Brainstorm :: What model would work best for fine artist?

1 replies
a fine artist who does small paintings (about 260 a year) and ink portraits who wants an innovative Internet marketing system to bring in portrait clients and new and continuing art buyers.
What model would be kick ass and innovative?
What website, for example, would be a great model for this business???
[Now, the website can be for plumbing supplies. It doesn't need to be art. I'm looking for a "system" that I can bring onto a site that sells physical deliverables (small portraits and paintings) that will be mailed.]
I am looking for a vision... that I can say, "Yes! I can build that structure on top of the fine art structure, and it will be The New Way Forward!"
Thank you all!
#artist #brainstorm #fine #model #work
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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Focus on local art galleries and shows and existing art websites where works are displayed. The reason is to get name recognition and a basis for traffic to your own website.

    Otherwise, IMHO this is a subject where it does not matter what structure or gee-whiz bang whatever there is on the website, no one will ever see it.

    Once traffic is in place, for continuing art buyers create a mailing list to showcase new artwork. Use limited edition prints and create a series that gives customers a reason to keep buying. "One-off" originals can be brutal in the art world if an artist wants to make a full-time living from their art, unless they are very expensive.

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