How to find competitors ads/funnels?

5 replies
Hey guys.

I want to drive traffic from FB to a landing page with a free gift in order to get leads and then send people them to a thank you page where I will put a link to an affiliate offer. Nothing new under the sun.

What bothers me is that I know a lot of people do similar stuff, but I really can't find their ads and funnels.

Are there any tools to spy how other affiliates advertise of FB? Maybe some tricks to find their funnels ? This way I want to get some ideas for creating my own FB ads/funnel without having to start from scratch.
#ads or funnels #competitors #find
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    creating my own FB ads/funnel without having to start from scratch.
    This is the second thread recently where you ask how to copy others to avoid doing the work yourself. Doesn't fit with the title under your forum name.

    If you want to know another marketer's funnel - sign up for their email and see what they send you.... though unless you buy you may not see their entire funnel....
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    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeyBee
    Thanks for answering in both topics, I really appreciate that!

    Ok, I was misunderstood which is mostly my fault and I will give a more in depth answer.

    Actually this is NOT my idea, it was taken from John Reese.

    He said that you have to "sell what others are already selling and market things as they are already being marketed" and I just want to follow him.

    I didn't bought his product so I do not have all the details needed, but he clearly stated that the way to make money online is to "do what already works without reinventing the wheel".

    He basically thought people to "market the things as already are being marketed successfully" and I would just like to find how things are being marketed successfully in order to learn and implement them in my funnel.

    The first thread was more about THE LAWS associated with doing this stuff, which now I understand are too complex to be shared, but I hope that this topic is more tangible cuz I am asking about THE TOOLS and THE METHOD to do this.

    I tought that the title of this thread is pretty explanatory, but maybe I should've switched to the syntax "facebook ads" in the tile.

    My point is that with competitors google ads, things are pretty easy. Just type the keyword "how to train your dog" and you find a competitors ad. Then you copy the link in a new tab and you find the competitors funnel.

    Is this process not possible with facebook ads?
    Aren't any easy ways to find competitors ads, click them and just walk through their funnel?
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    To date, there is no FB version of Spyfu where you can reverse engineer your competitors' ads

    Re reverse engineering, Kay is correct-you'll have to sign up to your competitors' lists to see their funnels. You would probably have to buy stuff to get a clear idea of their whole funnel.

    How do you find your competitors' ads on FB?

    Your best bet would be to turn your FB account into a 'listener' account.


    Do a search for FB pages in your niche and like them.

    Soon enough, FB will show you your niche competitors' ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior

    Kay is right you need to do some research yourself and not rely on a program that may or may not give you the right answers ! also I would not be like the others try and find an unique selling point in the niche you are promoting and use that if need be drill into the niche till you do find the selling point

    I would not worry what some GURU has written or spoke in a video no matter how good they are you need to find what works for you so start split testing the ads see what works after all the GURU is not going to pay you if you fail right?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    There's nothing wrong with copying the process of your competitors. It's actually a good, sound marketing strategy. The issue is copying their exact words, images, pages, etc.

    This site lists some FB ads spy tools:

    Just understand that if/when you get your own winners, someone else will copy them too and this can greatly impact your own earnings.

    You can also use Spyfu (as Jason mentioned) to discover funnels that run in places other than FB.
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