kicking some dust on my book list

by Russs
1 replies
I'm not completely new to copy-writing. Neither am I where I'd like to be with it skill-wise, knowledge wise, or efficiency wise. So I'm trying to isolate a steady route to grind, always trying to buffer my over all effectiveness. There are several areas I need patch up, especially prospecting.

Whenever I'm not sure which rabbit to chase, I dive into a book. But I've been reading the same over and over again for too long. The Boron Letters, Bencivenga Bullets, Eugene Schwharts Brilliance breakthrough, and The Psychology of selling.

These are outstanding works of literature, and I could still do to read them through again, but right now my brain needs something else to chew on.

I don't care whether it's a book, a course, or an email list. I'm looking for something that's not super easy to find, or that pops up when searching "best books on copy-writing." And it doesn't have to be copy-writing, it could be anything on entrepreneurship or marketing. As long as it's highly informative, and highly relevant to online marketing today.
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    Originally Posted by Russs View Post

    I'm not completely new to copy-writing. Neither am I where I'd like to be with it skill-wise, knowledge wise, or efficiency wise. So I'm trying to isolate a steady route to grind, always trying to buffer my over all effectiveness. There are several areas I need patch up, especially prospecting.

    Whenever I'm not sure which rabbit to chase, I dive into a book. But I've been reading the same over and over again for too long. The Boron Letters, Bencivenga Bullets, Eugene Schwharts Brilliance breakthrough, and The Psychology of selling.

    These are outstanding works of literature, and I could still do to read them through again, but right now my brain needs something else to chew on.

    I don't care whether it's a book, a course, or an email list. I'm looking for something that's not super easy to find, or that pops up when searching "best books on copy-writing." And it doesn't have to be copy-writing, it could be anything on entrepreneurship or marketing. As long as it's highly informative, and highly relevant to online marketing today.
    Do you think knowing and understanding MOTIVATIONS, and the psychology of human behavior could help you with your copywriting goals?

    I have two suggestions, IF, you do.

    One: Roy Garn. Magic Power of Emotional Appeal.

    Two. Contact me, I'm the retired expert on the subject.

    The SECRET to prospecting is found between the lines in Garn's work. It is the APPLICATION of your copy knowledge, the putting to use, all that study, reading and the many rabbit holes you've already explored.

    You like Halbert? Where are you putting your hamburger stand? Where is YOUR starving crowd?

    Schwartz? Re-read his ads, once you have the basic human PREOCCUPATIONS under your belt.

    Bencivenga? One study, OLIVE OIL, will give you as many answers to the prospecting riddle as anything else you can read.

    YOU know, that is, have book knowledge...but now, take it out of your brain...and ask yourself simple, yet difficult to answer questions, such as:

    What type of copy do I like to write? For what sort of products?

    WHO are the marketers currently using this type of copy?

    HOW much do you want to earn this year with your copy?

    Prospecting is the same as CHOOSING your niche, which involves research and drilling down into their motivations, THEIR WANTS


    AND then you create an


    Where you will meet ON YOUR TERMS, the prospects of your choice.

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