March 1st - Important Changes to Market Place

by 30 replies
hi all

I just wanted to let you know that we have spent hours and hours, talking to some of you guys, about your requests to have a more flexible market place -- while keeping the integrity and the quality of the products -- we approve.

It hasn't been easy.

Every time we make a change we have 50% of people that love it... 50% that hate it

So we have decided to allowed the following products into the Market Place

1. Affiliate products

Yes we are going to give green-light for you to promote your affiliate product.

This represents a challenge by default.
how do we prevent having 10 WSO offers from 10 different warriors with the same type of "affiliate" ...

Again please remember that we reserve to reject and approve any offer we deem that we dont want to be in the marketplace.... and if it doesn't fit in then market place ** the underground ** it's another option for some products out there that don't pass our quality standards.

The answer is:
First arrived --> first served

If the product hasn't been promoted before: you have the greenlight to promote it.

2. We are opening the doors to FREE WSO.

Now... here is the catch ...
FREE WSO are subject to free offers without any OTO, or upsell.

We understand that FREE WSO are used to build brand, audience, etc...

So we are okay with it, if we determine the WSO product or giveaway follows our quality standards.

Each FREE WSO will be approved manually and we will verify the quality of each free offer.

If we determine the quality is low... or brings very little value to the Warrior Audience it will be rejected from the market place.

Thanks again
#main internet marketing discussion forum #1st #important #march #market #place
  • Awesome developments!

    Quick question: Where should we submit FREE WSOs? In the main WSO marketplace?
    • [1] reply
    • Yes Sir ... in the the main marketplace
      • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Gabe may I suggest you Sticky the thread or it will drop like a stone !
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • yeah mate, good point. Thx .
  • Banned
  • Not sure I understand the Free WSO restriction. Are free WSOs cheaper to advertise at WF? If I am paying the same cost why can't I do an upsell as long as its not mandated (forcing a paid sale)?

    Also Are you concerned at all that offering affiliate products falsely advertises an offer really being a WSO . Special offrers aren't special if its just affiliate stuff that can be had elsewhere for the same or less price.
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply

    • It's a fair point

      I think we struggle with the concept of WSO

      WSO is an old word , so we are not really focusing on "the special" part, we are not making compulsory that the offer is "unique" for the Warrior Forum.
      I will love that to be the reality but it's impossible for us to police that any offer has to be really "special"

      Regarding your question about the FREE WSO = it works the same way, but now the WSO doesn't have to be priced. It means you can launch a freebie or give something away as part of your WSO
      • [2] replies
  • Obviously, "quality" and "quality standards" are important in cleaning up the forum marketplace since you have mentioned them multiple times here.

    I hope those standards will be published and available for all Warriors to see so that they understand, up front, what is expected by management.

    Thank you,

    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • There have been a lot of balls dropped on the enforcement of "guaranteed income" - even on new WSO's.

    At least you are open about dropping the 'special and unique'. With most WSO's now being products-made-only-for-wso - that might be a good move.

    Will be a trick to do 'first only' affiliate ads but it's a good idea. Would serve sellers better if those offers were time limited or if sellers were limited on how many 'affiliate ads' they could run as WSOs at one time. This will make the WSO much like the 'classified' (or whatever it's called now)....could we please not allow sellers to keep posting their sales page over and over in the thread?

    Will affiliate sellers be allowed to offer the same pkg of 'bonuses' on every offer they have - as they do now? What will differentiate the 'affiliate offers' in the WSO section from those in the classified section?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • This is a positive development. Thank you so much for the opportunity.
  • I think this could be a good improvement for both veteran IMers and those just starting out with offers and building a brand.
  • You got me with Oto what does that mean?
    • [1] reply
  • If I may suggest, marketers who have taken time to make a good pre-sell page should be allowed to be on the WSO even if the target product is the same as one that's already been posted. This will create competition.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Please... NO "FREE WSO"...!! Just make it at least "$1 WSO"....!! Do it fair for both buyers and sellers! Kick out those freebie-seekers all the way! Thanks.

    Or keep the Free WSO on the classified section! Thx.
    • [1] reply
    • Good point. $2.00 per month to post in my forums gets rid of 99% of the spammers and hobbiests.

      • [1] reply
  • This is a good read! New knowledge acquired! Thanks for sharing.
  • Banned
  • Banned
  • cant you help me for markting the product . and thanks
  • Banned
  • There is no alternative to Warriorforum in the World for Internet marketer. In the past few years WF was out of control with fraud sellers & many buyers got scammed. But, when WF owned by company, its getting more & more decent to remove the vague guy.

    Its one of the greatest offer that may lock the scammers over 80%. WF surely will be a great palace for new to older internet marketers. All the Best!

  • This is a good news , This Really helps in promoting the products , main things to keep in mind is Quality.
  • NEWER - "news" about the marketplace...
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply

    • Thanks Kay

      we have to integrate both of them to avoid confusion
  • I do love the new WSO Page layout. Looks more professional. Keep up the great work guys!

  • This is great... Looking forward to new developments in the future
  • That is a nice change

  • Maybe close this thread - or change the date on the new WSO announcement to "August 1, 2018"? Seems the date draws attention.
  • Great modifications there. Puts IMs and product creators on the edge. It has to be top-notch or nothing. Kudos.

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  • 34

    hi all I just wanted to let you know that we have spent hours and hours, talking to some of you guys, about your requests to have a more flexible market place -- while keeping the integrity and the quality of the products -- we approve.