Mentor Wanted

by 19 replies

I've been trying to figure out how to do online marketing for about a year now, and don't really plan on giving up anytime soon.

I spent way to much money on crappy advice, and courses that simply don't work.

I understand how to use analytics(google, fb, twitter, pinterest, linkedin)

Know how to use social sprout, buffer, and other post schedulers.

and of course mailchimp.

I know how to make websites and pretty much everything, else regarding the technical aspects.

But my issue is knowing where to post, things that generate conversions.

I'm not interested in paying someone to mentor me. Because honestly, if you are good at this and making money, there shouldn't be a need to charge some who is already struggling financially.

Plus with any other legit job out there. Companies pay those they are training while they learn.

Yea I get the greed behind all of this and majority of people could really care less about simply doing the right thing and taking someone under their wing to show them the ropes. As a friend, not as a customer.

I'm the type of person that needs to be shown what to a few times, Not told. or just pointed off to read something that doesn't work.

Last year, I had a heart attack and what little money I have goes straight to bills, and lucky if I can scrape up $20 bucks to get something to eat.

If you're confident you can teach me how get good at this. I have no problem promoting your tracking links for what ever offer you have. that way you can see if im following your instructions and so on.

The way my mind works. Is say you choose to help.

If I had a bullet point task list of exactly what to do. then yea, ill succeed won't have a problem sending you a cut of what ever I make. and don't have a problem signing a contract for this either.

But as for me paying before I see any results? All I gotta say about that is. Does A boss pay their employees before any work is completed? Nope. So this shouldn't be any different. Except, the employee will be paying the boss, when the sales are made.

So yea, if anyone is up for cutting the bs, and up for doing something as simple as helping someone who is probably more driven than most people on here.

I'm talking from the moment I wake up, to when ever i fall asleep. I'm on my computer nonstop trying to figure this out.

I can't work, nor can I leave the house, because of my heart surgery, So me finding a normal job isn't in the cards. I tried a few times to find work, but not being able to stand for more than hour kinda put a damper on that being an option.

So again, if you're up for helping out. I'd greatly appreciate it.

If not. I guess its safe to assume, that everyone on here is on some kinda bs and lying about being successful. Or they're just making money from scamming people.
#main internet marketing discussion forum #mentor #wanted
  • You definitely sound like a 'newbie' and some of your comments simply don't make sense to me.

    • [ 11 ] Thanks
  • Sorry to hear about your health problems but honestly if you can don't let it hold you back. As someone who previously had health trouble, I know how difficult it can be - but don't let it disable you.

    With regards to your post there are a couple of things that stand out

    You will have to remind me - when did I hire you?

    If you are wanting to do this then you need to be in the mindset that you are your own boss. This means that you have to take responsibility for every success and every failure you have. Yeah, it's not nice but ultimately the 'it wasn't my fault' attitude will lead you down a dark path.

    I think (and this is only judging from your initial post) that a slight attitude adjustment would be beneficial for you. Remember that you are essentially asking us to do you - a complete stranger- a favour.

    Now, this isn't something I am adverse to and have done it several times on here but with people that understand the sacrifice I would be making. I am not someone who is driven by money but every hour I spend helping someone to establish their business is an hour I am not spending with friends or family.

    I am supremely confident I can teach but a good teacher is only half of the equation and attitude and aptitude for learning in the student is also required.

    All that said I believe in second chances so perhaps post again without the attitude of entitlement and tell us what kind of business you are looking into. You've some good skills so tell us what ideas you have.

    What business model? What Niche? etc.
    • [ 5 ] Thanks
  • There are a lot of good mentors but it's best for you in terms of marketing to test different places .

    That's how you will you will find the winners and avoid the losers.
  • Your logic about not having to pay for a mentor is flawed.

    Time is money. Why should someone do anything for free? The time they spend mentoring you they could spend the time making money.

    Regardless what you offer to pay them as a percentage of your profits in exchange for the mentoring. Which is what I assume you would offer, as I can't imagine you would really expect someone to do it 100% for free.

    There is no way to know what you will make and a percentage of $0 ends up being a total waste of time / loss of potential income. Even if you did great, there is no way that they can ensure that they will get paid. I'm not saying you wouldn't pay them, but it is a huge risk on their part.

    You mention that you have no money. If this is the case, how will you afford to implement what you learn? This is another risk for someone providing such for free.

    Then you have those that just aren't suppose to run their own business. They just don't have the ability / drive to follow through with everything that is needed to be successful.

    In the end, there is so much risk on their part, why should they ever do it for free?
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Your statement isn't totally correct. I was coached and mentored by a US based pilot (Eastern Airlines) when I first showed interest towards Aviation in my very young age. He tutored (only ground studies) me over the course of four years without any commercial interest. This is the beauty of the United States. You'll be rewarded no matter what's your race, or financial background, if you're willing to put in the work.

      I do believe such people also exist in IM, but very difficult to find.
  • i am sorry to let you know that everything here will cost money. from building your list to buying wsos to advertising. I can help you get a great coach that is very legit but they will cost money. and not small money.
  • Hi Nathan,

    I'm not interested in paying someone to mentor me. Because honestly, if you are good at this and making money, there shouldn't be a need to charge some who is already struggling financially.


    That's funny LOL.

    Seriously though; doing your homework on a potential coach then paying a premium fee to get advice that will save your years of struggling, those are 2 forms of tuition to pay to get past the struggles you are experiencing.

    Happy Mentor Hunting

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • What have you done so far? Have you taken any action? If so, what have you done? Please share as much information as possible, the more we have the more we can help.
  • I was exactly in your situation, trying to figure it out, searching, googling,, attending free seminars, webinars etc, this helped me half way in learning side, but no any cash in,
    Eventually, I found some platform they provide paid courses, with money back guarantee, some basic courses: for 30 days with 30-day money back guarantee, 60 days course with 60-day money back guarantee, etc..
    Everyday they open 1 lesson for you, and there is a homework to do along the learning, also you can communicate with their support team by email or live chat,
    besides the paid course, there are some other costs to pay for hosting, email marketing, page builder etc, they will teach you step by step with video training etc, all tools are there,
    I recommend you to go for such courses, which with money back guarantee, if you feel that you did not benefit or not fit for you, just request withdraw before the expiry guarantee period,
    This is where i found myself, otherwise not going anywhere far away,
    Another option for you case, I would advise you to get some paid surveys, easy and not need to do more with the complexity of IM funnels, traffic etc,
    Sorry, I can't post the links here where to purchase the training courses or paid surveys to comply with the forum rules, I can share in PM box, no sales or any about this,

    Final comment: If you not ready to spend any single $ and trying it smartly to find out your way to do it alone, you won't generate any single $, stay reassured (from my experience)
    Personally, I received a lot of help from this forum (free section), I asked many things and got useful replies for free,
    I still believe there are many good people around the world willing to help, give advises, show you directions to get in your path etc,
    And I will proudly say BIG THANKS to all of the them our helpful warriors here,

    Please remember:
    Being thankful and helpful makes your life meaningful.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Banned
  • From your profile:

    I think you're full of BS!

    Do you have any idea how many of these nearly identical posts we've seen before?

    Here is what you can expect:

    Ask some of the people you claim to have "success coached and mentored" to help you.

  • Bad example. Here is a better one. Does a college or university bleed you dry before you get your degree. And do they keep the money if you flunk out miserably, or if you decide that college is just a big party that someone else is paying for. You bet they will.

  • Nathan,

    Sounds like you are all over the place. You need to get focused. There are really only 3 things you need (maybe 4):

    1. You need a product or service that is in demand that people want and are willing to pay for, and that has a proven track record for making money.

    2. You need a system in place to sell / market the product or service for you on autopilot (landing pages, sales videos, sales page, email follow-ups...etc). You need something that will differentiate you from all the other marketers out there.

    3. You need quality & qualified traffic to your system on a regular & consistent basis.

    The 4th thing I would recommend is to find a mentor in your niche who has a successful track record that you can model.

  • This can not be serious!
    Do you need a teacher or an employee?
    Or are you begging for someone generous?
    What ever your position is.. you just start it wrong!
    • [1] reply

    • Nobody became greater by putting people down.

      Easy tiger
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • If your story is true...

    Last year, I had a heart attack and what little money I have goes straight to bills, and lucky if I can scrape up $20 bucks to get something to eat.

    Happy to give you 1 hour of my time in a 1 on 1 on Skype

    Feel free to send me a PM or add me on FB

    We all need help and if 1 hour of my time can help you... I'm here to help
    • [ 1 ] Thanks

  • Really?

    So every successful marketer on this forum either helps you out for free . . . or if they don't they are "some kinda bs and lying about being successful. Or they're just making money from scamming people."

    You sure know how to appeal to and endear yourself to strangers and introduce yourself to the forum!

    May I suggest two things:

    1. Since you have all day to work, spend a lot of time on this forum observing, reading, and learning all you can. There is plenty of valuable advice here in the archives - enough for anyone to learn how to research the marketplace, define an audience, learn how to build a list, how to choose a business model, how to promote products, how to license pre-made products, how to put together offers, and how to set up funnels, and everything else needed to make some sales. There is great information here about popular and inexpensive tools to use to build and automate a simple selling system. All of this information is freely available. You just have to put in the time and look for it.

    2. No one owes you anything! You are totally responsible and accountable for your own business life. Regardless of their circumstance or environment, it is the same with every person on earth. You are the business. Successful and seasoned business owners on this forum are already reaching out to you by being here without compensation and sharing their knowledge and wisdom about online marketing.

    The very best to you,

  • I think it's easy to assume that you can't expect much help now after this blood bath.

    The forum is legendary because of it's legendary warriors who are making money, and giving their insight in various places on the forum.

    Be patient and read the forum - like a book. The search function at the top is your best friend.
  • Instead of asking someone to build you a business for free you could have taken a shortcut by asking someone to send you 50k directly into your bank account.

    This is not going to happen anytime soon in this universe.
  • Its really difficult sometime to grow with this mindset. As Every Successful Person story if you would pick up and see they will have a Mentor.

    Why Do you need a Mentor?
    My friend told me the same one day , my response was very simple.
    If you like to shorten your journey and avoid roadblocks on the way its wise to learn from someone who had already walked the path.

    Life is too Short to make all mistakes all on your own

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