What the best course out there on building a facebook sales funnel?

6 replies
Any good start to finish courses on building a facebook sales funnel using facebook ads?

Im slightly confused about the process. I understand that the cold traffic must go through a warm up phase first and then slowly be introduced to your digital products after a warm up. Not sure where to start.
#building #facebook #funnel #sales
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Here is Ryan Stewart on Whiteboard Friday:

    How to Build a Facebook Funnel That Converts - Whiteboard Friday

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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    • Profile picture of the author Phillip Jackson
      Thanks Brent, I enjoyed that video. Some of the things I didnt understand. He kind of just scratches the surface on some things like saying tell facebook "hey facebook send these guys that saw this part of my funnel to THIS part.." I dont have any idea how to do this. Do you know of another source that goes into more detail or perhaps offers real life step by step examples? thanks in advance!
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  • Profile picture of the author Harryofthe
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    • Profile picture of the author Phillip Jackson
      Because I value my time. If someone could sort through all the BS and hype online and condense it all in an easy to ready course Id buy it in a heart beat. But its not really about investing money. Im open to a free course or article too. The main thing is that the info is vetted by someone credible here. That too saves time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    How is a facebook sales funnel different from any other advertising-to-email marketing sales funnel?
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    • Profile picture of the author Phillip Jackson
      Youre the internet marketing consultant. why dont you tell me
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Marcell
    For a successful sales funnel, you're going to need to do a few things.

    First, after a lead subscribes to your list, you need to have a thank you video set up and a tripwire offer on the next page.

    A thank you video will help you to establish a relationship with your leads by showing them that you're a real person.

    The tripwire offer ranges from $1-10 and is designed to capture the trigger happy buyers.

    Think of it this way...

    Why would a person invest a lot of money with you straight away without getting to know you first? That's like going on a first date with a girl and expecting her to be ok with going to second base that same night.

    Then for the first 5-days, I have a free video training course that I provide to my leads that's sole purpose is to strengthen the relationship I have with the people on my list.

    Then for the next 25 days, I have a mixture of emails that educate, entertain and sell my core product that costs $49.00.

    Now, my core product also has upsells later on in the sales process but that's all done behind the scenes by a phone sales team that works for me.

    I do absolutely nothing to make those upsells.

    That's LEVERAGE.

    Which I'm guessing a lot of internet marketers don't have because they aren't running a real business just a side hustle.

    And that's the barebones of what I do in my sales funnel. If you want to experience success with your funnel, I recommend you emulate the same model that I use in my online business.

    Best of luck.
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