software for affiliates recommendation?

2 replies
hi warriors, what do you reckon when it comes to the softwares every affiliates need to have?
-page builders with scarcities tool
-lead magnet
-what else?

content marketing for overlaying other people's content?
#affiliates #recommendation #software
  • Profile picture of the author logoartistdesign
    There are many softwares for affiliates some of them are:
    1. Omnistar
    2. Impact Radius
    3. iDev Affiliate
    4. Lead Dyno
    5. AffiliateWP
    6. Hit Path
    7. Click Inc
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    • Profile picture of the author zefriks
      Originally Posted by logoartistdesign View Post

      There are many softwares for affiliates some of them are:
      1. Omnistar
      2. Impact Radius
      3. iDev Affiliate
      4. Lead Dyno
      5. AffiliateWP
      6. Hit Path
      7. Click Inc
      too many paid software.
      he just try out an marketing automation tools.
      Mautic maybe isn't bad platform to try out
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