Voucher code websites & "phantom" codes

2 replies
Hi Guys,

First post, so bear with me!

I discovered a phantom voucher code for our business online. It's not come from us and indeed, doesn't actually exist. Never has.

I have gone back to the site and the voucher is now showing as "expired" (not deleted) and there are even more codes there now. I feel this will be having a negative impact on the trust of our customers. They will click the code and quickly see that there is no 20% off. It may even drive them to google our competitors.

However, it HAS driven traffic to the website and has converted into a small amount of sales. But nothing to get wildly excited about.

What's your opinion on this?

#code #codes #phantom #voucher #websites
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  • Profile picture of the author whitehat
    Just keep doin' what you're doin'. Offer live support, for when the voucher does not work.

    Give the company a valid code that works. You can even use the fake codes they are already promoting, to make things easy. Also offer them commission.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11407456].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HelloFriday
      Hi whitehat, thanks for your response.

      The issue is, we have no offers at the moment. I don't have anything to offer in replacement and don't want to be forced to issue codes because of some naughty company. They could do this over and over.

      I am wondering if this is a sales tactic of theirs, to get companies to get in touch questioning the codes posted on their site. Bit of a silly way to start a conversation - by p*ssing the potential client off!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11407643].message }}
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