Yanny vs. Laurel and Why it Matters to Us as Marketers...

16 replies
When "Laurel or Yanny" became a thing last week,
it really proved a point I often tell people in my copy
coaching groups or at my ad agency.

And that's the fact that most people are BORED.

Bored with their jobs, their morning routine, their
school work, their daily activities, and much of their
entire day.

So when something like "Yanny vs. Laurel" comes
along... it can capture the attention of MILLIONS.

This is a HUGE thing for us marketers to remember.

Why? Because if you KNOW how to catch the attention
of your prospects and KEEP it... you can focus it on your
product or service.

One of the best ways to get noticed?

Well, as Yanny and Laurel showed... use something that's
out of place, causes a controversy, or a demonstration that
leaves people scratching their heads.

Something that when people see or hear... They think "wait,

Our brains are wired to EXPECT things to be a certain way.

When they aren't... we take notice.

Or in the case of Yanny vs. Laurel, MILLIONS of people notice
and talk about it.

Because boredom sets in so easy for most people, we ALL
want to be engaged in some way.

We all crave some kind of mental stimulation... something
that keeps our attention engaged.

Many times, it doesn't even matter WHAT it is as long as it
maintains our attention and allows us to focus on SOMETHING.

We scroll through Facebook.

We go through the Trending list on Youtube.

We check out iTunes.

And once something comes along and catches attention, it can
soon take on a life of its own.

So, the one skill you need to master these days is to stand out
and get noticed.

That way, you can capture attention long enough to get a
moment of time with your prospect.

If you want to get attention with your ad, email, Facebook
post, commercial, or video... use an image, video snippet, or
headline that stands out and goes against the norm.

If you can catch and hold attention long enough, you can focus
that attention on what you have to offer... even getting people
to take action.

I'd even say it's impossible to sell your product or service UNTIL
you sufficiently engage your prospect's mind.

It's why Geico uses a talking lizard to sell insurance.

It's why beer companies use animals during their commercials
(frogs, dogs, horses).

It's to immediately capture attention by having something seem
out of place or instantly noticeable.

When you've captured the attention of your prospects, that's when
the real sales message begins.
#laurel #marketers #matters #yanny
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Most people are BORED.
    When I saw what the people/news/commentators/etc were talking about....my thought was "most people are boring".
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11368288].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I'm bored right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by yukon View Post

    I'm bored right now.
    I was bored in the first paragraph, and did this break me, no, it takes a special kind of dull to get me to spit the dummy.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jessica Ambos
    I didn't know Geico uses a talking lizard to sell insurance. I'm from the Philippines and the Snoopy insurance company I previously worked for outsourced their business here. I've heard this from our customers thousands of times that they're either moving over to Geico or they've just transferred from Geico. It came as a surprise to me because I never really did look up our competitor's mascot or cartoon character. I knew about their package and rates but I didn't know the most basic thing about how them. Is it because I'm bored or loyal? Maybe both I don't know.

    Anyway, the Laurel or Yanny thing is the same as when the photo of the phenomenal dress broke out asking people if it's blue or black or white and gold a few years back. It just goes to show how bored people really are. We get excited about getting out of our normal routine that anything out of the ordinary instantly captures our attention. The same goes with business. People make up the most bizarre ideas just to get people to flock their businesses.
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  • It is funny that you mentioned this. It took one release of a mind bender, from ONE PERSON and it had the entire internet talking. We got to start thinking creatively
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  • This is true- Geico has the gecko, McDonalds has the yellow arch, Target has the bulls-eye target symbol, churches are typically identified with a steeple, Christians by the Cross or fish symbol, Google by the multicolored G icon, Facebook by the popular blue and white f, Twitter by the bird....the list goes on and on.
    We have to figure out how our business is identified and what will stick in people's memory.
    Thanks all, for this challenge
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11368713].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shawnlebrun
    Probably one of THE most important places to remember
    this need to stand out and get attention?

    Facebook ads.

    A couple of weeks ago, a client hired me to rewrite their
    Facebook ads because they weren't returning what they
    had hoped.

    One look at their images and I knew why.

    They were selling an energy supplement, using
    images like this...

    I wasn't surprised their CTR was below 12%.

    I mentioned to them how the image was the single most
    important part of the Facebook ad, because it's the ONE
    thing that's noticed first.

    If your image doesn't stand out, it won't matter what
    anything else on the ad says.

    If you picture most people using Facebook on their
    phones, they're just scrolling, scrolling, scrolling...

    Until something catches their attention, and that's
    the one moment we have to get our foot in the door.

    So, I started using images like this on their campaign...

    With no other changes... CTR went from 12% to an
    average of 64% on just the first round of changes.

    So, if you run Facebook ads, find images that stand
    out and get attention.

    You'll notice your click through rate goes up immediately.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    It is often said regarding marketing:

    The greatest sin of a copywriter is to be boring.

    I believe it.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    And that's the fact that most people are BORED.
    Paul Simon had it right:

    "... He says why am I short of attention...Got a short little span of attention"
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Really interesting approach on that trend.
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  • Profile picture of the author mostCPA
    The challenge is keeping up with your customers -- because what concerns them constantly changes.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    The media understands boring, as do individuals paying off bimbo's which in turn regardless of if someone is innocent or not, destroys their career and reputation.

    It is like Communism in the US in the 50's all over again, get dragged before the committee and regardless of your innocence you are screwed.

    The media is bored to tears, since they cannot say a word on what is really going on, so go on a witch hunt instead.

    And between the fluoride in drinking water, mindless crap on tv, and suppression of everything that threatens billion dollar cash cows, all is well.

    Society is designed to suppress, and keep control, and make profits.

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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    I didn't even know this was a thing until I read this post. One thing I've learned from Neville Medhora is how to write in a wacky way when I'm writing copy. You don't want to be too wacky, but when you write in a fun way people are more engaged with what you write.

    As you said we're bored and looking for entertainment, that's why we sit and watch things like reality TV and sports. We crave entertainment to survive unless you're a marketer, then you just use that for profit .
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