Can someone tell me how meme's work to increase traffic and how to convert that traffic to sales. For instance, say I post a meme with a joke (I guess what I should say is post a graphic with a joke as a meme means viral traffic, but we will go with meme for now) on Facebook or Twitter and it starts to get picked up by people and it gets shared say 10,000 times. How does that traffic convert to sales. Does someone search my Facebook, Twitter or other social media about me page and check out what I am promoting. Thanks in advance for answering my question.
How do Meme's work to draw traffic and how does that traffic convert to sales?
Can someone tell me how meme's work to increase traffic and how to convert that traffic to sales. For instance, say I post a meme with a joke (I guess what I should say is post a graphic with a joke as a meme means viral traffic, but we will go with meme for now) on Facebook or Twitter and it starts to get picked up by people and it gets shared say 10,000 times. How does that traffic convert to sales. Does someone search my Facebook, Twitter or other social media about me page and check out what I am promoting. Thanks in advance for answering my question.
- Tom Addams
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- moneymax
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- writeaway
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- moneymax
- ryanbiddulph
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- moneymax
- BrunoBruno
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- zeus136
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