Article Marketing Rocks - Follow my very own story that makes me more than $200+ daily on autopilot!
Today I want to give you some tips that will be usufull for newbies and advanced article
p.s - I just want to say that English is not my first language but I will try my best.
Let's start.
Since 2008 I have tried to figure out how article marketing works and how to become a 5 figures
per month earner. Really this was my goal but I never follow it. Back at October Last year I build a
blog and manage it to get it to $100/day mark within only 3 weeks. But then I sold that website
and I forgot article marketing once again.
-- - - - Until August this year, when I was at vacation for 3 days with my GF and we had conversation with her
about how are we gona live together - like normal people ( I am talking anywhere between $1-3k month ) - This is what I
called normal people in my country - most of them will call them rich.
Anyway after we got back from that 3 day vacation we decided we will do a reasearch and put 2-3 review sites that will
promote other people products. And here is What we have done under 3 days.
We spent around $200 To get 2 super looking review websites and 15 Articles in Total - Unique content + I payed $10 per article.
Some of you will say: Why Did you spent over $10 per article when you can get your articles for less than $3 each - well the answer is
I want to make money so I have to spent money and get quality content.
After we got my review websites up, we got our writer and asked her to write us other batch of 100 articles that we will promote or review sites with them.
We payed a tottal of $800 for that but we got other batch of 10 articles as a bonus and posted them in my review sites.
So each of our review site now has - 2 product reviews + a total of 8 related articles to my niche.
After two months time working on my new sites - We manage to get both of them on the front page of google. The first one is also ranking in the 1st position and the second on is 5th position in google for the main
* Niche one has over 6 000 000 competition
* Niche two has over 2 500 000 competition
Since that was happend around the middle of September the 1st website was bringing me over $120+ daily commision. We had few days with over $300 in sales just by one of this sites. The 2nd website
hit google front page and position 1st in the end of September I thing it was 27th. That website makes me anywhere between $50-70 daily.
So here is what I did.
1. We posted each of my promotional articles to over 25 directories. So thats a total of over 2500+ backlinks if all of them was accepting my articles (Well to be honest I got my articles accepted
in 23 article directories )
2. We spent nearly 7 days - 14 hours on PC each day - creating videos with my articles. When I hit the 100 videos done ( Thanks to my GF for helping me on that one ) - I start to submit each of my
video to the TOP 10 video websites. That toke me only 2 days. ( Thanks again for the help of my GF ) And that brings me more than 1000 backlinks to my site.
3. We bookmark every promotional article to the TOP 15 bookmarketing websites and we also bookmarked our inner pages of our review website.
4. We submit our articles to the TOP 5 search engines and we also submitted our review sites and their inner pages.
5. We done RSS feeds submittion.
6. We submit our review websites to over 2000+ directories. This was difficult but it toke us no more than 5 days I gues and we also done other work in that time.
7. This was the last but not the easiest part of our promotion. We build some Blog commenting links to over 100+ PR5 websites. This was diffucult if you ask me.
So all of the above we done it manually - We did't use any softwares or any automation tools ( this is just my opinion - I don't like softwares because I cannot track everything the way I wanted to ).
It toke us 17 days in total to complete all the tasks.
What I learned was - ARTICLE MARKETING ROCKS if you follow your goal and be motivated you will success.
Till today those two websites are making us enough money.
Site one makes us - $150+ daily now
Site two makes us - $80+ daily now
Lets hear your success with article marketing and to the ones who are newbies and thining of stating jus follow yor goal and stay motivated.
Ivan Georgiev
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