Do you think making 150 sales qualifies as good enough testing to justify paying for advertising?
My product is a digital course that I have for sale on my website. I offer a lifetime membership to a member's area of my site, and so far I have made 152 sales. Only 1 person out of 153 asked for a refund so far.
I've read in many places that you should test your product idea before creating it. I didn't do that though. Instead, I made the common newbie mistake in creating the product first and then selling it. I guess I got lucky though because people seem to be buying it.
So far all of my traffic has been free...mainly through YouTube. I've tested various different pricing points....$47/lifetime, $59/lifetime, $67/lifetime, $10/month, $97/year, $97/lifetime. I've found that $59 for a lifetime subscription seems to be a good price point.
Regarding my list, people that purchase my course automatically get added to my email list, which just puts them on an automated set of emails that go out once per week sharing a blog post that is on the site.
The "list" is also intended for people that haven't yet purchased my course to keep coming back to my site (and hopefully they end up buying). Honestly, this list hasn't really resulted in many sales though...most of my sales come from people finding me on YouTube, clicking the link in the description and making the purchase.
So given this information, do you think that it is a smart idea to start delving into the world of paid advertising?
Or do you think I should just keep hacking away at the free traffic stuff?
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
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