You Can't Make Money and Excuses at the Same Time !!!

37 replies
Let me start this post with:
"No matter what's going on in the world, you have a choice as to what you're going to create in your life. "

It happened to me, I had and used every excuse in the book and I have also heard them all from many dudes since I have begun helping others and building relationships online.
It really is much easier to come up with an excuse instead of just taking the bull by the horn as we say and getting things accomplished.

What's Your Excuse?
"I can't give up a regular paycheck."
"Invest? You want me to lose all my money, don't you?"
"I don't have any money to invest."
"I tried that before. It'll never work."
"I'm not smart enough."
"My husband would never go for it."
"My wife would never understand."
"What would my friends say if I fail again?"
"I'm young. I've still got time."
"It's too late for me."
"I can't do that."
"I wasn't born with a computer attached to my umbilical cord."
"It is easier for the younger generation than it is for me."

Where did these negative thoughts come from?
and How do you manage to keep yourself positive all the time?
#can’t #excuses #make #money #time
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  • Good post.

    I saw most of the people have the negative mind set that is one of the reason they are not able to succeed to make money online.

    The book written by Napoleon Hill "Think and grow rich" I remembered one of the point the positive think create the atmosphere good and it will give the motivation to do the work well.
    Most of the online marketers success in their life because of the positive thinking and hard work. the excuse will always give the negative mind set.

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    • Think and grow rich should be taught in schools.

      Another one is No Excuses I think by Brian Tracy.

      What I'vve learnt over time is:

      1. Whatever happens, happens for our best despite all our efforts
      2. Develop a never give up attitude
      3. Whatever it takes mentiality

      All successful people failed multiple times over and over and thats why they have become successful.
      FREE! Profitable Digital Agency Coaching
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
    I Think That Each one of those excuses gives us a reason to put up a road block in our mind that will keep us from taking action that may result in pain we have experienced in the past.
    We are also using an excuse that puts the blame on someone or something else other than our self so that we do not feel bad for not taking action.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    So true. Like you can't turn a light switch on and have darkness in the room at the same time as the light comes in.

    Someone shared a marketing process with me. I skimmed through it and figured I'd seen it all before. Hadn't worked for me, last time.

    I could have gone with the excuse. "I tried this before and it didn't work."

    Instead I stood up to myself. "Maybe...maybe this guy knows something I don't know. Maybe there's more to it than I read. Maybe I should shut up, get my nose to the grindstone, and do what he says."

    You cannot make money and excuses at the same time!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
    If we have experienced any kind of pain or negativity from past failure our mind will immediately begin looking for a way to prevent the pain from re-occurring when it is faced with a similar situation.
    We don't like to feel pain. Hey I am with you on that all the way. But will we go ahead and take a risk or will we just listen to these thoughts and back away from a possible negative experience again.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrmitchell
    Great post, for me I had to reinvent myself. I created new routines and productive habits. For example waking up earlier and working out before work, listening to motivational videos first thing in the morning to set the tone for my day. Reading books on success and attending seminars and workshops, creating a more productive network. I have been applying these new methods for over 90 days now and I feel like another person just starting to wake up and rediscovering myself, it's an experience!
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    • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
      Great comment. Thank you
      That is the point
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    • Profile picture of the author AllSam
      Great post, for me I had to reinvent myself. I created new routines and productive habits. For example waking up earlier and working out before work, listening to motivational videos first thing in the morning to set the tone for my day. Reading books on success and attending seminars and workshops, creating a more productive network. I have been applying these new methods for over 90 days now and I feel like another person just starting to wake up and rediscovering myself, it's an experience!
      I'm currently going through this process right now.

      You even seem to have done it in the exact same order as I am planning.

      It's almost been 3 weeks since I started getting up earlier, actually doing the workouts, and the music and I feel so much better already.

      More productive, happier and much more positive!

      It most certainly is an experience!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    To be honest, if people choose to make excuses and not give themselves a chance for success, should other Internet marketers be concerned or feel that it is their duty to try to change the person's mindset?

    I think most of us are willing to help someone that asks for assistance and then applies the advice in a "good faith" effort . . . but I don't believe that we should try to "force" excuse makers into being IM newbies.

    Why? Because IMers have dozens of opportunities to complain about "this and that" every day they are in business. Anyone that's good at making excuses will definitely not be good at overcoming daily challenges.

    Just my opinion,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author TheTrafficOutlet
    Lol@ ''My wife would never understand ''

    Some people I am aware of want a fast and easy solution otherwise they will just give up or make excuses.

    If we can focus more on our goals have a strategy than have some patience we can experiment what is working through analytics and earnings etc than go on from there.

    Its all about being dedicated to what we do I believe.

    Mr S.Ahmed.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi B,

    For me, being with the fearful feelings that fueled the excuse marked a dramatic shift online.

    Perfect example; I did not actively contribute on Warrior for years because I felt it'd be a waste of time for so many reasons....and I also felt many folks here were negative.

    Neither were true.

    But I had to explore the fears behind each excuse - fear of failure, fear of being criticized by established Warriors, fear of wasting time, etc - and then, I had to really feel it, to clear it. When I did that, I was golden.

    I moved forward doing things online mainly for fun (fear-excuses and fear-drivers, buh bye, predominantly) and things turned around.


    PS....I genuinely enjoy my time on Warrior, meaning the work/service is the reward, but one neat outcome of being here is me recording an interview for the Warrior Podcast with Marcus in a few hours Happy to be featured, and again, when you dissolve excuses and have fun helping folks generously, really neat things happen for you.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by Bizopboost View Post

    Where did these negative thoughts come from?
    Elementary school teachers and broke people that you share your ideas with.

    Originally Posted by Bizopboost View Post

    How do you manage to keep yourself positive all the time?
    Try to date the female elementary school teachers, and find new friends who think the same way that you do. This will become your new inner circle.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
    I Think that a goal is different from a wish.
    Goals require action steps. Well the same is holding true to the financial goals. It requires effort and action to achieve the end result.
    You may wish to be rich, but that doesn't mean you've ever taken any practical steps to make it come true.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Bizopboost View Post

      I Think that a goal is different from a wish.
      Goals require action steps. Well the same is holding true to the financial goals. It requires effort and action to achieve the end result.
      You may wish to be rich, but that doesn't mean you've ever taken any practical steps to make it come true.
      most goal are wishes people write down .. they are like joining the fitness club in the first week of January ..

      goal.. some action taken.. but no long term change 98 percent of the time ..well eccept a new monthly expense it is usually a pain to get out of

      all excuses are cover for not wanting to do it ..

      in the coarse of a day there are a huge number of attempts from others to get them to do stuff they do not want to do.. so the excepted form of defense is to make excuses until the other person goes away or starts talking about something else .

      now you want to live a happier less stressed life ..when you don't want to do something.. that you are trying to get yourself to do.. instead of making excuses ..just admit to do not want to do it .

      and then accept the consequences of not doing it .
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Bizopboost View Post

      I Think that a goal is different from a wish.
      Goals require action steps. Well the same is holding true to the financial goals. It requires effort and action to achieve the end result.
      You may wish to be rich, but that doesn't mean you've ever taken any practical steps to make it come true.
      most goal are wishes people write down .. they are like joining the fitness club in the first week of January ..

      goal.. some action taken.. but no long term change 98 percent of the time ..well eccept a new monthly expense it is usually a pain to get out of

      all excuses are cover for not wanting to do it ..

      in the coarse of a day there are a huge number of attempts from others to get them to do stuff they do not want to do.. so the excepted form of defense is to make excuses until the other person goes away or starts talking about something else .

      now you want to live a happier less stressed life ..when you don't want to do something.. that you are trying to get yourself to do.. instead of making excuses ..just admit to do not want to do it .

      and then accept the consequences of not doing it .

      most people main excuse for not making not enugh money.. or no time because it gets all spent at work .

      but if they are not going to fix either of those things ..or they circle back to things they use the money excuse fore use as an excuse to not do anything about money ..

      they basically do not want to change their life .. or do not want to do anything to change their life..and hope it will magically change ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Alan777
    Good point thanks Bizo.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sally Ader
    Hi, I m new to internet marketing. Thanks for posting this. It really encourages me. I will not give up. I will persevere and work hard at my business.

    Need an experienced mentor to help you in your affiliate marketing journey? Click this link

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  • Profile picture of the author QuaziSazzad
    Thank you for sahirng a important post. It helps many people
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  • Profile picture of the author nasirmahmood
    You have mentioned near about all thoughts which are stopping our way to succeed and these may helpful for all of us thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author QuaziSazzad
    Wow, it's a great post. Thank you for sharing this post. it helps money people
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  • Profile picture of the author omnitec1018
    An amazing post.. Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author jyzdesign1
    This is motivational ...

    Playing online is not an easy task .. so it is needed to stay motivated. Mostly people give up when success is near by and thats the time to continue with a new attitude.

    I think continuity is the key to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
    People don't change unless and until they experience enough pain with the way things are. Only then do we say, "Hey, enough already!"
    Only then do we begin to look for new ways to figure out how to think, feel and act in a different direction.
    Only then do we stop looking for excuses that do nothing more than set up roadblocks right in the middle of our success path and also to try and protect us from the previous experienced pain, so we don't need to go through it again.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Bizopboost View Post

      People don't change unless and until they experience enough pain with the way things are. Only then do we say, "Hey, enough already!"
      Only then do we begin to look for new ways to figure out how to think, feel and act in a different direction.
      Only then do we stop looking for excuses that do nothing more than set up roadblocks right in the middle of our success path and also to try and protect us from the previous experienced pain, so we don't need to go through it again.
      well i am high functioning autistic .. so i am picky about certain things .. i will refine the concept .. because i have known fewer people or even worse ..know of .. who change drastically because of the pain or a traumatic even.. and turned out positive in the long run .. while i know many people who got on the pain meds /alcohol/ other drugs and kept right on making things worse .

      the even that usually happens that gets people to change is something happens to make the changes a lot less pain full in perception.. than the pain they are going through .. because many people will imagine the changes as much more horrific than they really are ..

      the i don't want to eat only salads or nothing that tastes good is good for more .. or the people who only believe they can achieve a shape beside round and plump by going to the gym..

      like eating salad will do any good when people dump 1500 calories worth of ranche dressing on it ..
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      • Profile picture of the author Alan777
        Yeah I remember those days odahh I would drink to get rid of depression. But like you said I would only end up worse. And when the numbing effect of the alcohol was gone the problems and the depression was still there.

        I learned life lessons the hard way. But now the great part about the life I lived back than is this I can really understand people who are going through all that drugs, alcohol , street life, etc.

        I extend my hand to help them , show them how I got out of that way of living and bring hope to there hearts, comfort them.

        Thats why I come to this conclusion everything we go through in life has a purpose and the hardships we go through in life and have overcome. I have seen that later on in life you meet people who are going through the same thing you went through many years ago. Or even recently. And you get that beautiful opportunity to extend your hand and help them out of that situation you went through years ago.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan777
      Sadly thats true, some people learn just by watching others commit errors.

      But some people would rather commit the same error and hope it works for them in some way.

      I have seen that some people dont learn from others experiences and commit the same error.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ismaheel Owolabi
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    i dont make excuses, i only deal in fact

    im too smart
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  • Profile picture of the author Jahid Helal
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    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by Jahid Helal View Post

      wow some post.
      I am glad for this post.
      "If you fail, try again. If you fail, try again. If you fail, try again. Try and try. Then you will be success.
      Most of the online marketers success in their life because of the positive thinking and hard work.
      So what have you actually become a success ? Want to explain in detail how you started from nothing and made money !
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  • Profile picture of the author Maxxx333
    This is really true dude! Me to try to stay motivate, i read experiences of persons that made good results before, and who are still doing it, but also, listen to many motivating videos, to help me stay on my feet!! but still, not enough, i think i need to do more, to become a real beast, and all of us we really need this to achieve our goals!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
    I think that one of the most difficult situations is when you have a regular day job that pays your bills and you are fighting to find the time and the energy to work online , at least until you make as much as you make on your day job.
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  • Profile picture of the author hoangcf
    i think
    "It's too late for me."
    "I can't do that."
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  • Profile picture of the author SARubin
    Originally Posted by Bizopboost View Post

    Let me start this post with:
    "No matter what's going on in the world, you have a choice as to what you're going to create in your life. "

    It happened to me, I had and used every excuse in the book and I have also heard them all from many dudes since I have begun helping others and building relationships online.
    It really is much easier to come up with an excuse instead of just taking the bull by the horn as we say and getting things accomplished.

    What's Your Excuse?
    "I can't give up a regular paycheck."
    "Invest? You want me to lose all my money, don't you?"
    "I don't have any money to invest."
    "I tried that before. It'll never work."
    "I'm not smart enough."
    "My husband would never go for it."
    "My wife would never understand."
    "What would my friends say if I fail again?"
    "I'm young. I've still got time."
    "It's too late for me."
    "I can't do that."
    "I wasn't born with a computer attached to my umbilical cord."
    "It is easier for the younger generation than it is for me."

    Where did these negative thoughts come from?
    and How do you manage to keep yourself positive all the time?
    Well, I don't manage to keep positive "all the time" but, these days I do manage it "most of the time."

    For me, achieving goals, or greatness, usually starts with a strong "reason why" I want to achieve something.

    If you set a goal, then one of the first things to do is try to determine "why" you want that result.

    If the reason is weak (like I just want more money, because I just want it) then the goal is far more likely to flop, and die in transition. (Because for most people, as soon as things get a little tough it'll be like "well that didn't work. I guess it's just not worth the hassle. Or it just wasn't meant to be")

    But, a powerful "Reason Why" can motivate you to achieve just about anything.

    Think about it...

    If you're starving, then that's a pretty powerful reason why you need to find some food. And chances are you're not going to let anything get in your way from finding something to eat. (I don't care if you're old, feeble, ugly, and your teeth are jacked. If you don't wanna starve to death, you'll find some food)

    Likewise, if you're totally bullshit at being broke all the time (and I don't mean just "wahh! I wish I had more money" Boo frikin' hoo)

    I mean completely done with... being broke, worrying about how you're going to pay the rent, and you're on a first name basis with the guy at the collection agency - kinda broke.

    That could potentially turn into the "FU" moment that causes you to stop making excuses, and start creating a better future (the "reason why" could be that you simply refuse live that way anymore)

    The bottom line is this...

    A powerful "Reason Why" can motivate you to achieve just about anything.

    (Unfortunately, a "reason why" can also be used as an excuse for why you can't do something. Like the examples in your original list)

    I don't want to get preachy here, but I've been to the bottom, and have climbed back up.

    And the truth I've discovered, (and teach) is this...

    If you have a desire to achieve greatness, that means you already have the innate, (albeit possibly latent) capacity within you, to achieve it.

    And, you can achieve almost any "what" and learn any "how" in this life. If you have a strong enough reason "Why" you want to do it.

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  • Profile picture of the author posinfo1
    I think that it is relatively easy to stay motivated and upbeat if you can see that you are travelling in the right direction. If you are following a proven system that is working for other people then it will work for you if you do the same thing.

    If you find someone who is making a million year then by copying their system you would have every chance of being able to make $100,000 per annum. I think that frustration and disappointment creep in when you feel that you are going round in circles and not following a proven system.

    McDonalds restaurants are highly successful because business owners who buy into the franchise are taught the McDonalds way of doing everything. New owners do not have to figure out what works or does not work.
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  • Profile picture of the author withemeae
    Exactly. One has to kick those negativities from the life and simply FOCUS On their target
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  • Profile picture of the author Elizabethlim
    Hi, think and plan far even when you are in comfort zone. You will not be lost and stressful if you are prepared for the worst. Make use of your free time to learn more things which may help you one day...
    Money On Demand by Ewen Chia
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