Don't ask me to Hit the "THANKS" button. If I want to thank you I will.

by 67 replies
I have been seeing people that start posts and then they say, "If you liked what I have written then don't forget to hit the "Thanks" button on the bottom right of the screen."

When ever I see this I think that it is rude. You cannot tell someone to leave you thinks you can receive it all day long but not demand it.

I know some people will not always leave thanks when it may be deserved but they may appreciate it in their own way and the goal is to help people out not do it just to earn points.

I would like to know if it is just me and maybe how I was raised or if other people feel the same way as me.

For those that do ask for "thanks" then please enlighten me as to why you do this. (Maybe I'm missing something.)

#main internet marketing discussion forum #button #hit
  • I personally don't care if you thank me or not. I'm not here to be thanked.
    I'm here to try to help people and network with like minded individuals. If
    in the course of my day I've done that, I'm happy.

    No thanks needed.
    • [ 7 ] Thanks
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    • [DELETED]
      • [ 1 ] Thanks

    • I don't know if the first line of your post was directed at me if so you missed the point. The rest of your post I completely agree with and confirms what I have stated.
  • Profile picture of the author BIG Mike
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Profile picture of the author JD Nunes
    I have no idea why people would request such a thing. Perhaps it's an ego boost? Having thanks points counts for nothing in reality, lol. The true extent to which you have enlightened others is of more importance.
  • Profile picture of the author simba999
    I agree, i don't really like when they ask you to do it...i will if I want need to "remind" me to do it.

  • It's ironic that anyone would think it would boost their credibility by asking someone to use the "Thank You" when the end result will be the right opposite.
  • Can't say I've come across any posts like that on my journeys of late.

    I'll give credit where it's due, if it was a truly enlightening post then I will thank them accordingly.
  • Yah, it's like asking for a tip

    Wow Simba, looks like my cat.
  • Profile picture of the author MikeWest
    I usually hit the thanks button when the post contains valuable content to a degree that it would be worth making the post sticky or the post could be a 7$- report alone.

    Basically to show the author that the information is highly valuable for the community.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [2] replies
    • I try to hit the Thanks button anytime I would say "thank you" if I was face to face with the person I'm thanking.

      Maybe they taught me something, maybe they just made me laugh. Whatever...
      • [ 4 ] Thanks
    • I have to say if some one does or does not ask me for a thanks really has no bearing into if I leave thanks or not ... for me that soley relies on there content and then I dont always leave thanks as often as I should but it is not a concious thing were I think geez I feel bad I didnt leave thanks .. you know how that goes you get in your car and think did I stiff the waitress?. and thanks for the R dogs clip Im off to netflix I love that movie what a classic


      ... and oh yeah thanks for reading
      • [1] reply
  • Who cares if they ask or not? If I like the post then I will thank them, if they ask and I like the post.

    Then I will still thank them.

    No reason to be uptight.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I'm going to start sending a little WAV file by PM and when you open it you hear Elvis"Thank you very much".

    Send those to the people that ask for a thanks.

    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • If you have to fish for it, you don't deserve the thanks.
  • LOL

    @ BigMike

    "Dufus Point"



  • MikeWest & Slin, I just broke your WF Thanks cherry!

    You'll never forget your first!

    Thanks... I'm gonna go pop some more now
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
  • Hey Christophe!!

    Yup, you must have a super special kitty then... Mine is too...

  • What we really need is a "no thanks" button
    • [ 3 ] Thanks
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    • Dont understand what the whole big deal of 'thanks' is.

      To this day I have never bought a product based off how many 'thanks' a person has...
      • [1] reply

    • Now that was funny! and true
    • And a sarcasm font for it.

  • It doesnt really bother me when they ask to be thanked, I look at them like they are a little weird asking to be thanked but other than that....No problem.
    They want to build credibility, I dont blame em. Let em be, I'm sure if ppl really saw it as helpful info they'll thank em.

    I thank, depending on the info provided.

    Ricardo Acosta
  • I like Steven's response and do agree.. asking people to provide a "thanks" is a bit too direct for me. However, I do feel that if someone provides value, then giving them something to improve their status or acknowledge them - that costs nothing - is okay.
  • I HAVE to agree with you there...

    There have been a few times where I was going to thank someone... and then didn't because they asked...

    It's about GIVING not getting... as soon as someone changes their mindset to... give in RETURN for something, the value almost gets destroyed...

    • [1] reply
    • I was just reading the title and thought my mother-in-law joined the wf ... :p
      • [ 1 ] Thanks
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  • You could also ask why you would ask for the sale on a sales letter. If the person wants to buy they'll buy even if there's no call to action, won't they? It's the same thing with the thanks -- if you ask you'll get more.

    (How do I know that's true? Because the people at freakin' McDonalds STILL ask me if I want the meal, or fries with that, etc.)

    And if you think the number of "Thanks" given a post has nothing to do with anything, I'd bet you're wrong. If I'm skimming through a thread and see a post with a ton of thanks I'll back up and see if it's something I need.

    So, if you liked what I've written here, don't forget to click the Thanks button! =

    Jay Jennings
    • [ 2 ] Thanks
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    • There is another angle to this, besides trying to build credibility, reputation, etc.

      The person posting may just want some feedback that what they posted was a useful contribution, and point to the Thanks button to avoid long threads with no content.

      It's a possibility...

    • I totally agree with asking for a sale and to be honest it is not even practiced nearly as much as it should be. I work in sales offline also so I know how important it is to ABC (always be closing).

      You really can't compare asking for thanks with asking for a sale. Somebody compared it to asking for a tip and that makes much more sense to me. If someone asked for a tip I would get offended and think it was rude, even if I was already going to give him a tip anyway.

      I never mentioned anything about if thanks was important or not maybe you are
      referring to another post.

      I like to hear the opposing side so "thanks" for that but nobody has given me any solid reasoning in support of asking for "thanks."


    • With what I am hearing here you are wrong about all of this...

      The situation at McDonalds would play out more like this.....

      Sir, Would you like a hot apple pie with that?

      Yea sure!!! Sounds Tasty in fact I would like 2 HOT APPLE PIES!!!

      On 2nd Thought Make it 3.....

      Hey Just cancel the whole order and give me 3 hot apple pies!!!

      I think that some of these people asking for a thanks are seeing so many people type thanks in a reply and they never click the thank you button.... The thing that is going on with this is they are just looking to boost their posts.... Ya Think???

      I don't think you should have to ask for a thanks... We are not in competition to get the most thanks on the forum. However, when people just type in thanks in a post, why can they not just click the thanks link?

      Have we now filled yet another thread with useless information or is this going to help someone build their online business to the next level...

      I agree with the video (yourreviewer) posted.... Don't expect the tip..... or a thanks..... Provide help to others which is what we are here for.... I don't think I have ever thanked Allen and if he had not put this whole site together, I would know maybe 25% of what I know today about IM... Maybe we should just all thank Allen... Has he asked for a thank you lately? I doubt...
  • LOL, Yeah I've seen that too and it certainly seems rude. I've never thanked anyone who asked for it.

    There's a groan button modification for vBulletin which works exactly as this thanks one does. They could add it!
  • Thanks are nice to get and I'm happy that I have a few, but I've never really given much weight to "reps", etc.

    Why? Because while there are those who will freely give thanks and make a point of it, there is a certain segment who will hold thier thanks hostage. These are the folks who "rarely give thanks", yet expect to be thanked. They "forget" to give thanks. They "resent being asked" for thanks. They are "too busy" to give thanks. They punish and bully using the rep/thanks system, making it useless. I wish they'd get over themselves, but doubt they will.

    So, in my mind reps/thanks, etc are only worth the ones who actually use the system correctly. I thank a poster if I agree with a post or if I learn something or appreciate the post, whether they ask for a thanks, remind for a thanks or whatever. No buttkissing required.

    And I don't look for thanks, I just do what I do. Period.
  • I use the thanks button fairly often but never as a point
    of principal thank anyone that has asked for it.......

    It is rude we are not children and do not need to be reminded
    to use the thanks button................................

    I certainly never answer posts with the view to thinking
    how many people are going to thank me today, in fact I have
    no idea how many people and for waht
    La dominatrix
  • I was once told to thank people by another warrior... - because they felt that In should have thanked them and others who responded to a thread of mine.

    That was even more awkward... what about people who expect to be thanked when they post a response, or an answer?

    It runs a few ways then, not just with people who start threads and ask for a "thanks".
    • [1] reply
    • People often take things too far, don't they?

      Some thank others for good posts, some thank their friends and trade back and forth, some thank anyone who answers them or only those who agree with them. Some claim importance because "I've been thanked XXX times..." It's open to interpretation.

      If you are going to worry about that little button, remember it's better to give than to receive.

      • [1] reply
  • Asking for a thanks is silly but it's always nice to thank and be thanked. Showing well deserved appreciation may not effect some but for others, it can make their day.

    It's like on my birthday, I don't really care about receiving gifts or whatever, all someone has to do is remember my birthday and wish me well and it makes my day.

  • Hello all,
    I'm new to this forum, just wonderin where can i find the "thank you" button?
    I'v came across a few post with great content and I'v reply to show my appreciation to their great post. (didn't know there's a "thank you" button)
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Thank you.
  • Another thing I've noticed is that people are far quicker to complain than to give a simple ThankYou.

    I believe it's human nature to be selfish and selfabsorbed with some folks.

    • [1] reply
    • Personally i never ask for thanks , but actually i would thank the person whom request that, as i have read his topic i will do that, and many times you may like the topic and you don`t hit the thanks button as it`s not the core point.
  • When I first read this thread, yesterday, I was a bit amazed as I have never seen anyone request that people thank them. I would find that pretty strange, and I can't imagine myself ever doing it. If you have to ask for it, then is it really a thank you.

    Anyway, today I finally joined the War Room and I have been spending a little time in there reading. I finally saw the requests for people to click the thank you button. And I saw this in multiple threads. It looks pretty strange, I must say.

    So my question is, do I just not read enough posts to experience this, I do spend a lot of time on this forum reading? Or is it just that the people that do this only hang out in the War Room?

    Don't get me wrong, I love to see that someone took the time to thank me. It makes me think that I must have helped someone or at least contributed a little to their day. But I would never think to make that request in my post. It just seems weird to me.
  • Asking for a "Thanks" is just lame. Jeez...

    • [1] reply
    • Banned
      Thanks Steve.
  • This is silly. Anyway, everyone wants to be thanked. Admit it, when you are driving in traffic and you open up a little bit of space in front of you for the poor sap trapped in the other lane to move over, you want to be thanked. You WANT that little wave. You MUST HAVE that little wave. Don't even try to deny it!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
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    • Banned
      I get people waving their middle finger at me all the time.
    • You want the thanks, But you don't stick your head out of the window before you let them over and say hey man, don't forget to thank me....

      Yes the wave of the middle finger is what I get all of the time... That is such a great gesture..
      • [1] reply

    • I have to admit when I let somebody go when I am driving and they don't wave it does tick me off a little and when I hold the door for someone and they just walk right by.

      Now I will not ask these people for a wave or a thank you either and that is a whole other
      • [1] reply
  • If baby no cry, baby no get no milk.
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    • This is not a matter of "the wheel that squeaks gets the grease." We should not post for the sole purpose of trying to gain post counts and credibility. It should be about helping one another.
  • seobro...that made me laugh...

    if baby no cry, baby no get no milk....perfect.

  • It's like any other system - people will try to game it as long as there's something in it for them.

    I know one of the other forums had this problem with people asking for reps. It got so out of hand that the owner and mods finally put a stop to it by imposing a penalty on people who continue this practice.

    I have a feeling that this practice isn't going to last very long around here ...

  • buying "thank you"s for a buck a piece any takers? (I hope y'all know I'm kidding.....)
  • I think asking for thanks is rude, too. As a general rule, I only hit the "thanks" button if somebody's posted a resource I might actually use at some point or has answered a question I had in a helpful manner. And if someone thanks me, I hope it's because I've been helpful in some way.
  • I started a thread the other day, reminding people to use the 'Thanks' button where appropriate. I even said I didn't want people to thank me for the post. That thread got 40+ replies and 28 'Thanks' for the OP - obviously a bit of reverse psychology does the trick.

    But really, does anybody check out the number of 'Thanks' you have and correlate that to credibility? If that's the case then maybe we can ask Allen to retain the function but remove the tally from our profiles.

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    • Doggone it, Rod! I was gonna be so damn grateful, you were going to make my house payment this month...:p
      • [1] reply
    • Hmm, I wonder if anyone can test that and see if it converts a sale or so? Heh.

      Pretty much whether such a call to action is "appropriate" or not depends on the
      situation, as others' analogies pointed out. I'll thank when I pretty much feel like
      it as some posted, but just remember that no one's required or forced to do so.

      Unless maybe Allen creates a Post Reply And Thanks button.
  • That doesn't sound very demanding to me. More like plain old asking.

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