Editing Youtube videos - to outsource or not?

1 replies
HI guys,

I'd like to create a Youtube channel for my business, which will be mainly informational (talking about making money online, productivity, etc). I was thinking of hiring out the editing to somebody. However, now my partner and I are also thinking that we might want to have our own channel as well, mostly about healthy living/recipes, etc. We'd like this channel to be much more heavily edited, including voice overs, special effects, etc, and not just cutting. Would you advise us to still outsource this, or for my partner (as I have too much on my plate...although she does as well!) to learn how to edit and edit both channels? Or would outsourcing the second channel require one of us to know how to edit in order to teach someone how to do it in our style (well, we haven't got a style, but I mean using our preferences and vision)? I guess it's hard to say how long it'll take her to edit videos, but I'm also not sure about outsourcing videos which might have lots of different footage, and not just sitting on a chair and speaking. OR does it make sense to outsource the business channel editing and do the more creative ones ourselves?

I want to keep it consistent. Also, is it best for her to start with iMovie or just learn Final Cut Pro straight away?

Thanks a lot, everyone!
#editing #outsource #videos #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author Davidconstable
    Nowadays it is no longer an issue to find a Freelancer. There are many Freelancing market place. You can use any site, which you like most. Then the Freelancer will be able to do the editing professionally. Thanks.
    No signature, work makes me pleasure
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