Hey Guys In need of some quick

5 replies
Been away for some years so been out of the loop, I was wondering if digital products still sell in the market place or have people moved onto apps and stuff, and is list building still relevant.

any info on where to start back up would be much appreciated.

Thanks Guys.
#guys #hey #quick
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    The e-learning industry has exploded, and it's going to get bigger. Never been a better time to start.

    Listing building tech has moved on, it's more important than ever, it's still best way to build an audience.

    The tech has moved on from the kind of thing Aweber can do, and moved into behaviour response that massively increases engagement.

    Welcome back, things have gotten really cool.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bizopboost
    Welcome back,
    Yes the industry is exploding , going more Mobile , Reponsiveness is needed
    the rest depends on the niche that you re in .
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  • Profile picture of the author mikerichardson
    Well the best digital product to sell online goes to the eBook. Nowadays, mobile app developers can integrate easily offer wall into the apps and let users earn $$
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Yes, digital products / list building is alive and well. However, there is a big world outside of MMO.

    My core business that I have been running for nearly 17 years is promoting PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversions are typically much higher than offers that require you to make a sale.

    So while I am technically in the information business. I'm not out there beating my head against the wall trying to make sales...I'm providing info that users want / need at no cost and getting paid well for doing it.

    Also, I go after the biggest markets where on any given day there are millions of users in search of the information that I provide...insurance, education, loans, debt, credit, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc... Which is where the higher paying lead gen offers are for the most part.

    My entire business is driven by email, however, I don't do any mainstream list building. I acquire 3rd party email data, which is data that the users have shown an interest in a specific niche and have given permission to receive messages from third parties. I get the opt-in records for all users and it's 100% can-spam compliant.

    3rd party data typically isn't as responsive as a highly targeted opt-in list you build yourself. So to compensate for this you have to send higher volume. This isn't a big deal because it's much cheaper and highly scalable compared to traditional list building.

    I skim off the top the fast track conversions and then for long-term success, I'm always collecting my opens / clickers, segmenting and removing unresponsive users. That way I'm essentially converting the data from quantity to quality and then cross-promote offers on the back-end.

    Basically, I monetize the data using PPL offers because they offer the path of least resistance to generating conversions($$$) and converting the data into cash producing assets.

    Obviously, there is more to it, but done right it can be extremely profitable. Everyone that I know that is in the business and knows what they are doing, for the most part, does 6-7 figures. While that's a huge range, much comes down to one's ability to scale and effectively build / manage the infrastructure needed to scale.

    Something to think about.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author wayne rodden
    Thanks guys, really appreciate the fast response.
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