Competitor & blog research

1 replies

I would like to work on some competitor and blog out-reach research and wondering how other members achieve this. My aim is to build a spreadsheet listing competitors and blogs with data such as, estimate traffic/visitors, domain authority .etc.

It would be interesting to hear how other members achieve this or whether there are any tools out there that people use?

#blog #competitor #research
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  • Profile picture of the author vimalc98
    Adding variables like estimate traffic/visitors and domain authority will take up so much time for me, so I don't do that anymore.
    Instead just pick one guest posting site go to Alexa and paste it there.
    Now there will be section names Audience overlap and that sites are same as you entered that accepts guest post very easily.
    Now import that list and boom you have found many sites in just minutes.
    Isn't this method so easy..!!
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