How do I research and find an unmet market need before starting my affiliate business?

11 replies

Before starting a business, one needs to do market research, and find and unmet market need; an unmet need "customers" have that you can fill in exchange for money.

In "affiliate marketing" business, you start a website, blog or whatever, provide useful content and pre-sell affiliate products.

In a lot of "affiliate marketing courses" they just say "pick a niche with a lot of products", and contain a lot of lessons on how to build a website, write an article, outsource etc. etc.

But before one start a website, blog or a "squeeze page" to build an affiliate business, how does one move forward, step by step, research the market to find an unmet market need?

I mean how can I do research and find an unmet market need before starting my affiliate business?
#affiliate #business #find #market #research #starting #unmet
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Lovelace
    Hey There,

    It comes down to researching your chosen niches avatar.

    What are their interests

    What are their problems

    Where do they tend to hang out; i.e. websites, blogs, etc.

    From there you can truly find needs in a market and provide the solution. Whether that be through your own products or others.
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    • Profile picture of the author AbdullahKaragoz
      Originally Posted by Eric Lovelace View Post

      Hey There,

      It comes down to researching your chosen niches avatar.

      What are their interests

      What are their problems

      Where do they tend to hang out; i.e. websites, blogs, etc.

      From there you can truly find needs in a market and provide the solution. Whether that be through your own products or others.

      But is there a method to find market need?

      What most "affiliate marketing courses" teach is just this:
      - Check number of searches from Google Keyword Tool
      - Check if there are enough products on ClickBank, Amazon, ads on Google etc.
      Then you found your profitable niche.

      It just teaches how to check whether a niche is "big and profitable enough" or not.

      But within a niche, what's the unmet market need? How to find that "unmet market need" withing that niche?

      Some say "differentiate yourself" but just differentiating isn't enough, the differentiation has to be something that makes your business fill an unmet market need.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andrewsfm
    You're best just Googling to find the top niches but I'd recommend one of these three:

    Make Money Online
    Weight Loss

    These are the top 3, and have a lot of searches per month and are evergreen.

    You don't want some small niche that won't have a lot of room for growth..
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    There are a lot of lists, reports and ebooks out there. Rather than suggest one over the other I'd recommend entering 'top 100 niches' into your search engine of choice.
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  • Profile picture of the author ebony76
    The AskMethod System By Ryan Levesque is one way. (not an affiliate)

    The premise is to pretty much ask your prospective market by way of surveys and then create segments based on your specifics to better target that market.

    Here is a survey that I have done recently using the AskMethod and their survey/segmenting "bucketing" tool.

    You can find market related FB groups and post your surveys there and get great insight.

    Good luck!

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    • Profile picture of the author AbdullahKaragoz
      Originally Posted by ebony76 View Post

      The AskMethod System By Ryan Levesque is one way. (not an affiliate)

      The premise is to pretty much ask your prospective market by way of surveys and then create segments based on your specifics to better target that market.

      Here is a survey that I have done recently using the AskMethod and their survey/segmenting "bucketing" tool.

      You can find market related FB groups and post your surveys there and get great insight.

      Good luck!

      But to survey a market, won't it require you to already have a list of customers?

      Would group admins allow surveying their members?
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Go to, click on departments. You get a list of departments. Click on a department that catches your eye. You get a relatively broad area that amazon finds profitable. Narrow down some more... Under sports and outdoors, you have a bunch of sub-sections... Click on one, you'll have even more subsections... under fitness equipment, you get Cardio training, under which you get bikes, and ellipticals...

    You can also go to the For Dummies books... each book has chapters, that have sub-chapters. Sub-chapters are, essentially, a sub-niche.
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  • Profile picture of the author mwimmersive
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    In addition to what's already been said, another easy approach is to use your favorite keyword tool to identify long tail keywords that have a high number of searches. Put those keyword phrases that you find into Google search and note the results that come back.

    Are there any forums? Go to them and observe the discussions for unmet needs, recurring problems, desires common among posters, etc.

    Note the top ranking websites and see what they are selling and talking about. Don't worry about competition just yet - it's a sign there is money flowing in the niche. You'll have an opportunity to tap into the marketplace if you position your business to fulfill a need.

    Be observant and focus on areas of the marketplace where there are gaps or holes or products that people complain about. These are opportunities for you to fill need or satisfy a desire.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Wolseley
    I spend a lot of time in groups and forums, looking for what questions people are asking.
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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    My methods include:

    1. Looking at what is already selling and reverse engineering the demand/desire behind WHY they are buying that product. A passionate market (trying to fulfill a desire or overcome a challenge) will always buy multiple products. Think of an interest you have - do you have just one website you go to? One person you follow? One book or course? Typically not - most people have a bookshelf filled with books on topics they are passionate about.

    2. Use Twitter search, Amazon discussions , Facebook groups, blog comments, forums, Quora, tap into discussions within your market - they will give you BIG hints on what questions, desires and frustrations an audience has...I have gotten some of my best product ideas that way

    3. Lastly, think not about finding a unique problem, desire or challenge - but to find one that people are actually buying products to solve and THEN focus on coming up with your own branded content, offers and solutions to those desires

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  • Everything boils down to how you do your research. Everything you need to know is online. In your research, you need to find out your niche, your market and do a market study, and any information that would provide you with a clear insight if the niche you want to promote will still be essential in the near future. Spend time browsing the internet for these information. There are a LOT of these and all you need to do is to read and gather data. Good luck!
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