Article Spinners

John Marshall
Profile picture of John Marshall
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91 replies

Have you found an article spinner that you have found satisfactory?

I'd be interested to know about one that will rewrite an article once to a very good quality.

Many thanks,

#article #spinners
  • Profile picture of the author ashwinsd
    Profile picture of ashwinsd
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    I use spinrewriter which gives pretty good output, however, it's not perfect.
  • Profile picture of the author John Marshall
    John Marshall
    Profile picture of John Marshall
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    Thanks, I appreciate your response.
  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    Brent Stangel
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    one that will rewrite an article once to a very good quality.
    It doesn't exist.

    Pay a human on Fiverr to rewrite it.

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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
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    Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post


    Have you found an article spinner that you have found satisfactory?
    Never !! .......

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
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    An online thesaurus.
  • Profile picture of the author NetMan
    Profile picture of NetMan
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    Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post


    Have you found an article spinner that you have found satisfactory?

    I'd be interested to know about one that will rewrite an article once to a very good quality.

    Many thanks,

    I wonder why you'd need that considering that the "NEW SEO" is producing HIGH-QUALITY INTERESTING CONTENT, especially entertaining and problem solving solutions, for the readers.

    In what a MACHINE can do that?

    Moreover, "satisfactory" text spinners that produces "very good quality" content or whatever does NOT exist. I believe you have stumbled upon some BS marketing "guru" who still exchanges crappy MYTHS for cash... Too bad...

  • Profile picture of the author Socialblastr
    Profile picture of Socialblastr
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    Nothing comes even close to a human as far as quality. I'll agree with a previous poster than spin rewrites is a decent tool but if you want to publish stuff that people actually want to read, be prepared to do lots of edits. Actually, just save yourself the money and just rewrite it from the start.
  • Profile picture of the author John Marshall
    John Marshall
    Profile picture of John Marshall
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    Thanks, everyone.

    To clarify, the articles that I need would not be used for SEO purposes but they should be good enough to read and be reasonably unique.
    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Steve B
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      Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post

      To clarify, the articles that I need would not be used for SEO purposes but they should be good enough to read and be reasonably unique.

      SEO or not, it doesn't matter. Do you really want your name and business to be associated with distributing low quality "filler" that is never thoughtful, valuable, or interesting? Such content, IMO, is a sign to the world that you only care about getting content "out there" on the Internet and that your main concern is not what your readers actually want. That may sound harsh, but really, article spinning says so much about how little you care for what your prospects and customers want.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

  • Profile picture of the author John Marshall
    John Marshall
    Profile picture of John Marshall
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    To clarify further, I was wondering if anyone has found a spinner that actually produces quality, readable content?
    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Profile picture of NetMan
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      Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post

      To clarify further, I was wondering if anyone has found a spinner that actually produces quality, readable content?
      LOL I believe you already have at least TWO EXPERTS here who told you that such thing does not exist. And, imho, on top of what Steve told you here above I would add that if it is not for SEO than it is even worse because the kind of content that spinners produces is somewhat kind of either intelligence insulting or TIME wasting for "readers"... Besides that, I cannot see what other reason one would "produce content" ...

      Good luck!

    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Steve B
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      Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post

      To clarify further, I was wondering if anyone has found a spinner that actually produces quality, readable content?


      In all my years online (since the mid 90's), I have never seen nor heard of such a product.

      Most that I have seen require major editing after the article has been spun just to make them readable (let alone valuable).

      Sure, you can take spun articles and make something good out of them if you put a lot of time into it - or if you have a freelancer do some additional editing. But then, you can do exactly the same thing yourself (or with a freelancer) with the original article and no spinning. So what's the sense in doing that?

      The whole idea with spinning is to cut down on the need for "human" involvement. The trouble is . . . "human involvement" (personality, expertise, knowledge, past experience, opinion, judgment, etc.) is the center or core of what people want to read and experience.

      If you can't write, or don't like to write, I personally believe the best alternative is to find someone that does and hire them.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
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    Just write and publish yourself John to do it the right aka biz-building way.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Profile picture of ChrisBa
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    Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post


    Have you found an article spinner that you have found satisfactory?

    I'd be interested to know about one that will rewrite an article once to a very good quality.

    Many thanks,

    No. These days it's better to just have human written content.
  • Profile picture of the author fire3fly
    Profile picture of fire3fly
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    I like the Best Spinner. It works quickly, and you can make edits easily as well.
  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Profile picture of vishwa
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    Article Spinners are just a waste of time. It makes your articles just unreadable and meaningless too. Its better write the article yourself or you can hire writers to write it for you.
    Signature Blogging, Technology, and Digital Marketing
    • Profile picture of the author stephenrobes
      Profile picture of stephenrobes
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      Originally Posted by vishwa View Post

      Article Spinners are just a waste of time. It makes your articles just unreadable and meaningless too. Its better write the article yourself or you can hire writers to write it for you.
      Did you ever try article spinner? If you do it, can't say waste of time.
  • Profile picture of the author Pamela123
    Profile picture of Pamela123
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    I found one more article spinners that have made me really satisfied . I can suggest you some good quality article spinners that i've used .

    Free Article Spinner
    Small Seo Tools.

    Thank you
  • Profile picture of the author sscot
    Profile picture of sscot
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    No article spinner existing today can give you quality outputs. But, you still can use spinners for reducing your time, I've been doing it occasionally! How? Spin your article and rewrite. This rewriting activity won't be time consuming as full rewriting task. I know some pro re writers also use this way.

  • Profile picture of the author John Marshall
    John Marshall
    Profile picture of John Marshall
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    Thanks everyone for all of your input. It has been most interesting!

    It looks as though the perfect article spinner is yet to be invented.

    I'll have to continue with my current working practices.

    Once again, thanks for the input, everyone.

    Kind regards,

    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Jonathan 2.0
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      Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post

      Thanks everyone for all of your input. It has been most interesting!
      Definitely go with creating your own (original) content. Or hiring a Freelancer to do it.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
    • Profile picture of the author Monica Meiers
      Monica Meiers
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      Always go for quality. And it's not just text content that works in improving your niche authority.

      Just quality content with enough text for bots to clamber upon.
    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Ian Jackson
      Profile picture of Ian Jackson
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      Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post

      Thanks everyone for all of your input. It has been most interesting!

      It looks as though the perfect article spinner is yet to be invented.

      I'll have to continue with my current working practices.

      Once again, thanks for the input, everyone.

      Kind regards,

      It was invented a few million years ago... it's call a BRAIN
  • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
    Profile picture of OptedIn
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    If you know how to use it, intelligently and what, precisely, to use it for, Spin Rewriter 9.0 is in a class by itself. Puts everything else to shame.

    Not cheap at $497, but like everything else in life and business, if you want the best, expect to pay top-dollar, for it.

    "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Profile picture of NetMan
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      Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

      If you know how to use it, intelligently and what, precisely, to use it for, Spin Rewriter 9.0 is in a class by itself. Puts everything else to shame.

      Not cheap at $497, but like everything else in life and business, if you want the best, expect to pay top-dollar, for it.
      I absolutely agree that there are specific "application" where they can be of good use, and that there are a few pretty good and expansive one as well.

      Only, I've used a few some times back and to be that good they have to elaborated and featured pack, and for me, at least for my own use, I always finally end up to write myself from scratch because it is more simple at the end. I totally understand what application you apply this to for your own needs, and that's totally fine. But, the OP sounded more like he was looking for spinner to equal a "pro-writer" and that of course does not exist, yet.

      Though now with the emergence of AI I think this kind of app should greatly enhance in the coming years. When we look at how fast text-to-speech machine generated voices technology is enhancing lately, thank to AI-there are already voice engines that really sound like a real human voice already-so there should be no reason not to see the same path in the "text-spinning" area.

      • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
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        Originally Posted by NetMan View Post

        But, the OP sounded more like he was looking for spinner to equal a "pro-writer" and that of course does not exist, yet.
        Again - I understand that and again, I was aiming my comments at people that were slamming the use of this type of app in any situation, based on their total ignorance.

        I have a hard time with totally ignorant people spouting less than half-truths as informed fact that others might believe, which does not benefit them in any way.

        That's not going to go away - anytime, soon. :-)

        Part of the mission, here, is to inform people - not misinform them.


        "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

        • Profile picture of the author NetMan
          Profile picture of NetMan
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          Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

          I have a hard time with totally ignorant people spouting less than half-truths as informed fact that others might believe, which does not benefit them in any way.
          Same here, and unfortunately this forum has become like "facebook groups" -I guess partly because of the "new format" this forum has adopted-where anyone just drop drop by and drop in one's "genius undeniable thoughts" without any consideration at all of what's been said ABOVE IN THE THREAD.

          And that is simply because the way its layout is done. Very often, late posters do not even see the thread and what's been said above, and do not even take the time to look at what's been discussed and said before, and that of course is because nothing is more important than their "knowledge" and what they have to say to the OP, even if ten idiots have aleady repeated the exact same thing "above" before them.

          Gone are the days of rich, frank, and profitable discussions of the past on this forum, where we were getting much value, and not only on the knowledge side.

          • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
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            Originally Posted by NetMan View Post

            Same here, and unfortunately this forum has become like "facebook groups" -I guess partly because of the "new format" this forum has adopted-where anyone just drop drop by and drop in one's "genius undeniable thoughts" without any consideration at all of what's been said ABOVE IN THE THREAD.
            Well, yes - this is a condition that is running rampant, throughout all areas of the forum. It seems that people think that they must put in their 2¢, regardless of how meaningless, incorrect or downright ridiculous, it may be.

            Of course - it is an 'open' forum, so once you do initiate a thread, you have to tolerate anything that follows, short of SPAM and 'self-promotion.' Oftentimes, I may post something that does not directly relate to the OP's question, but I always try to keep my posts relevant to the topic, with this thread being an example. Like I said, we all have an obligation to inform and pushback on the claptrap, even if it is off topic as far as the OP's question. It's not a perfect world.

            And that is simply because the way its layout is done. Very often, late posters do not even see the thread and what's been said above, and do not even take the time to look at what's been discussed and said before, and that of course is because nothing is more important than their "knowledge" and what they have to say to the OP, even if ten idiots have already repeated the exact same thing "above" before them.
            You can't blame the layout. You can only blame the 'evil-doers.' lol It is incumbent upon all posters to read the OP's question or comment, digest it, in order to give it intelligent consideration and then develop and proffer a reasoned, helpful response, directly relating to the subject at hand. If you can't do that - you shouldn't post. Period!

            Gone are the days of rich, frank, and profitable discussions of the past on this forum, where we were getting much value, and not only on the knowledge side.
            Most people now are looking for help, and few newbies have anything of true value to offer. That's not a dig - just a statement of fact. Those that do are tired of being slammed when the offer valuable advice that is demeaned and rejected because it does not comply with what the person who asked for help - wants to hear. Of course, they continue to try to help, even when they should be able to tell by the way the question was presented, that they are probably wasting their time, if not from a possible rejection standpoint, then from the OP asking a question, getting 20 answers - two of them valuable - never then saying, thank you," and then disappearing for life.

            In the interest of 'self-love' and maintaining my rapidly dwindling sanity, I no longer participate in that fool's errand. That's just me. I guess I'm not as 'big' as those other people. I'm certainly not as nice.

            I love me. Who do you love??? :-)

            "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

            • Profile picture of the author NetMan
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              Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

              ...then from the OP asking a question, getting 20 answers - two of them valuable - never then saying, thank you," and then disappearing for life.
              Yeah, well pointed, another questionable (shhh... ...itty) and wide spread generalised behavior, and that is it's become almost 80%-to be conservative-of the new, or very lowww, posters that drop by to ask a question and DISAPPEAR, indeed, to never comment back nor engage back in their own created thread...

              Exasperating, to say the least...

              Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

              In the interest of 'self-love' and maintaining my rapidly dwindling sanity, I no longer participate in that fool's errand. That's just me. I guess I'm not as 'big' as those other people. I'm certainly not as nice.

              I love me. Who do you love??? :-)
              I'm sure I love myself more than you do love yourself! :-P

              Yep, over time me learn to choose our battles and it's become with slingshots instead of fire guns lol...
              • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
                Profile picture of OptedIn
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                Originally Posted by NetMan View Post

                I'm sure I love myself more than you do love yourself! :-P
                This is both, inconceivable and impossible. Ask, around. lol

                We all excel at something in life.

                "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
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    tbh article spinnin' is like combinin' the worst features of a vomit bag an' a tea bag.

    Planet thrives on original content an startups ... an' is diminished by soulless repetition an' regurgitation.

    That is not to say synopsis an' creative editin' got no place -- quite the contrary -- but I would want always for skyscraper stuffs to pitch firmer foundations an' more elevated summits than hey i recopied a buncha sh*t out again all diffrent.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
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    Again, if you know how and when to use them, they are an invaluable tool. Anything that can write 800 unique articles for me to use on a RankSnap campaign for backlinks, in under 2 minutes, is good by me.

    While not perfect, the articles are damn good - surprisingly so. Of course if I'm putting articles on a site where they stand a high chance of actually being read, I will extensively proof them so as to not embarrass myself or my client as opposed to just posting 'spintax.'

    This thread is just like the 'Speech to Text,' thread. Folks commenting on something that they just don't understand how to use - and even when to use that type of application, so they post incorrect nonsense based on their own ignorance on the topic, all the while stating their rubbish as if it's 'knowledge' that's important for them to share.

    Are Article Spinners a great idea? Usually - no! Do they have their place in an IM'ers quiver? Absolutely.


    "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Jonathan 2.0
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      Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

      Again, if you know how and when to use them, they are an invaluable tool. Anything that can write 800 unique articles for me to use on a RankSnap campaign for backlinks, in under 2 minutes, is good by me.
      I had to look it up on Wikipedia for sure however if this is the definition, the I would recommend People don't use it.

      Content spinning works by rewriting existing articles, or parts of articles, and replacing specific words, phrases, sentences, or even entire paragraphs with any number of alternate versions to provide a slightly different variation with each spin. This process can be completely automated or written manually as many times as needed.
      (I could be wrong though ― I don't know everything about article spinning.)
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Steve B
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      Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

      Are Article Spinners a great idea? Usually - no! Do they have their place in an IM'ers quiver? Absolutely. Cheers.


      I have no experience with Spin Rewriter 9.0 so I can't comment on how well it works. The OP did say in his post:
      "I'd be interested to know about one that will rewrite an article once to a very good quality."
      He doesn't need 800 unique articles . . . just one article rewritten "to a very good quality."

      I still think he ought to just write his one article, make it to his own quality standard, and save $497. He could also hire out the job to almost anyone and still save money.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

      • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
        Profile picture of OptedIn
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        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


        I have no experience with Spin Rewriter 9.0 so I can't comment on how well it works. The OP did say in his post:
        "I'd be interested to know about one that will rewrite an article once to a very good quality."
        He doesn't need 800 unique articles . . . just one article rewritten "to a very good quality."

        I still think he ought to just write his one article, make it to his own quality standard, and save $497. He could also hire out the job to almost anyone and still save money.

        Yes - I am aware of that and totally agree with you. My post was directed more to the general bashing of these applications by people who obviously don't know anything about them, let alone how and when to use them. lol

        Why would anyone spin one copy of an article?

        If you would like to familiarize yourself with this product, for informational purposes, here is the sales page:

        The video pretty much explains, everything. I am not an affiliate for anything, at all, anywhere. Period. Not sure if posting that violates any rules. It's not 'self-promotion,' and like I said, not an affiliate link.

        It's simply to illustrate that some apps are Yugos and some are more like a Rolls Royce, in every product category.


        "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
    Profile picture of OptedIn
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    I can't see it, but I don't need to in order to know how woefully uninformed your comment probably is. It's a given. lol

    "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Jonathan 2.0
      Profile picture of Jonathan 2.0
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      Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

      I can't see it, but I don't need to in order to know how woefully uninformed your comment probably is. It's a given. lol
      Lol. Be nice.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
  • Profile picture of the author John Marshall
    John Marshall
    Profile picture of John Marshall
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    "Though now with the emergence of AI I think this kind of app should greatly enhance in the coming years. When we look at how fast text-to-speech machine generated voices technology is enhancing lately, thank to AI-there are already voice engines that really sound like a real human voice already-so there should be no reason not to see the same path in the "text-spinning" area. "

    My precise reason for asking the question. I have been amazed at what is happening with AI, voice and speech, which I have been researching recently, and I was wondering if anyone had applied this to article writing, yet.

    Kind regards,

  • Profile picture of the author toysoldier80
    Profile picture of toysoldier80
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    Article Forge is a website I found to be great for article spinning. I have used about 20 different article spinners the past 7 years and they are by far the best. Second best believe it or not is a 100% free one Best Free Spinner - Free or Pro Article Spinner, Text Spinner. I think have an upgrade option for like $25 and it provides lifetime access to I believe 2 devices.

    Article Forge just has the ability to create great articles without the need for much editing. Most article spinners in the world will have you edit so much of the article you realise it might be easier to just write your own articles. I have found by writing your own articles you become more educated on the subject matter. So for instance if you do an affiliate project on dancing because you like the activity but have no idea about the ins an outs of it, by writing the articles you will become educated on the various dances, techniques etc in the world. Depending on how much you write, you might become an expert or pioneer for other products on the subject.

    Article Forge takes keywords, phrases, and creates articles for you. The articles being created will have unique content without much editing. In addition you will have access to spintax that will create unlimited unique similar articles that will not need much editing.

    The only downfall in my book are the articles are pretty basic. The articles will not be super technical or full of rich information on the subject matter.

    If you write articles using a pen name than these articles will be great for those sites. If you have accounts that you have to use your name as an author than I would use your own writing. Using your own writing opens the door for truthful answers whenever questioned even if the writing is not perfect. At least the content is your own words thoughts, and ideas. If you get questioned about a spinned article than obviously you wont be able to provide a thoughtful answer other than to admit the content is not yours.
  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
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    I only use "real" writers to do things like that. You can use iwriter for doing it.
  • Profile picture of the author John Marshall
    John Marshall
    Profile picture of John Marshall
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    Well, this has become quite a rich and interesting discussion!

    I think that I can conclude that the magical software which will rewrite an existing article to a high standard has yet to be invented, although I detect that some people believe that it may be not too far away. We'll have to see.

    Many thanks to everyone for their contributions. You have saved me, and possibly many others, from the time and money we may have spent on testing out the latest spinners only to find that they are still not up to the job.

    I'm sticking with my present systems of finding quality content, for the time being at least!
    • Profile picture of the author NetMan
      Profile picture of NetMan
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      Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post

      Well, this has become quite a rich and interesting discussion!
      Indeed, it still happens from time to time. :-)
  • Profile picture of the author homeriscool
    Profile picture of homeriscool
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    Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post


    Have you found an article spinner that you have found satisfactory?

    I'd be interested to know about one that will rewrite an article once to a very good quality.

    Many thanks,

    Hi Jon, lets see if i can help a bit. Ive spent years learning "SEO" (over 10) and it continues to change all the time, im sure everyone here will agree with me.

    Ive used all the top rated article spinners on the market ( Wordai, The Best Spinner, Spin-rewriter, Spinner Chief) so i have learned a thing or two about them.

    If your looking for a quick 1 click solution your never going to find it. Any of these softwares produce unreadable garbage in my opinion and ive used them all.

    However, if you want to create multiple articles of a good quality and are willing to put the effort in, then The Best Spinner is the best out of the lot.

    Learn the tutorial on matthew woodwards website ( advanced article spinning)

    and you really can crank out hundreds of good quality articles all ready for directory sites, PBN'S etc.
    Ive done it, and it can take about 3-4 hours work but you can generate up to 1000 unique quality articles. But be warned - its BORING!

    Personally, i have found the quickest, easiest way to rewrit articles is with Dragon Natuarally Speaking voice recognition software.

    Just choose an article you want to rewrite, read sentence by sentence and rewrite by talking instaead of typing. Its far quicker and produces natural words that just roll of your tongue. Everytime i do my article spining this way, it requires very little editing and passes copyscape every singe time ( unlike article spinners).

    Hope this helps
    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Profile picture of OptedIn
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      Originally Posted by homeriscool View Post

      and ive used them all
      Apparently, not - or you would not have made such an incorrect and uniformed post, that doesn't deal with today's reality.

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author Octavio Za Be
    Octavio Za Be
    Profile picture of Octavio Za Be
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    I recommend that you look for a copywriter, the human does not write the same as an artificial article, so a pbn may be useful
  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    Rose Anderson
    Profile picture of Rose Anderson
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I do hope we're talking about taking one of your own articles and rewriting or spinning it.

    Not stealing someone else's.

    Just had to throw this in the mix.
  • Profile picture of the author charlesgalofre
    Profile picture of charlesgalofre
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    the best spinner or spinner chief. problem with the best spinner is that now they want to charge for it monthly or yearly as opposed to one time. spinner chief is the same and i think its a one time deal. its literally the same software.
  • Profile picture of the author Ian5
    Profile picture of Ian5
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    SEO tools. There is you can find spinner.
    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Profile picture of OptedIn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Ian5 View Post

      SEO tools. There is you can find spinner.
      Problem, solved!

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author ianternet
    Profile picture of ianternet
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I use wordai. for me it is just about filling my news sites, as long it is readable, not much on the seo side of things.
  • Profile picture of the author skandy85
    Profile picture of skandy85
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Always write your own content. Spinning articles is a waste of time.

    The road to success is always under construction! Free training on how to make money online is available here - no email required!

    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Profile picture of OptedIn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by skandy85 View Post

      Always write your own content. Spinning articles is a waste of time.
      Much like reading your post.

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

      • Profile picture of the author skandy85
        Profile picture of skandy85
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

        Much like reading your post.
        Get back in your van, troll!

        Article spinners are a waste of time because they eliminate the key to SEO, user intent and writing for the reader.

        Your goal as a content creator is to give value and help the user, not to copy someone else's content and change a few words.

        The road to success is always under construction! Free training on how to make money online is available here - no email required!

        • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
          Profile picture of OptedIn
          Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
          Originally Posted by skandy85 View Post

          Get back in your van, troll!

          Article spinners are a waste of time because they eliminate the key to SEO, user intent and writing for the reader.

          Your goal as a content creator is to give value and help the user, not to copy someone else's content and change a few words.
          You can't be expected to have an intelligent conversation if you don't know the various aspects and goals of article spinning, as well as the right and wrong way to utilize them for the specific purpose at hand.

          The simple fact that you are going to assume that they are only used to "Copy someone else's content," only goes to illustrate your lack of knowledge on this topic, making your comment, totally worthless.

          The minute you know someone has lost an argument? When they call you a troll. lol

          "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Benjamin Ehinger
    Profile picture of Benjamin Ehinger
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by John Marshall View Post


    Have you found an article spinner that you have found satisfactory?

    I'd be interested to know about one that will rewrite an article once to a very good quality.

    Many thanks,

    I wouldn't waste your time. Spun articles cause more issues than they do good, even if you don't have any issues at first. Hire someone to write good, unique, quality articles.

    Content is King and if the King is just a copy of the Jester it's not going to get you very far.

    Benjamin Ehinger
  • Profile picture of the author sreejanniyogi
    Profile picture of sreejanniyogi
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The best spinner is a good one. I have used few spinners for getting content for my tier 3 links. I dont think you need to sweat over it because most of them are pretty much the same.
  • Profile picture of the author fantomknight
    Profile picture of fantomknight
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    look for top article spinners search but then you need to edit the crabp out of it anyways, For me, still better than rewritting from the scratch
  • Profile picture of the author Marcus Kohl
    Marcus Kohl
    Profile picture of Marcus Kohl
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I use Spin Rewriter I was grandfathered into it so I got it for cheap and a one time fee,

    But it's a really high-quality spinner. I can copy and paste a professionally written blog and

    spin it to put it on my blog. The whole process takes about 5-10 minutes to do, and the

    great thing about it is. I have a blog template for my WordPress site that I use so I just put

    the content on their. My blog template is built to collect leads as well so that is one way

    that I have been collecting leads.
    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Frank Donovan
      Profile picture of Frank Donovan
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Marcus Kohl View Post

      But it's a really high-quality spinner. I can copy and paste a professionally written blog and spin it to put it on my blog.
      Is this your own professionally written blog, or do you seek permission from the blog owner to use the content?

    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Profile picture of OptedIn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Marcus Kohl View Post

      I use Spin Rewriter I was grandfathered into it so I got it for cheap and a one time fee,

      But it's a really high-quality spinner. I can copy and paste a professionally written blog and spin it to put it on my blog. The whole process takes about 5-10 minutes to do, and the great thing about it is. I have a blog template for my WordPress site that I use so I just put the content on their. My blog template is built to collect leads as well so that is one way that I have been collecting leads.
      Spin Rewriter is in a class by itself. Their upgrade will rewrite your blog posts at predetermined intervals to keep adding fresh content to your site. Of course, just like any other piece of advanced software, if you don't learn how to use it properly, it could simply be regarded as nothing more than a piece of junk - as most spinners are - and you wouldn't be far off.

      People that complain about the quality of spun articles are the same people that would complain about the fact, that using speech to text applications are not 100% accurate, never mentioning that had they invested a couple of hours into training the software, it would be close to 100% accurate, from that point forward. Who helps these people get dressed in the morning? lol

      I can write an original 1500 word article, get 800 versions in less than 5 minutes and have RankSnap create backlinks with them in a matter of minutes. The originals are used on the site in question. This application is Platinum quality and puts everything else to shame. I know, because I have extensively looked at everything else and I only buy the best of everything. I'm worth it. :-)

      I just took advantage of their yearly offer for a lifetime membership at what would normally be the price for using it for only four months. It doesn't get any better than that. If I had to pay full price, that would not deter me or encourage me to look for a cheaper alternative. Never!

      When you see people bemoan article spinners as worthless junk, it's probably safe to assume that you can completely ignore anything they have to say, about anything. They are ill-informed and are offering nothing more than a biased opinion, that they probably read somewhere else.

      That said, personally, for 5 rewrites and under, I have always written my own articles as I enjoy the challenge and the creative process. If I had to, I would use it for even one rewrite, with nary a concern.

      I am not an affiliate - for this product or anything else. I work for my money!

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

      • Profile picture of the author King Manu
        King Manu
        Profile picture of King Manu
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

        I can write an original 1500 word article, get 800 versions in less than 5 minutes and have RankSnap create backlinks with them in a matter of minutes.
        I am sorry, but that doesn't sound like a good idea at all. Google is constantly updating to detect those kinds of methods, and at some point, a ranking hammer will hit that software as well.

        If you are a hit and runner that doesn't care about your reputation online and you are willing to change websites like socks, you can go ahead and automate anything you want, using the limited time you have while the trick still works to make some cash.

        But if you want a reputation that grows for years and a website that will outrank any trickster, stick with high-quality articles written by people. While the spun softwares try to become more advanced, so does the method of detecting them. And those spun articles will backfire at some point, either by user experience or by automatic detection.

        At least, this is my opinion.
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Harrington
    Michael Harrington
    Profile picture of Michael Harrington
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I'm yet to find a really good one.
    You can usually tell when one has been spun.

    They are a great tool for Auto Blogs though, sit back and let them do the work lol.
    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Profile picture of OptedIn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Michael Harrington View Post

      I'm yet to find a really good one.
      I suggest you keep looking. One has been offered as a viable alternative to most of the crap ones.

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author Smithy299
    Profile picture of Smithy299
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I used spinner on SEO tools.
  • Profile picture of the author K Edward
    K Edward
    Profile picture of K Edward
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I personally don't recommend a spinner, because it only produces start for the search engines and bots -but not for humans.

    After spinning the article, you will still have to go back and edit the spun article and re-introduce your desired keywords, in order to get half the quality of what you would get from a freshly written article.

    And it nearly takes the same time to spine/edit and you would write anyway. You could simply use a freelance writer at a cheaper rate to produce new pieces. This way, you have both the search engines AND humans sorted.

    K Edward.
    Signature Quality Content Writing Service for Unique web articles, blog posts, product reviews and much more. From as little as $0.75/100 words! Over 5,729 happy clients
    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Profile picture of OptedIn
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      Originally Posted by K Edward View Post

      After spinning the article, you will still have to go back and edit the spun article and re-introduce your desired keywords, in order to get half the quality of what you would get from a freshly written article.
      Completely wrong information. My spinner preserves your keywords in every article it generates. This thread sets a record for the amount of misinformation it contains.

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Profile picture of spartan14
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I prefer instead to write content with my own words i think article spiner make too many gramar mistakes

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

  • Profile picture of the author pcteam
    Profile picture of pcteam
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    The problem with article spinners is that Google is really good at detecting robotic content. Personally I keep away from these spinners, will likely harm your seo.
  • Profile picture of the author farrukhnawaz
    Profile picture of farrukhnawaz
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    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Profile picture of OptedIn
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      Originally Posted by farrukhnawaz View Post

      no captcha and working 100% ok. I am using this for about 3 months without hassle. Try it.
      Working 100% OK. You have very low expectations!

      The output of the article after using Article Spinning and Text Rewriting you will get a good content having the unique features like safe from Google penalties and the long and having some words that the real article have not. I am using Rewrite content unique for SEO for 3 year having lot of website consuming a short span and time and good article that are still ranking. So try out and get Article Rewriter a best Small SEO Tools free online. The Sentence Rephraser seo toole is for you to have many features that you realy want to have with cost free availabilit.

      Reported as SPAM!!!

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author Fernanda Yulianto
    Fernanda Yulianto
    Profile picture of Fernanda Yulianto
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    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Profile picture of OptedIn
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by Fernanda Yulianto View Post

      Check this ou it can rewrite and produce human readable article
      Reported as SPAM!!! Yes - I'm at it early, today. :-)

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

  • Profile picture of the author Background World
    Background World
    Profile picture of Background World
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i'm using
  • Profile picture of the author SEOwarez
    Profile picture of SEOwarez
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Have a look at argo content generator, its so much more than just an article spinner (and scraper). Its just one of its many features. it is mainly a website and auto blog creation tool, but has an internal spinner with own synonym databases in various languages. With it you can directly create websites with the spinned content that will index and stay in google. its also just a onetime fee so you don't have to get a subscription like with tools such as wordAI.
  • Profile picture of the author BradYoung04
    Profile picture of BradYoung04
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for a great read warriors - and the eye-opener. Personally, I wouldn't touch a spinner. Ever. I hate seeing spun content and it's never a tactic I would endorse.

    Google's Quality Guidelines make a big deal out of the E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, trustworthiness) of a site and related content. It wants to answer questions so it needs you to demonstrate your credentials and original insight for a trustworthy answer.

    Check out this post for some solid advice on supporting your own natural content -

    ... and notice that it's all pretty much of the opposite of what you can do with spun content.

    IME, the only way to "spin" content at all effectively is to rewrite it, afresh, with a new angle. You can use the same or similar research but change the direction e.g., the article I shared ("5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Google E-A-T Rating") could be rewritten for the opposite (i.e., "5 Mistakes That Are Killing Your Google E-A-T Rating") and then A/B tested for which people read more, or offered as a guest post to a reputable blog to boost the author's overall E-A-T.
  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    George Flm
    Profile picture of George Flm
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    First use the spinner and then make tweaks and edits so it reads reasonably.

    However, there's nothing more captivating than a well put together, original article.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

  • Profile picture of the author Fernanda Yulianto
    Fernanda Yulianto
    Profile picture of Fernanda Yulianto
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    i use its quite good because article result is still readable.
  • Profile picture of the author andrewwarner101
    Profile picture of andrewwarner101
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Till now there is no spinner will be perfect like human !! don`t waste your time and money , just invest a little money on Fiver gigs or any other freelancing platform !!
    As a visitor of your website will close your website and will not revisit it again " bounce rate "
  • Profile picture of the author stevecarter8609
    Profile picture of stevecarter8609
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Yes,as an SEO expert I have been using for more than 2 years which provided me with accurate results and is also free to use. I recommend you to to use this tool as this tool is very good!
  • Profile picture of the author kartik singh
    kartik singh
    Profile picture of kartik singh
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    SpinRewriter or TBS is good.
  • Profile picture of the author online with me
    online with me
    Profile picture of online with me
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I have never felt easy about using spinners.
    If you're going to produce content, produce natural, easy to understand content.

    Using spinners may be a cheaper and less time consuming idea in the short term, but the mumbo jumbo most of them produce will stand out like a sore thumb.

    Nothing beats original and informative content.
  • Profile picture of the author willington
    Profile picture of willington
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Don't try to spin your article. Because google doesn't like spinning article. Rather you should try for unique content with proper grammar. If you are still want to spin your article then smallseotools is a good source. All the best!
  • Profile picture of the author Jasoncris
    Profile picture of Jasoncris
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Kindly use Fiverr to get a decent article for 5 bucks!
  • Profile picture of the author allegandro
    Profile picture of allegandro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you want to spin it, write and spin it yourself.

    I wrote (In my native language) a spinnable piece of 54.000 words, that produced unique articles of 500-600 words. Each article that came out was 100% unique and it also made sense.

    Example: {Dave|Rick|Tom|Bart|etc.} {is|becomes} {40|43|fourty|fourty something|etc.} and { { lives|stays} in|has a {appartment|condo|flat|home|etc.} in} {London|Amsterdam|LA|Moscow|etc.}

    Each paragraph had billions of options and potential different lines and outcomes. But they all made sense and where easy and pleasant to read. And they all passed Copyscape.

    I admit it took me 2 weeks to perfect it, but after that, I was able to produce thousands of articles that I sold again for 1-2$ per article.

    I also tried spinners, but they never gave me the result that I hoped for.


  • Profile picture of the author jameswilliams987
    Profile picture of jameswilliams987
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    You Can Use Article Spinners from SEO Ninja Softwares. You Can Use and You Will Definitely Get Amazing Result. So, you Need to Visit SEO Ninja Softwares Website or search seoninjasoftwares on Google.

    Thank You.
  • Profile picture of the author Rendition
    Profile picture of Rendition
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    In my opinion the age of run of the mill boring blog articles is over. Google algo's are more and more adaptive, and they will penalize your blog posts if they aren't getting real, quality engagement and traffic. This means you need to write quality articles. None of this fiverr/ spinner stuff. If you have a really solid traffic base, why waste it on corny curation over quality content?

    So I really think fiverr is NOT the way to go.
  • Profile picture of the author anujkrajput
    Profile picture of anujkrajput
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I used SpinBot. It's best for article spinning.
  • Profile picture of the author MSutton
    Profile picture of MSutton
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Article spinning isn't dead as some people want you to think. The problem is they are not used the same way they were used before 2011 (or whenever the Google Panda bomb was detonated ).

    Spun articles should NEVER be posted on your main site (money site). They should only be posted on tier 2/tier 3 backlink sites, never on tier 1 backlink sites or on your money site.

    Yes, there are spinners that can put out good-quality, human-readable, human-like articles, but not only do you have to pay for them, you also have to take the time to learn how to use them. If you think you want to put the time in to learning how to use an article spinner, you can find a comparison chart of the most popular spinners at But I warn you: look into how to use spun articles before you start posting your spun articles and learn about tiered backlink building because this is where article spinning is used in today's Google world. This is why article spinners (free and paid) still exist today.

    People are saying to use Fiverr and get an article rewritten for $5. Well, there are 2 main potential problems with this...
    1. Someone who charges $5 to rewrite and article (or 2 or 3) is possibly using a spinner.

    2. Even if they are not using a spinner, the quality is likely questionable and may contain plagiarized content, which defeats the purpose of hiring a human to rewrite your articles in the first place.

    And as far as using a free spinner like Spinbot or the plethora of others, well, good luck with that. You get what you pay for.
  • Profile picture of the author ramsharma
    Profile picture of ramsharma
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    I use also chimp rewriter and case is same.

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