Marketing Questions: In-House, Collaborations, or Hire?
I need some business marketing help. I have a website, YouTube channel, blog content, digital products, affiliate products, Amazon account, GetResponse account, landing pages, free digital downloads, and a fledging social media presence on FB, LinkedIn, Google+ (going away), and Twitter. I am in the process of developing courses for Udemy and Clickbank.
I enjoy creating content and doing administrative stuff, but I know that I need to market the brand. The plan is to build up the email list (198 so far from Amazon and YouTube) and create a sales funnel to offer products and courses on. I also know I can do video marketing on YouTube (225 subs now).
Would it be better for me to just focus on marketing the brand now, or should I collaborate with or hire someone who can do the marketing for me while I continue content development which I enjoy? And if I should collaborate/hire, do you have any recommendations as to who I should look at or where should I go? With collaborations, we would share in the profits; with hire, I would have to invest my budget into their marketing expertise. How would you select a collaboration to work with? How would you hire a marketing person to help?
My goal is to develop an initial income stream of $4,000 a month within 90-120 days. I appreciate your help.
A little background:
GUDEJob is a career development brand using G.U.D.E. as acronyms to 4 keys to successful lifelong career development strategy: Gratitude, Understanding, Determination, Enthusiasm. GUDEJob focuses on 3 career development areas: Job, Income, Business. (How To)
Job: Getting a job, finding a job fast, keeping a job, changing jobs, being laid off, unemployment, underemployment, job transitions
Income: Making extra income, supplementing your income, turning your extra income into a business
Business: Running your own small business, freelancing, consulting, contracting

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