Keyword Research [Avg. 33k competing sites, Avg. 4.6k EXACT search per month]

Profile picture of AidanKay
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
4 replies
Okay, I'm compiling a list of over a hundred keywords related to the webmaster niche. (SEO, IM etc).

I'm going to write one article per keyword, rewrite it twice and then sell the whole lot as a package.

What I'm asking is; Would YOU buy it? and For how much?

So fair I have 31 keywords.

And only 7 of those keywords have over 50k competing indexed pages (hyphened search in google) 79,700 being the highest. The rest are in the 60k region and below. With 9 being under 15k.

The average searches per month (using the 'exact' option in google adwords keyword tool) is 4,674. With 18,100 being the highest and 880 being the lowest (I wanted to keep them above 1k searches, but this one only has 4k competing pages, and an average CPC of $11.03).

The average CPC for all keywords so far is $9.51 (it should be USD, but might just be AUD). Highest being $12.73. Lowest. $3.79.

ANYWAYS, I was wondering what I should/could charge for this, with the unique and rewritten articles included.

Your opinions are appreciated.


#33k #46k #avg #competing #exact #keyword #month #research #search #sites
  • Profile picture of the author jrmnlitt
    Profile picture of jrmnlitt
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I don't know how much you would charge for that kind of product, but if I understand what you are doing correctly I would instead of having 1 keyword used mutilple times in a article use a free tool called to build keyword rich articles using those keywords. It will add more value to your articles and can be used as a selling feature for your final product. You will see what I mean if you go to the site.
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Taylor
    Michael Taylor
    Profile picture of Michael Taylor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Aidan, I would avoid automated article creation if I were you. That stuff is fine for building backlinks, but if you're serving up some kind of PLR, it really needs to be good quality. There's already too much crap in the PLR world as it is.

    As far as price goes...something like that should easily sell for $24.95. But since there's over 100 high quality keywords complete with articles, if you pitch it right it could sell for $97. Of course, you'll get fewer sales, but a solid list of low competition, high search keywords really shouldn't be sold for cheap.

    The buyer who puts your package into action will make multiple hundreds, if not thousands on those keywords, if they do it right. So don't under price!

    I'm planning on publishing something similar in a different niche, minus the articles and it won't be cheap.
    • Profile picture of the author AidanKay
      Profile picture of AidanKay
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Michael Taylor View Post

      Aidan, I would avoid automated article creation if I were you. That stuff is fine for building backlinks, but if you're serving up some kind of PLR, it really needs to be good quality. There's already too much crap in the PLR world as it is.
      Yeah, I can't fathom using an automated software when the quality of handwritten articles is so much higher.

      Originally Posted by Michael Taylor View Post

      As far as price goes...something like that should easily sell for $24.95. But since there's over 100 high quality keywords complete with articles, if you pitch it right it could sell for $97. Of course, you'll get fewer sales, but a solid list of low competition, high search keywords really shouldn't be sold for cheap.
      Would the keywords being strictly related to the webmaster niche lower the selling value? Because I am intending on releasing keyword lists for each niche. With videos explaining various things (not going into details just yet), related clickbank/PDC products to sell, etc. I'm gonna go all out.
      Went off-topic a bit.

      But, how many should I limit the copies to? 10? 20? 50?
      Should I also incremement the price from 17$ to eventually 47$ (for example)?

      Originally Posted by Michael Taylor View Post

      The buyer who puts your package into action will make multiple hundreds, if not thousands on those keywords, if they do it right. So don't under price!

      I'm planning on publishing something similar in a different niche, minus the articles and it won't be cheap.
      I have never intending on selling myself short. That's why I've asked here for advice.

      Say, on top of the 100 keywords with 100 unique articles and the 200 rewrites. I want to add at least 1 PLR ebook (same niche) with atleast 15 pages, and 3 - 5 part video mini-series (about an hour in total).

      I know it's hard, but any chance you could give me a ballpark price on which to sell?

      Thanks mate, you've been very helpful.

      Australian article writer. 5c per word, 50% off for first 5 people. 1c off price per word if done through UpWork.
      Contact me on here to get started.
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Taylor
    Michael Taylor
    Profile picture of Michael Taylor
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My first reaction is to sell it for 97 bucks, but realistically you'll have to test it out.

    If that seems too high to you, maybe $47. But for all the stuff you're packing in there, I wouldn't go lower than that. And maybe limit it to 100 sales. Doesn't Steve Wagenheim sell niche research packs with a 100 sale limit? Seems reasonable for a list of 100 strong keywords.

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