PAW: People Are Watching

11 replies
As we dive into the New Year, People Are Watching....when you:

- create posts on Warrior
- respond to posts on Warrior
- create blog posts
- create live broadcasts
- email your list

We are human. We have our moments. You may get annoyed here or there, or come off as rude, or flippant, once in a blue moon.

But in the same regard, with so many folks in IM, blogging and other popular online business niches, if you are not pleasant or engaging or just flat out nice, folks will find a mentor more skilled than you that is much nicer.

It comes down to emotional intelligence; if you cannot control your emotions or mock someone for sharing a different viewpoint, folks see your weakness as a mentor and will head for the hills.

Think about:

- your brand image
- how you craft your copy
- how you present yourself
- how frequently you use trust-building agents like Live video

Mods, delete if inappropriate, but a friend and I have been doing online business success chats on YouTube that netted over 225,000 views between 6 videos. We tested one chat as a Sound Cloud show and it registered 21,000 plays in a week.

Our chats are fun, casual and both me and my friend build our businesses from a heart-centered, good natured space.

Learn your niche, practice, become a helpful teacher but in 2 words: Be Nice.

Because if you are skilled but not pleasant, new IMers have hundreds of other options who are just as skilled as you but nice, engaging and fun to chat with. You know who they are picking or who they are switching over to.

#paw #people #watching
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    folks will find a mentor more skilled than you that is much nicer.
    folks see your weakness as a mentor and will head for the hills.
    So this post is only for "mentors" or those who aspire to be?

    Most of the people who read this forum are not or will ever sell themselves as a mentor. Most who will make money will make it in markets far removed from MMO. Most of the people who claim to "mentor" others on how to make money online on this forum are "fake it till you make it" sig. jockeys.

    As a student of phycology, your post is easy enough to see through, but I won't knock you for trying to reinforce your "persona." I know how important it is to you "Mentors."

    It just seems to me that with all the time you spend posting here and all the vast knowledge of IM you claim to possess, sometimes, just sometimes, you could share some of that vast knowledge. You know, share something that would help everybody.

    It's not that the constant "Just love everybody around you and everything will be ok" gets old. But I feel you are depriving so many of so much help you could be providing.

    Just a thought.

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    If you look on Facebook, most IMers have shed the "Mr. Nice Guy" persona for a more "realistic" approach.

    Not everyone wants to listen to people talk about "rainbows and unicorns" all day long.

    Just listen to a Frank Kern lecture once in a while. People pay him $2000 a head to curse and call people out all day long.

    I respect that some people want to be nice and attract the "positive thinking" crowd, but I'll take the truth over some "positive thinking" anytime.

    If nobody has the balls to ever call anyone out on social media, or write a blog post about something they disagree with, the world would be a pretty boring, one-sided place.

    I think I'll stick to being true to myself. It's worked well for me for the past 10 years.

    If I say or write something that sends someone running for the hills, they probably aren't someone I want following me anyway.

    I'm never just going to agree with someone or not express my viewpoint for fear that somebody won't like me. That would be called "selling out." Sometimes in life you have to pick a side. You can't always ride the fence and be agreeable and nice all the time just for the sake of making sure everyone likes you.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

      I'm never just going to agree with someone or not express my viewpoint for fear that somebody won't like me. That would be called "selling out." Sometimes in life you have to pick a side. You can't always ride the fence and be agreeable and nice all the time just for the sake of making sure everyone likes you.
      I hear you Chris. I know you're not one of them but it goes both ways. I can't tell you how many Contrarians I have met online. People who you could literally tell them the sun is out and the sky is blue ( on a cloudless day) and they still would disagree with you and call you a d@ck on top of that.

      These people are just as much Pretenders as the ones who want to talk about Unicorns and Rainbows all day. I tend to steer clear from them. It's ALL about them and don't think for one second that they're just being brutally honest to help the poor astray sheep who are being led to the slaughterhouse.

      Believe me they could care one sh@t about them. They hide behind this stupid, phony guise : I just tell it like it is because that's who I am and I want to help people .

      Bullshit...90% are so full of shit it's not even funny/ It's just they're ******* egos they care about ...they don't care about anyone but themselves. They crave the attention

      Here 's the thing. People need to keep a balance. You can actually be Truthful and honest but also believe that the World is still an awesome place to be in and that there is so much potential out there for success and good things occurring.

      You don't have to be a dick to be both firm and positive at the same time. Just look at John MCcabe and Steve Browne
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      • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
        I agree. I don't care for the people who try and be the "heroes" by calling out everything and everyone they don't agree with, either.

        My thing is just keep it real.

        There are some people who try and garner attention by being "the only one who will tell you the truth," or marketers that always use the line "This is what other marketers don't want you to hear!"

        The best thing to do is just be a REAL person. If you don't like something, or disagree with something, don't pretend to be on board because it's the "in" thing. On the flip side, if you like something that's not popular with lots of others, don't be afraid to say so.

        I've found that people will respect you for standing by your beliefs, even if they disagree with you.

        I'm not a big fan if people who go on "crusade," either. If something rubs you the wrong way, it's cool to write a blog post and let people know where you stand, but don't start a war every time you don't like something.

        If you do that, you'll never have time to improve yourself and your business because you'll be using all of your time and energy on something negative.
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  • Two thumbs-up Ryan! Very well said. You can be straightforward but nice. I have read a lot of comments here and some are just plain rude. The goal of this forum is to communicate with other members to help each other- to learn and to grow. You can help and be real but you do not have to be rude or be a bully. It is a matter of how we choose our own words here.
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    • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
      Originally Posted by affilorama-portal View Post

      Two thumbs-up Ryan! Very well said. You can be straightforward but nice. I have read a lot of comments here and some are just plain rude. The goal of this forum is to communicate with other members to help each other- to learn and to grow. You can help and be real but you do not have to be rude or be a bully. It is a matter of how we choose our own words here.
      I don't think any of the comments have been rude, and certainly nobody has been a "bully."

      This is a perfect example of what I was talking about. Not everyone is going to agree with each other. It's perfectly FINE to express your like or dislike of another's opinion.

      People have gotten WAY too sensitive. I'm sorry but I don't care about being politically correct, and I don't care if other people don't like what I have to say.

      I absolutely refuse to sit back and be a docile zombie sheep out of fear that what I might say will "offend" somebody.

      The way I see it, if somebody doesn't like me or what I have to say, they can use this thing called a "scroll button."
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  • Profile picture of the author mrskl
    I like this post, very interesting. Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Some people will grasp Ryan's post and some wont. Will it help anyone on this forum? Sure it will. It's exactly what newbies need to get going and build up confidence for the year 2018. The clock is ticking. It's time to make some money this year - so get serious or get out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ivan2b
    The key thing here is "your brand image". This is all about, and I personally choose that my brand image will not be me and my private or public side but more then this I would show my professional and leadership qualities that will build success. Some people build brand images based on their personal image which in my opinion is not great choice.
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    • Profile picture of the author copywriterpros
      Totally agree with this! Do not allow that your personal life and business image becomes the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel1000
    Though an interesting approach, the nice be at all costs isn't the best policy. Yes, you should be respectful of other people opinion because it's theirs to have. That's common courtesy.

    Not everyone will be your mentee and your style could be different from the next person. Not all of us need to be "nice" respectful - yes. Nice - not so much.

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