything for conversion...cause even if Clickbank did show us conversion rates per page (I suppose, technically, they could collect this data with the new javascript they "enforced" on all vendors)...the conversion rate data could be highly skewed if a sales page was receiving a lot of cold/unrelated traffic (or just highly warmed-up traffic).

      So I guess what I'm wondering at this point...provided that I pick a product that will actually be a good fit for my if the high Avg $/sale is something I can realistically expect (or at least come close to).

      If you could provide any further insight into this, based on your own sales as an affiliate, that would be beyond awesome.
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