Getting the first sales Million Dollar website

4 replies
Hi sorry I can't speak English very well.
I have got in a difficult financial position and for improvement my situation I came up with website
for attract visitors to the yours business.
This the project is based upon an idea
And I'm going to repeat this viral advertising. Also, I made some modifications.
Besides the pixels selling, the main idea of the site is to help find profitable products or services.

This is not a new idea and there are no original ideas left.
Originality isn't a matter of coming up with something new,
it's a matter of using your imagination to take old concepts and put them together in new ways.
At the moment I attracted 200+ visitors a day.

I'm sure if Getting First 10 Sales then will the project tobe successful.
What can you recommend to promote this project? or it's a stupid idea?
#dollar #million #sales #website
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    It was done 14 years ago - was copied many times without any of the success of the original idea.

    Unique ideas often do very time.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    The only way to know if it will work is to try it. I've seen this before, but give it a try and let the results speak for themselves.
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  • Profile picture of the author gets prof
    Insofar as I can't speak English very well,
    I will have to write with simplicity, don't be mad at me for it.

    I have an idea.
    I want to give out 50(10x10 px) blocks of pixels for free.
    On three terms:
    1)Help in correcting grammatical errors on the site
    and criticism of the site
    2)Add a link to your website
    3)PR social network
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11497771].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      Originally Posted by gets prof View Post

      Insofar as I can't speak English very well,
      I will have to write with simplicity, don't be mad at me for it.

      I have an idea.
      I want to give out 50(10x10 px) blocks of pixels for free.
      On three terms:
      1)Help in correcting grammatical errors on the site
      and criticism of the site
      2)Add a link to your website
      3)PR social network

      'MDW' was anything goes. That isn't likely to work for you.

      For this concept to stand a chance of working, you need to target a niche.

      I done it around 9 years ago with 'reasonable' success.

      I don't by any means, suggest trying it as a means to dig yourself out of financial trouble.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11497774].message }}
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