You Can't Make Money and Excuses at the Same Time !!!
"No matter what's going on in the world, you have a choice as to what you're going to create in your life. "
It happened to me, I had and used every excuse in the book and I have also heard them all from many dudes since I have begun helping others and building relationships online.
It really is much easier to come up with an excuse instead of just taking the bull by the horn as we say and getting things accomplished.
What's Your Excuse?
"I can't give up a regular paycheck."
"Invest? You want me to lose all my money, don't you?"
"I don't have any money to invest."
"I tried that before. It'll never work."
"I'm not smart enough."
"My husband would never go for it."
"My wife would never understand."
"What would my friends say if I fail again?"
"I'm young. I've still got time."
"It's too late for me."
"I can't do that."
"I wasn't born with a computer attached to my umbilical cord."
"It is easier for the younger generation than it is for me."
Where did these negative thoughts come from?
and How do you manage to keep yourself positive all the time?
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Money On Demand by Ewen Chia