First site created, when and how much content to add?

Bruce Suttie
Profile picture of Bruce Suttie
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25 replies

I've been a long time lurker on here and have been sitting on my incomplete site for quite a while. The last month or so I've been putting the finishing touches on the site before going live.

I've built up a collection of my own articles around 25 in total. What is the best practice for adding these? Should I put the site live with just 1/2 then add the others gradually? Or put them all on to begin with while still adding 1/2 a week?

Thanks in advance
#add #content #created #site
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Profile picture of DWolfe
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Put the site up and get it live with half the content up. Than drip feed the other half over the next few weeks. You will have time to get more content ready. You should also spend some time promoting your site in between. Others may have a different opinion but once the site is live you can keep adding to it. Good luck & get a sale.
  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Randall Magwood
    Profile picture of Randall Magwood
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    I'd put them all up, and not worry about Google and SEO benefits. Google bots aren't going to buy from you, real people will. So write for real people, and give them as much content as possible to boost your appearance in their eyes as the legit, obvious expert. They buy from people like that.
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Profile picture of DWolfe
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      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      I'd put them all up, and not worry about Google and SEO benefits. .
      Where does the Original Poster mention Google or SEO benefits ?
  • Profile picture of the author IMSM Tony
    IMSM Tony
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    You will get a hundred different opinions on this one. I believe if it's a site that you are adding real content to and trying to build value on. Post up to 3 articles day, spread a few hours apart. But before you do start posting, make sure to connect your site to social media and have your posts shared as they are posted. There are plugins for this and services such as Misslettr that will help promote your posts (article).
  • Profile picture of the author alicy
    Profile picture of alicy
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    Simply adding content on your website won't work. You will need some time to promote too. Also, it completely depends on your website niche, whether to add content everyday or once in a week.
  • Profile picture of the author ctrlaltdelete
    Profile picture of ctrlaltdelete
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    25-50 articles is a good start. I agree with DWolfe--best thing is to get some of the content posted and then schedule the others for a later date to give you time to write more. If you don't have the time to write more or you're busy promoting your website, you can outsource it to a writer who can emulate your writing style. You could also try your hand at making infographics too. They tend to be quite popular these days.
  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Suttie
    Bruce Suttie
    Profile picture of Bruce Suttie
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    Thank you for all the reply's. I will probably start with half and continually add so I can get a better understanding of promoting the content and site at the same time.
  • Profile picture of the author Kent Hopkins
    Kent Hopkins
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    I would go with Randall Magwood's advice. Put it all up, you're not selling to Google bots. Be genuinely focussed on your readers and don't even worry about search engines. The algorithms are pretty darn smart these days. You will not gain much if anything by drip feeding. You will be drip feeding anyway when you add actual new content that you have not created yet.

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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Suttie
    Bruce Suttie
    Profile picture of Bruce Suttie
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    Not sure if I need to start a new thread but I will ask here first.

    I have my content, which I believe to quality content, a little bit of focus on the specific keywords I'm targeting but in a natural way. Now how is the best way to add my amazon affiliate links? There will be roughly 3-5 items per article.

    I can't find definitive answers about whether my page will suffer in google if I overuse my affiliate links all on the one page.

    Options I'm looking at:

    1: text affiliate links worked into the content.

    2. Picture links spaced through the content

    3. A top 3-5 side bar of small info/pic links running next to the content.

    Or a mixture of each?

    Thanks again
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Brent Stangel
    Profile picture of Brent Stangel
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    3. A top 3-5 side bar of small info/pic links running next to the content.
    I don't care about G but I like to keep related affiliate links in the sidebar, prominently displayed and also mention them in the content: "There's a link over to the right, there."

    Works for me.

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  • Profile picture of the author BryrDe
    Profile picture of BryrDe
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    Here are my suggestions.

    Put enough content on your site. Let's say you have 25 contents on hand, you may post 15 but you need to vary the date of publication. For example, you can set two contents per week for the last few weeks up to date. Then schedule the remaining 10 so that you can enough time to prepare the next content. I assume these are all blog posts, right? Just make sure you also have the proper pages on your site - contact, home, about, etc.

    It will take sometime for Google to index your site. So add the base content and schedule some so that you can have ample time preparing for future content. Don't forget to submit the sitemap and the pages every time they're published.
  • Profile picture of the author aizaku
    Profile picture of aizaku
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    put them all up right now and hit publish, get on a schedule later and be consistent

    all the best
    Ike Paz
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal
    Profile picture of affilorama-portal
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    There is really nothing wrong with putting all your content or just a partial of it-- that really won't make any difference- everything will be indexed by Google and overtime, good content will rank higher. A huge difference, however, is how you update your website after putting all the content up. Always update your website with fresh content if you are aiming for good (free) traffic overtime.
  • Profile picture of the author Tony Marriott
    Tony Marriott
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    Like someone said earlier. Everyone will have a different opinion on this on.

    Personally I say publish whatever you have. The quicker you get it up the quicker it will get indexed, the quicker the keywords may rank (assuming all else and SEO being equal).
    If you have 50 post then you probably have twice the chance of getting a click on your ads than if you have 25 posts!

    People just over think these things. Yes you should add to your blog regularly and yes you should be looking to improve your SEO and increase your backlinks. Yes sure, include social interaction. But these all need to be done no matter how many posts you have.

    Don't worry too much about the detail especially if you are thinking SEO. Give your potential readers what they want and you will probably be doing what Google want.

    BTW there is quite detailed guide on the use and positioning of AdSense ads (see Google AdSense policies). So probably a good guide as to how you position any types of ads.
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Profile picture of MikeFriedman
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    Originally Posted by BryrDe View Post

    Here are my suggestions.

    Put enough content on your site. Let's say you have 25 contents on hand, you may post 15 but you need to vary the date of publication. For example, you can set two contents per week for the last few weeks up to date. Then schedule the remaining 10 so that you can enough time to prepare the next content. I assume these are all blog posts, right? Just make sure you also have the proper pages on your site - contact, home, about, etc.

    It will take sometime for Google to index your site. So add the base content and schedule some so that you can have ample time preparing for future content. Don't forget to submit the sitemap and the pages every time they're published.
    Originally Posted by Bruce Suttie View Post

    Thanks for the sitemap tip, that's something I had forgotten.
    You do not need to have a sitemap on your site unless your site has a lot of orphaned pages or your page structure absolutely sucks. Unless you fit into one of those two categories, having a sitemap will provide you with zero benefit.
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    Profile picture of MikeFriedman
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    Originally Posted by Bruce Suttie View Post


    I've been a long time lurker on here and have been sitting on my incomplete site for quite a while. The last month or so I've been putting the finishing touches on the site before going live.

    I've built up a collection of my own articles around 25 in total. What is the best practice for adding these? Should I put the site live with just 1/2 then add the others gradually? Or put them all on to begin with while still adding 1/2 a week?

    Thanks in advance

    Unless you have developed a marketing plan around trying to get people to come back to read new posts, I see zero reason to not just publish all the articles right from the beginning.
  • Profile picture of the author Bruce Suttie
    Bruce Suttie
    Profile picture of Bruce Suttie
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    Thank you for all the replies, never expected such a response. Just making me more determined to make a success of it after sitting on the sidelines for so long.
  • Profile picture of the author ramtar
    Profile picture of ramtar
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    Don't post everything at once. If you already have 25 schedule them for 1 per day.

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  • Profile picture of the author guyfromnb
    Profile picture of guyfromnb
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    I would add them gradually personally. On my blog my goal is to write and publish 3 new posts each week. I publish them as I finish them. I think it is better in a SEO point of view.

    I don't why you cannot add one each day. It's just my opinion here.
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Profile picture of ChrisBa
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    Originally Posted by Bruce Suttie View Post


    I've been a long time lurker on here and have been sitting on my incomplete site for quite a while. The last month or so I've been putting the finishing touches on the site before going live.

    I've built up a collection of my own articles around 25 in total. What is the best practice for adding these? Should I put the site live with just 1/2 then add the others gradually? Or put them all on to begin with while still adding 1/2 a week?

    Thanks in advance
    I'd add 15-20, schedule the rest and keep writing new ones
  • Profile picture of the author giulio74
    Profile picture of giulio74
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    It is certainly better to insert the articles gradually, since the google has the opportunity to find you and understand that you add fresh items over and over again
    this is a must of the seo
    put them once and then forget about your site
    * makes you think that it is a created sit is then forgotten
  • Profile picture of the author shmeeko69
    Profile picture of shmeeko69
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    Originally Posted by Bruce Suttie View Post


    I've been a long time lurker on here and have been sitting on my incomplete site for quite a while. The last month or so I've been putting the finishing touches on the site before going live.

    I've built up a collection of my own articles around 25 in total. What is the best practice for adding these? Should I put the site live with just 1/2 then add the others gradually? Or put them all on to begin with while still adding 1/2 a week?

    Thanks in advance
    It doesn't matter if you launch all of your content at once or drip-feed the details.

    If the content is unique and written by you then, it'll be indexed by Google and the
    other main search engines accordingly.

    I understand your concern though?
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  • Profile picture of the author OliverJo
    Profile picture of OliverJo
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    A good practice for adding blogs or articles is 4 - 5 Blogs a month and promoting them across various social channels. This will help your website and blog gain more exposure. I would recommend you to diversify your content (like videos, infographics) and just not limit it to writing blogs.
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