Take me to the next level!

Profile picture of Slin
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
10 replies
Hey guys, I am an 18 year old college student who has been in BUM marketing for about a year.

I average about 140$ every two weeks right now and am frustrated. I recently decided to set a goal.

I wanted to be making at least 100$ a day within 3 months. I was set to write 30 articles a day, and find a new product daily. Mid terms came up so I only get 45 articles done last week...

I write 30 ezine articles pointed towards a squidoo lens as a landing page.

Is this considered profitable anymore?

Thanks a ton guys, just recently found this forum.
  • Profile picture of the author mikestenger
    Profile picture of mikestenger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You may want to branch out from there to an actual website and landing page. Squidoo was all cool back in the day but don't seem to be hearing much success coming out of that department lately. My opinion is you'll have the most success with your own website or landing page. Heck, may even want to start up a blog as well.

    You'll always do better if you have multiple hubs (sites, pages, blogs, etc.) that all generally point to the same direction (your website or landing page). It generates more exposure and puts more content out for the search engines to index.

    Don't take my Squidoo comment seriously though. I'd ask around a little bit more to see if that's something you would stick to because it could in fact be.

    Hope this helps!


  • Profile picture of the author mikestenger
    Profile picture of mikestenger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Almost forgot! There's lots of great posts here on the forum about ezine articles, getting maximum exposure for your articles, and getting sites and pages indexed higher with articles. I highly recommend simply looking around and you'll find some really valuable posts.


  • Profile picture of the author Vanquish
    Profile picture of Vanquish
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Hey Slin,

    Seems like you are on the right track, I'm not the most experienced marketer but I do have a few suggestions

    You can do good keyword research and find keywords that can get you organic listings and began building back links to them using web 2.0 properties and angela and pauls back links are also good for ranking high for competitive keywords fast.

    You can purchase some PLR content and hire an article writer to rewrite it for $1 or $1.50 an article so that would double your article marketing power for minimal investment. Additionally you can also write 5 articles and get your re writer to rewrite another 5.

    Make sure your resource box is well constructed and it is a continuation of your article you should be aiming at 25-35% click through rate.

    If you have a pre sell page make sure it shows the benefits of the product but doesn't look to salesy because you want the sales page to do that.

    Hope that helps
    Nothing to sell, only value to give and new knowledge to learn.
  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    Profile picture of Slin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks guys! All good advice.

    I am going to follow the article marketing 102 guide I found on here, I will post my results in the coming months.

    I may start a blog and such, I had a website long ago, but thanks to college the money I had for that is gone... Hopefully I will be on here posting my success soon!
  • Profile picture of the author Arlene.Harahap
    Profile picture of Arlene.Harahap
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    thats great ! Im like you.. im just 17 years old but my English too bad, im from Indonesia. In my country Online Bussines is great !.. So i find information in this forum..
  • Profile picture of the author thomashoi
    Profile picture of thomashoi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by Slin View Post

    Hey guys, I am an 18 year old college student who has been in BUM marketing for about a year.

    I average about 140$ every two weeks right now and am frustrated. I recently decided to set a goal.

    I wanted to be making at least 100$ a day within 3 months. I was set to write 30 articles a day, and find a new product daily. Mid terms came up so I only get 45 articles done last week...

    I write 30 ezine articles pointed towards a squidoo lens as a landing page.

    Is this considered profitable anymore?

    Thanks a ton guys, just recently found this forum.

    The thing about internet marketing is that there's a REAL person buying
    a product, he has his desires and needs and hopes to get a
    certain result after buying that product.

    Internet marketing is not about seo, writing tons of articles,
    links building and all those ppc crap...

    I think it's best for you to really find out what your target audience
    wants before writing those articles.
    FREE Ebook - Discover The Secrets Of Generating $260,957 Sales In 5 Days!
  • Profile picture of the author LegitBlogger
    Profile picture of LegitBlogger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    It's STUDY (thankfully lots of it can be done here for free)
    and PRACTICE (taking tons of action) like you have decided
    that will really take you to the next level. I think you are
    on the right step with the goal you have set. Next thing is -
    will you stick to the goal and actually do what you said
    you are going to do, DAILY,

    One thing - yes, pointing to a squidoo lens isn't as cool
    as it used to be back then. Instead, get your own site(s)
    and use squidoo, EzineArticles, etc to drive traffic to
    YOUR own site(s).
  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    Profile picture of Slin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for the advise!

    Thomas nailed it, I always promote products that I completely know about. For instance I am not a body builder, but I have friends that are, I know which products work, and therefore, I know what to target.

    But I kinda lost track of that, thanks Thomas.

    As soon as I get enough income to cover college and a website I am switching away from squidoo! Thanks for the advise.
  • Profile picture of the author diggo
    Profile picture of diggo
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Okay, you seem to have the right idea. But the thing that worries me, is the fact that you (think) you can write 30 articles/day. With such a quantity of articles in just a single day, this leaves a big question mark on the quality of the articles you are writing.

    I think you need to spend more time on keyword research and building backlinks. How many views are you getting to your average article, and what is your CTR?

    Article marketing is not all about quantity, it's about quality too.

    Oh and FWIW, I disagree with mikestenger; there is nothing wrong with using squidoo as a landing page for starters. They will work just as good as your own landing page (albeit slighty limited in some areas... hence why I said for starters)
  • Profile picture of the author Slin
    Profile picture of Slin
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Maybe you are right, when I say 30 articles it generally takes me 6 hours a day.

    But I don't even know if I have that time, I think you may be right. How much time do you spend on an individual article?

    I heard of backlinks thanks to marketing 102, I will be buying the packets advertised and starting to do backlinks.

    Should I say, try writing 4 articles a day, and spend the reset of my time submitting articles to backlinks?



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