Offer Problem [Niche Selection]

13 replies
ok so i can write good emails, find ok offers and pick a niche. BUT My problem see I dont wanna just promote 1 product and be done. I wanna keep promoting products in a specific niche. So how do I find offers which fit into each other.

For example lets say my niche is weight loss, and I sell them on a course from clickbank but, the problem with this is that there are plenty of good courses on clickbank BUT you cant just promote like more than 1 of them because it doesnt fit in. Like to those people who buy my first promoted product they will be thinking like "Oh this is the same type of course hes selling".

Like I want something to fit in well. for example, I teach people how to do aff m arketing, I can sell them 1 good course, then I can sell them on say wordpress themes,plugins or clickfunnels, Then web hosting, then I can sell them on auto responders and such. But, I cant seem to find offers Which connect. Like if ur starting aff marketing it makes sense to get a host, domain then buy a wordpress theme and plugins then buy an autoresponder. But, all the courses on clickbank say THEY are the best ones and all in one weight loss product which is my problem. Again my niche isnt weight loss but it was just an example.
#niche #offer #problem #selection
  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Have you had any success selling at least (1) product yet?
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  • Profile picture of the author Fantasy Cloud
    Of course, I have done it without any email marketing, done it with ecom and few other things as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    I myself.. I am a product guy... selling information is ok I guess ( I honestly don't sell much of it ) but you are right.. how many diet plans can you sell? and this is why I prefer products.

    I look for base products that have consumables. An example would be the Kuerig Coffee maker.. you have to buy the coffee maker right... THEN in order to use the thing, you have to buy the pods over and over and over in which Keurig gets a percentage of each and every pod sold regardless of who makes it. Pure genius.

    So back to weight loss.. you sell a Info product... what are the consumables to healthier living? Vitamins? Weight sets? Yoga mats? blah blah blah blah blah the list goes on and on. Heck and by golly you could sell them water that gets delivered to their door.

    BUT.. if you are really paying attention to the weight loss cycle... you will find that there is a "Holiday Diet" to keep off the pounds you gain during the holidays. There is the New Years resolution diet period.... shed pounds fast.. there is the pre summer diet.. Bikini diet, April rolls around there is the pre wedding diet. there is a summer diet.. there is a fall diet. The end goal is all the same.. its the delivery and product that changes

    Keep in mind as you build your list.. not everyone is going to buy what it is you are offering the first time around.. I think its ok to change it up, and offer something different. Maintain the parallel content and support of each offering, but deliver new offers based on the industries cycles.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Here is something to consider, it's what I have been doing for a little over 17 years.

    I heavily promote PPL (pay per lead...lead generation) offers. This is because there is no credit card / purchase required to complete an offer. All a user has to do is fill out a form, so conversion rates are typically much higher compared to offers that require a sale to be made.

    I favor offers that have a make, get or save money benefit to them, as they have overall worked the best. They also tend to have the greatest mass appeal (will be of interest to a large general audience), so the potential exists to produce high volume and they are fairly easy to cross promote on the back-end.

    Some of the verticals (niches) I have done extremely well with are: education, insurance, loans, debt, credit, mortgage, assistance, discount offers, homeowner offers, etc...

    The bulk of the PPL offers that I promote pay $20-$40 per lead, but I also promote offers that pay more and less. You don't want to get too caught up on what an offer pays because how well it converts is just as important. For example, if you have an offer that pays $9, but if it converts at 2X or more of a $20 offer, then it will perform about the same or possibly better. At the same time, if you have an offer that pays $90 and it converts poorly, it may not even be worth promoting.

    I have also done just as good with dating website sign-ups and pretty good with free trial + S/H offers. I also promote a very limited number of offers that are straight up purchase offers. However, mass appeal needs to exist and I look for one of the following to also exists:

    1) The product is new and/or novel-unique and you can't purchase it locally or even something similar. I don't waste my time with it once something similar shows up in Walmart.

    2) The buyer can truly get what is being offered at a decent discount.

    3) Solves a house is on fire type problem.

    However, most of the above I will promote on the back-end. Which is why the first thing I look for is mass appeal.

    Bottom line, it's far easier to get someone fill out a short form than to get them to pull out their credit card and make a purchase. So why struggle with trying to sell this or that, when you can provide free information that users want/need and get paid well doing it.

    Doing the above, I always have something to promote on the back-end year round and I pretty much just loop the offers and it's just a matter of when does something fall in sync with the user's livelihood and need it.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author jonatan snellman
    My suggestion would be to find affiliate products that has several products already so that you don't have to pick and mix different affiliate offers together.

    Find a product or service to offer that has low, mid and high ticket offers & preferably even recurring offers (subscription based offers so when people sign up once, they'll keep paying without you having to sell them again).
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  • Profile picture of the author Maryl Smith
    Do you want to sell or to get leads?
    Actually, It would be a good idea, when you'll "recommend" other courses in the same niche. All you need - not to be added to spam senders
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by Fantasy Cloud View Post

    So how do I find offers which fit into each other.

    Your problem is focusing on products instead of a viable audience. You jump from one offer for a product to another without having a real business that focuses on an audience and what they want.

    You can wander around in the dark and try to guess what will sell . . . or you can build a niche audience and ask them what they would like to buy to solve their problems.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • I have to agree that instead of focusing on what products to pick, you should rather focus more on your audience, especially on what your audience needs. If you know your market well, everything comes easy, including the products to promote on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You're thinking about this too hard. Just sell/offer products that are similar to the ones you have created, and make sure it's relevant to your niche. You dont have to be perfect to make alot of money online. Just get out there and start selling. And stop worrying about product selection. Your question should be more about finding the "starving crowd".
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  • Profile picture of the author Fantasy Cloud
    My problem is that I don't want to sell just 1 product.
    The problem is that I don't wanna write a LONG email sequence (Months) create a following and stuff JUST to sell 1 product. I want to keep selling on and on.

    And i dont want to sell products like for example I sold them 1 weight loss product then I sell them another weight loss which has a different principle around it.

    Like I know exactly what to do if say I was going to either teach them aff marketing myself or via sellign them on a course. But, I don't want to do that niche.

    I don't want to build a following or whatever if I don't know any products I can promote in it. Like if I was selling them on a bike part,

    I can later promote bike gloves, other bike parts, helmet, shoes and stuff like that.
    I don't want to sell them on a certain component saying it's best for them then 1 month later oh it's actually this one and keep doing that over time.

    EDIT: Plus wouldn't it be nice if it had recurring commission so I can keep on profiting on and on and just by building 1 following I keep making monthly commissions from past sold stuff + the new stuff I sell.

    I mean of course i'd make more money this way but, having a solid backend means I can pay 40$ per lead if it's generating me good sales + it's also good to keep marketing these guys that u once paid for so your average lifetime customer value goes up WAY higher.
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    • Profile picture of the author jonatan snellman
      Well if you're in the weight loss niche you shouldn't sell them several weight loss programs, then you'll make people confused and you'll probably lose your credibility pretty fast.

      Just sell them on one program that you believe is going to help your customer and preferably one that has a solid backend.

      Then you can sell them things that relates to the program you sold them, not another program but things like maybe workout tools, clothes, supplements etc, things that are related to the first offer.

      Hope this helped you in someway.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Originally Posted by Fantasy Cloud View Post

      I don't want to build a following or whatever if I don't know any products I can promote in it.

      Fantasy Cloud,

      You're getting to hung up on products. You build an audience first and foremost around a specific niche. You do market research to find out what their problems are, their desires are, or what they want to achieve. You will learn what they want first . . . then you go out and find solutions. You then offer solutions in the form of affiliate products, your own created products, PLR products, free-lancer created products, licensed products, yada, yada, yada . . . It's important to build your audience and get their permission to contact them (subscribers). Once you have this following of niche participants, you can ask them what products or services they'd like to have.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    People interesting in weight loss are likely to also be interested in things like recipes for losing weight, vitamins, exercise, general health, etc. Check out weight loss related sites and sign up for relevant newsletters and see what they offer.
    Discover the fastest and easiest ways to create your own valuable products.
    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
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