You Ever Just Want To Kick Someone In The Throat?

33 replies
So, I've been dealing with a paypal issue....actually, I thought it had already been handled up until a couple of days ago.

About a month or so ago, I had someone purchase all 3 of my products in one day. Within about a half hour I was notified that the charges were being disputed because it was an unauthorized purchase...

No problem, right?

I have enough stress in my life so, I said the hell with it and issued a refund a couple minutes later after emailing the guy and asking him what was up.

I log into paypal a couple days later and the same guy is trying to do a chargeback on the money that I already refunded? So I send him an email with the transaction ID numbers and give the same info to paypal. I have not heard back from paypal yet, but the guy that is trying to do the chargeback is almost taunting me. He replies to me email with "LOL".

He knows exactly what he is doing and think he has found a way to work paypal.

At this point, I really want to kick him in the throat, does that make me a bad person? lol

#kick #throat
  • Profile picture of the author reapr
    There is another thread running on this today and it has to do with WSO's ... the thread name is IDOT
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  • Profile picture of the author zerofill
    Send him a zip file that says say "I give up screw it take everything..." make it loaded with viruses lol.
    Serp Shaker
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
      Originally Posted by zerofill View Post

      Send him a zip file that says say "I give up screw it take everything..." make it loaded with viruses lol.
      While that sounds like a good plan...I am still leaning towards kicking him in the throat.

      Usually, things don't make me this angry, but it is obvious at this point that this dysfunctional moron is trying to steam money out of my pocket, which is totally unacceptable.
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      • Profile picture of the author zerofill
        Downside is the guy is a piece of crap...but the positive side is...I think he his credit card company will be dealing with PayPal and PayPal will already show that the funds were returned...So I don't think he will be able to game the least in the way he is trying...but sounds like he is trying hard.
        Serp Shaker
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        AFTER you kick him in the throat, do this next time....

        If someone lodges a complaint with Paypal, don't immediately refund them. Let paypal investigate and handle the complaint. If they refund the person after looking into it - and then he tries to do a chargeback, he may not get by with it. Paypal will have have proof of the investigation and of the reversal - and will tell his CC company he is attempting fraud.

        Though the natural urge is to contact the customer - it should not be done. The transaction was done through paypal and once a complaint is filed, only paypal should deal with it.

        If paypal reverses a purchase and the customer then tries to do a chargeback, he has no grounds as there is no purchase to charge back....even if the guy has a big bruise on his throat.


        P.S. Can you kick that high??? Wow!
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    I'm sorry Jeremy, I did not see the initial refund. LOL.

    TomG. - PS, still looking for keywords PM me...
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  • Profile picture of the author KenJ
    Go go for it Jeremy

    Kick him in the throat!!

    In fact. I will hold him down while you kick him!

    This actually does throw up the vexed question of how to deal with plain stupid/criminal people online.

    Being quite new to this area it does disturb me.

    I tend to think that if people are so sad and desperate that they have to resort to underhand methods they warrant my pity.

    As a business person I hate them with unbridled venom
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  • Profile picture of the author Sean A McAlister
    NO....I Wanted to....and still want to kick a guy in the throat,,head, leg,
    stomach and a few other places for what I am going through.

    I mean I was so fired up earlier...I was about to get on a plane and fly to the UK....but then I calmed down.

    People are Jagoffs and thats it.

    It is tough when you are trying to do the right thing and people take advantage...such is life I suppose.

    The difference is wanting to do it and actually doing it. That is the important thing. It just is not worth it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rod Cortez
    Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

    So, I've been dealing with a paypal issue....actually, I thought it had already been handled up until a couple of days ago.

    About a month or so ago, I had someone purchase all 3 of my products in one day. Within about a half hour I was notified that the charges were being disputed because it was an unauthorized purchase...

    No problem, right?

    I have enough stress in my life so, I said the hell with it and issued a refund a couple minutes later after emailing the guy and asking him what was up.

    I log into paypal a couple days later and the same guy is trying to do a chargeback on the money that I already refunded? So I send him an email with the transaction ID numbers and give the same info to paypal. I have not heard back from paypal yet, but the guy that is trying to do the chargeback is almost taunting me. He replies to me email with "LOL".

    He knows exactly what he is doing and think he has found a way to work paypal.

    At this point, I really want to kick him in the throat, does that make me a bad person? lol

    Not at all. What would make you a bad person is if you acted on it. Virtually everyone has thoughts like these at one time or another so it's very normal. Just keep a copy of all the emails he sends you should Paypal need any kind of proof about this jack ass.

    "Your personal philosophy is the greatest determining factor in how your life works out."
    - Jim Rohn
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob D
    I bet this is the only thread in the warrior forum with the tags "kick" and "throat".

    I had something similar happen to me and you are right on. I actually went as far as tracking down contact information for several of the other people he scammed and getting in touch with them all.

    I think kay has the situation well assessed, both in her proposed course of action and her knowledge of my martial arts limitations.

    I'm just a magpie in a world full of shiny things....

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    • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
      Are those your TWINS, Rob D? My god, how unbelievably cute!!!

      Jeremy, the hardest thing for me in selling products is restraining my temper with people like that. I would like to think I'm generally pretty mild mannered...but people like that really make me want - in the words of Pulp Fiction - to go Medieval on their a$$. I just have to keep reminding myself that the vast, vast majority of my customers are fantastic, wonderful, very appreciative people - and I need to focus on that and not on the occasional antisocial criminal loser.
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      • Profile picture of the author John Rowe
        Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

        ...but people like that really make me want to go Medieval on their a$$.
        Yikes, I can't be the only one in this thread who was a little turned on by that, can I? :p
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        • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
          Originally Posted by John Rowe View Post

          Yikes, I can't be the only one in this thread who was a little turned on by that, can I? :p
          You're turned on by dollar signs? No, John, this is an internet marketers forum, after all, so that is perfectly normal. ;^)
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          • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
            Well, I have decided against kicking him in the throat

            Instead, I just yelled at my monitor and threatened it for about
            20 minutes and now I feel a lot better.

            Just to make things clear: No throats were actually harmed during
            the course of this rant.

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            • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
              I had something like this happen once.

              First, I refunded them.

              Then I got the person to email me back, and sent the full email, with headers, to PayPal, along with my DL Guard download info. Same IP address. And, apparently, the same one they used to contact PayPal to claim it was unauthorized.

              Didn't get me my money back from the thief, but it did alert them to an account that was either scamming or had two people in the house not communicating about the use of their credit cards. Either way, they won't be doing THAT again...

              "Always on" connections have interesting side effects.

              Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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              • Profile picture of the author Andyhenry
                I can understand your frustration. Just before I left the UK I sold some stuff on Ebay as part of 'rationalising' my life (simplifying) and there was an Xbox which the woman said she wanted and then said she didn't realise how Paypal worked and could I wait a few days - so being the trusting person I am, I packed up the Xbox (and Rockband - which is not a small package) and sent it to her.

                The Paypal payment never arrived. She said she had been $0.50 short in her bank account.

                It's now a month later and she hasn't said anything since and still hasn't paid me.

                In theory I shouldn't have sent the package until the payment cleared so it's my own fault, but if someone is gonna screw me they should at least thank me afterwards.....


                nothing to see here.

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                • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
                  Originally Posted by Andyhenry View Post

                  I can understand your frustration. Just before I left the UK I sold some stuff on Ebay as part of 'rationalising' my life (simplifying) and there was an Xbox which the woman said she wanted and then said she didn't realise how Paypal worked and could I wait a few days - so being the trusting person I am, I packed up the Xbox (and Rockband - which is not a small package) and sent it to her.

                  The Paypal payment never arrived. She said she had been $0.50 short in her bank account.

                  It's now a month later and she hasn't said anything since and still hasn't paid me.

                  In theory I shouldn't have sent the package until the payment cleared so it's my own fault, but if someone is gonna screw me they should at least thank me afterwards.....

                  Or at least she should buy you dinner first.
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                  • Profile picture of the author John Rowe
                    Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

                    Or at least she should buy you dinner first.
                    Oh sure Dana... for me it's an Internet Marketing Forum... but you can have all the fun you want huh?
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                    • Profile picture of the author Dana_W
                      Originally Posted by John Rowe View Post

                      Oh sure Dana... for me it's an Internet Marketing Forum... but you can have all the fun you want huh?
                      Snicker snicker. I mean I don't know what you're talking about.

                      And I am glad to hear Jeremy calmed down and no sleazescumdirtbags were (deservedly) harmed during the posting of this thread.

                      Focus on the many, many customers of yours who are great and who appreciate you and everything that you do for them. And realize that the douchebag that you are dealing with is likely an angry little man living in his mother's basement.
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          • Profile picture of the author Rachel Goodchild
            Originally Posted by Dana_W View Post

            You're turned on by dollar signs? No, John, this is an internet marketers forum, after all, so that is perfectly normal. ;^)
            You cna tell there are more female warriors than there were a few years back
            the vibe has altered just a little.

            If you can afford to, please give money to support the people in the Christchurch Earthquake.
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  • Profile picture of the author pmore
    Yes - I have definitely had my fair share of run ins with a**holes like that. Violence is never the answer, but it sure is nice to daydream about it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves

    What is your fascination with throat kicking?


    p.s. Warrior Forum Fantasy Football
    Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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    • Profile picture of the author Ricter
      Originally Posted by Allen Graves View Post


      What is your fascination with throat kicking?


      p.s. Warrior Forum Fantasy Football
      It's quite a pleasure, actually, being a relatively small target and typically well guarded. Hitting it is kind of like the perfect drive in golf. I've only done it by accident though, I was aiming at their chin. Absolutely lethal if your target point is behind their spine. As I was merely sparring, I tapped the surface and she lived.

      For day in day out punishment I recommend something much easier to accomplish: finger jab feint to eyes. As their hands instinctively rise, simple front kick to groin. As their head drops with that blow, knee to face. They're probably done at that point, but if you really need to unload that day, step in and elbow slash them, back of the head.

      So, Jeremy, no, you're not wrong. It's just the throat is a bit too improbable for a kick.

      Ahem, pardon me, please continue.

      - For your import/export/customs questions or problems, send PM.

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      • Profile picture of the author Allen Graves
        <stepping back slowly>

        um, thanks.


        Every day I check the obituaries. If I don't see my name there, then I know it's going to be a good day!
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall

        Yeah, that is exactly what I was going to say next

        Originally Posted by Ricter View Post

        It's quite a pleasure, actually, being a relatively small target and typically well guarded. Hitting it is kind of like the perfect drive in golf. I've only done it by accident though, I was aiming at their chin. Absolutely lethal if your target point is behind their spine. As I was merely sparring, I tapped the surface and she lived.

        For day in day out punishment I recommend something much easier to accomplish: finger jab feint to eyes. As their hands instinctively rise, simple front kick to groin. As their head drops with that blow, knee to face. They're probably done at that point, but if you really need to unload that day, step in and elbow slash them, back of the head.

        So, Jeremy, no, you're not wrong. It's just the throat is a bit too improbable for a kick.

        Ahem, pardon me, please continue.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
    Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post

    At this point, I really want to kick him in the throat, does that make me a bad person? lol

    Compared to what I'd do to a sneaky little snot-nosed prick like that, throat kicking makes you a nice guy.
    Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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  • Profile picture of the author barligea
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