Need Help Promoting a Non-Profit Helping Homeless Veterans

5 replies
Looking for any marketers and listbuilders that can help provide housing for the 470 homeless veterans in Sacramento! We need some heavy hitters with big lists and influence to donate a little time to give shoutouts and email blasts for our upcoming fundraiser. please contact me if you can help or please comment any resources that may be useful! I am also volunteering my services! thank you!
#helping #homeless #nonprofit #promoting #veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
    I would test out Facebook ads targeting people in the greater Sacramento area, including former veterans. I would also get in touch with Sacramento media. Pretty much my whole focus would be Sacramento. Find Sacramento journalists on Twitter and tweet @ them. Find local biz owners that are former military. Or have military family.

    Get that local momentum first.
    • Can you get a local "celebrity" of sorts to get behind it?
    • Are there social media influencers who reside in the Sacramento area?
    • Are there local politicians you can contact?
    • Can you be the person who networks and connects all the military non profits in the area so they work together?
    • Can you call up the Sacramento Kings and see if they'll get behind it?
    Pound phones. Pound pavement. Hit up everyone from the Sacramento area you can who might have the ability to influence even 5 others.

    P.S. Here's some starting ground:
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    It's a bit self centered that being a veteran is one of the two qualifiers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Leech
    Why not reach out to the people with the big lists and influence or companies in Sacramento? Specifically the ones who already support similar causes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by benjamenjuan View Post

    Looking for any marketers and listbuilders that can help provide housing for the 470 homeless veterans in Sacramento!
    You want people to take-in homeless veterans? I mean it's a great cause but i'm not sure if this is good for business profits.
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  • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
    Originally Posted by benjamenjuan View Post

    Looking for any marketers and listbuilders that can help provide housing for the 470 homeless veterans in Sacramento! We need some heavy hitters with big lists and influence to donate a little time to give shoutouts and email blasts for our upcoming fundraiser. please contact me if you can help or please comment any resources that may be useful! I am also volunteering my services! thank you!
    Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
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