2 replies
Hi there,

I was re-watching my Mass Control course and Frank Kern mentions that, to his surprise, most of his lists consisted of beginners and newbies and not small business owners. He also goes on to say that most people in the IM market buy lots of products but rarely fully study the courses and implement the techniques. So a significant portion of the market is made up of people who still want to know how to set up a website, create good funnels, properly sell products and not established people wanting to expand their business/marketing knowledge to increase their profits.

Of course Mass Control was released many many years ago, could things have changed or not?
Any input is appreciated.
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Brindamour

    I would say is still the same today. I have surveyed my list and 98% of them have not made any money online. One of the biggest issues I think, like Frank mentions, most people don't take the time to master any of the courses and stay in learning mode forever. The key is to focus on one thing at a time and master it before learning something new.

    Hope this helps!


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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Originally Posted by NathanRoth View Post

    Hi there,

    I was re-watching my Mass Control course and Frank Kern mentions that, to his surprise, most of his lists consisted of beginners and newbies and not small business owners.
    Pure crapola. Unless Frank Kern was/is particularly dim or a liar everyone in MMO IM knows the market is primarily opportunity seekers. Theres absolutely no surprise there.

    Business owners already have found an opportunity by VERY DEFINITION.

    Kern's major business was and always has been opportunity seekers not business people. In that regard he is no different than anyone else in MMO.

    so of course its the same today.

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