When is the right time to stop IM?

Profile picture of deebee23
Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
82 replies
I've been at it for six years now, still no consistent income. May sell my site and focus on another market or quit all together.
#stop #time
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Kay King
    Profile picture of Kay King
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    The time to quit is when you want to quit. If you work six years with no profit - it's a hobby. Some will say if you 'never give up you will succeed' - but that's not true. If you haven't gained traction in an online business in 6 years you need to change course or do something else with your free time.

    UNLESS - you enjoy working in IM...then it can be a hobby that generates enough income to pay for itself.

    Six years of part time? 15 hrs a week or a couple hours a few times a month? Enough income to pay for a vacation every year? Or make a car payment every month?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author HarrieB
    Profile picture of HarrieB
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    There is no fixed time period. U learn, implement stuff and u either win or lose.

    6 years is a really long period if u are not making any consistent income. I think u should get a job and focus on IM part time.
  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    George Flm
    Profile picture of George Flm
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    The right time to stop IM is when you've exhausted all probabilities and still come empty handed.

    IM is not crammed for everybody. On the other hand, if there's a will, there's a way.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    Mabu Map
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    Winners are never quit and quitters are never win

    Only apply if we love what we do PLUS what we do can generate profits.

    If you love what you do, if you want it bad enough, you will find the way.

    It doesn't matter if you stick to it 5 years or 10 years.

    If you stick to it just because you see people make a lot of money from it

    You will lose. You really should doing what you love

    Why? Because only when we love to do something

    We will try to really go DEEP

    really master the skill.

    In online world, no skill = no money

    Now is the time to ask, do you love IM?

    One of the biggest name in this IM world call Ewen Chia

    He earned absolutely nothing after 5 years straight.

    But after he master his skill.

    He generated 1 mill after 24 hours

    So i hope this helps
    Free Video: How To Earn $250/D Online
    Even If You're A Complete Beginner - Click Here
  • Profile picture of the author Steve L
    Steve L
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    Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

    I've been at it for six years now, still no consistent income. May sell my site and focus on another market or quit all together.
    What have you been at for six years exactly? Maybe there's room for improvement?
  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    Profile picture of chuckholmes
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    After six years, I would probably focus on something different, assuming you truly gave it your all and explored all your options. Not everyone has what it takes to be their own boss. I've also found that many entrepreneurs struggled for many years UNTIL they found their right niche or right opportunity. Make it a part-time gig for now and focus on getting a good paying job.
  • Profile picture of the author kilgore
    Profile picture of kilgore
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    Kay is absolutely spot on. It all depends on what the goal of your site is. If it's just a hobby and you enjoy it, that's one thing.

    But 6 years without consistent income? If you're really trying to make it a business, then the time to quit was about 5 years and 6 months ago. Probably longer.

    I get that around here it's popular to say "never give up" -- but my guess is that most of the people saying that either (a) are trying to sell you stuff or (b) have never actually started a successful business.

    In Silicon Valley, it's common to hear entrepreneurs talking about "failing fast". The idea is that failure isn't a bad thing -- at least if you learn from it. Every successful business is built by making a ton of mistakes, and thus it becomes just as important to figure out what doesn't work as what does work. But of course if you spent too long on ideas that don't work, you'll never actually get to the ideas that do. So.... fail fast!

    Clearly your business model doesn't work. And it most likely won't ever work -- at least not without significant changes. So the way I see it you have a choice.

    One option is that you can treat this as a hobby, enjoying it for what it is. (That's totally fine!)

    Another option is to stick with it, but make some significant changes in your business model. Maybe those changes will work -- and maybe they won't. If they do, great. If not, you'll need to make more changes. And maybe those will work and maybe those won't. (Sorry, but that's just the way it goes.)

    The last option is to quit. But even here quitting can mean multiple things. Maybe you just decide online business isn't for you. (Again, that's totally fine!) But maybe quitting just means giving up on that particular business, so instead of quitting completely you ditch your current site and try out a completely different business idea.

    As a side note, it took me three completely different business ideas before I finally was able to develop a sustainable business. The first two ideas were way too complicated (they definitely did not embody the "fail fast" principle") and never really got off the ground. So I quit the first, started a second then quit the second when that one didn't work either.

    Now, finally on my third idea I've finally hit on a working business model. And while it took some time to earn a decent amount of revenue, it was pretty apparent in the first few months that the model was good enough that would be able to scale to a sustainable level at some point. Trust me, when something is working you'll know.

    That said, it's been seven years since I started this business and I'm still failing -- but now I'm failing much, much faster. And learning about what works -- and what doesn't -- faster too.

    Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
    Profile picture of palmtreelife
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    It sounds like your heart isn't in it anymore and you're frustrated you haven't earned consistent income. In my opinion, it will be tough to re-ignite that flame that is required to learn the skills needed to make satisfying income.

    If you are able to get that spark back, ask yourself some gut check questions like: who do I follow? How many IM courses or programs have I take in the last year to advance my skill set? How many books Have I read in the last year on IM? What am I doing every day to try and create income? What am I doing differently today than a year ago? What could I possibly do differently to try and earn money online?

    If you answer those questions honestly, it might give you some clarity on what to do next. Anyone can earn income online if they take the time and learn the skills. It's just a skill, like anything else.

    Wishing you the best either way, whatever you decide to do.
  • Profile picture of the author myob
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    "It took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight success."
    - Lionel Messi
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Daniel Evans
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    "Don't stop moving, baby, Tonight's the night."
    - Lionel Ritchie
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    "Your victory is right around the corner. Never give up."
    - Nicki Minaj
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Profile picture of writeaway
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    It's time to stop when you've stopped LEARNING and IMPLEMENTING

    Anyone can say they are 'working' but if there's not much results (not necessarily money/profits) then that should be a RED FLAG regarding your
    - productivity
    - your willingness to experiment
    - your willingness to solve problems
  • Profile picture of the author Activatorman
    Profile picture of Activatorman
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    I understand that feeling. Wondering when you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    IM is very infectious and can kill a lot of time. 6 years has probably gone slow and fast.

    My call on this is to break down what your achievements have been. Investigate the stats of your time and success. You likely have something right under your nose that will be the answer to your problems.

    We all know the IM world is a fast-moving with so many new ideas and concepts and rules and regulations arriving. But really what it is all about is finding what people want and where the demand is. Not what you think the demand is. But the evidence is probably there buried in your experience and stats.

    I reckon to have stuck at it for this long you have a lot of knowledge. Worth filtering through everything you have done and then evaluate again!

    Best wishes
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Frank Donovan
    Profile picture of Frank Donovan
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    "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it."
    - W.C. Fields

  • Profile picture of the author naviown
    Profile picture of naviown
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    If you are looking for motivation, then I think you'll have read it on this thread.
    But if you want to quit. I'd say, give it one final shot. Tweak things, see how things play in the next couple of months. And then if you see nothing, then take it in the back and shoot it.
  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    Princess Balestra
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    Either a bat bites your eyeballs outta your skull at dead of night ...

    or you figure on sumthin' YUMMIER the bat might wanna eat while you go hang out sumplace more SUNSETSUM..

    Hey, but that is jus' Moi flipsyin' my tits off.

    Gotta figure always how our choices morph sweet.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

  • Profile picture of the author myob
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    "Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations."
    - Ryunosuke Satoro (Barefoot Ryun)
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Jason Kanigan
    Profile picture of Jason Kanigan
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    Do you understand your numbers?

    Do you know how many leads you need to generate to get a sale?

    Or are you stumbling around in the dark?

    Sports site...all that is is just a platform.

    You still need viewers.

    You should have a built-in audience based around the team(s) you're talking about.

    But where are they coming from? How are you bringing them to your site? And how many do you need?

    This is your job: to get clarity on this process.

    Get ONE traffic source bringing you enough leads to ONE offer to convert into a sale.

    Develop a baseline on this ONE thing.

    Then work on raising the results.

    If what you've been doing is trying this offer then trying that offer for conversion, using some SEO system for traffic in 2015 and then switching to google adwords in 2016, then moving to some magic youtube commenting trick you read about in 2017, you'll have not been developing any knowledge or consistency. The only thing that might be consistent is your production of content ie. articles, videos, opinion pieces etc. about the team and player, game and controversial events topics.

    Hint: every time you switch traffic sources or conversion tools (including the offer), you go back to square one.

    How many times have you done that over the past six years? I'm not a mindreader but I'll bet a lot.

    Stop searching around for a magic bullet and concentrate instead on developing ONE funnel.
  • Profile picture of the author deebee23
    Profile picture of deebee23
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Thanks for all the advice. I am going to go back to drawing board and see what I am actually doing wrong. My site mainly is about NFL, College football, and fantasy football. I have had the site for about six years. I am clearly doing something wrong and I believe it has to do with my overall SEO strategy, I promote a lot through social media and so fourth. Again I say thanks for the advice.


    • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
      Profile picture of MichaelQuinn
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      Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

      Thanks for all the advice. I am going to go back to drawing board and see what I am actually doing wrong. My site mainly is about NFL, College football, and fantasy football. I have had the site for about six years. I am clearly doing something wrong and I believe it has to do with my overall SEO strategy, I promote a lot through social media and so fourth. Again I say thanks for the advice.
      I think that's your best bet, I was going to suggest taking a break to re-evaluate and get clarity on your situation so that you can try again instead of throwing the towel in and it looks like that's the conclusion that you've come to as well. Best of luck, you may think that you're clearly doing something wrong (and you probably are but just don't know what yet, and that's okay because you obviously want to figure out how to fix it), but I think that you're definitely doing some things right as well and you've got to figure out what those things are too so you can keep doing them. Just the fact that you've stuck with it so long and have been persistent at maintaining the site are things you're doing right in itself. I hope you're able to figure it out and I'm sure there will be plenty of guidance for you here.

  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Profile picture of myob
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    Seriously, you are in an extremely competitive market. In addition, it seems your marketing strategy is going head-to-head against more experienced and deep-pocketed marketing professionals. Consider primary marketing alternatives other than social media or SEO.
  • Profile picture of the author White Pearl
    White Pearl
    Profile picture of White Pearl
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    What you are doing wrong is , not giving it all you have.
    SEO changed alot and if you haven't adopted then you cant see results.
    My advise is to start your sports site + amazon . you can easily rank for low competition keywords using CMR keyword technique and easily sell the site to four figures. Dont take me wrong , it requires work but the chances of NO PROFIT is almost non existent.
  • Profile picture of the author SiaMatrix
    Profile picture of SiaMatrix
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    IM is not for quitters.
    Look back and see what you are doing wrong in past 6 years and make a list of things what you can improve and i am sure you will see some points.

    Hope that helps.
    best of luck.
  • Profile picture of the author Techs
    Profile picture of Techs
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    I'd say if you can get a price that you are happy with for selling and you want to start a new project - go for it. For me it would depend on the amount of time I put into the project vs the rewards - whether monetary or enjoyment - as to whether I would keep a hobby site running
  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Profile picture of luciesmazanska
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    E.X.A.C.T.L.Y as Kay King said!! You are reading my thoughts!

    I mean even if you didnt ear anything but you LEARNED a lot about yourself and IM! Thats the most valuable thing

    On your place I would make a break and focus on something completely different so you will get another ideas and distracted.
  • Profile picture of the author Trafficstorm
    Profile picture of Trafficstorm
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    It is very sad event. Actually the right time to stop IM is depended on your own decision. No one can and no one should interrupt your decision making capacities.

    I would like to suggest give your website one final try for 6 months more and then if it does not yield good result you can quit.
  • Profile picture of the author Maca56
    Profile picture of Maca56
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    You probably done something very very wrong otherwise it's a time to make really big big money here. If it's a sports site you can add some betting affilaite program and continue to make money that way for real. I would recommend to start something new.
  • Profile picture of the author awledd
    Profile picture of awledd
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    I have been in IM for about 12 yrs but never made big numbers. Sometimes I wish I quit some time ago but never did. I hope I will make it in the near future.

    12 yrs is too much but remember I also have a JOB all those years which I like very less than IM. I watched Arnold's video recently and liked it a lot. take few m minutes to watch it:

  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Profile picture of talfighel
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    So what you have done has NOT worked out for you.

    It's time for a new strategy.

    You need to find a mentor who is crushing it online and learn from them.

    And remember, it takes money to make money online.
  • Profile picture of the author JessicaLauren
    Profile picture of JessicaLauren
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    Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

    I've been at it for six years now, still no consistent income. May sell my site and focus on another market or quit all together.
    If you're not happy with what you're doing then quit. I highly recommend getting a serious mentor that will help you if you really want to win. There could be a small thing that is keeping you from winning.

    Best wishes to you.
    Get More Clicks, Cash & Conversions on Your Blog <--- Get a free trial of Lasso
  • Profile picture of the author Tony S
    Tony S
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    Hi deebee23, I feel this way, when the time comes for you to give it up you won't have to ask anyone you will know. I think the reason you ask is you want to hear good reason to continue.

    Here's one for you, I bet when you first started out you tuly felt as though you had something worth value to offer through IM. If you didn't maybe that's the problem. By putting the goal of helping folks as a first priority in you business model some kind of success is sure to follow, whether it be in the form of a steady income or the gratification of knowing that what you do has helped someone have a better day.

    I hope you don't give up. If anything take a break to think about what it is you really want to do in IM, then start planing your strategy to get there.

    I really hope things work out for you.

    "Give a person a fish they can eat for that day: teach them how to fish they can eat for their lifetime".

  • Profile picture of the author Jason Hodgins
    Jason Hodgins
    Profile picture of Jason Hodgins
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    Quitting is definitely a mistake. Reevaluating things and adjusting or changing may be hard, but anything worth doing is.

    I have been at this IM thing for 22 years. There have been ups, downs, changes, adjustments and even periods where I took large amounts of time to rethink what I was doing at the time.

    IM is extremely fluid and only the most persistent people manage to make it into a full time thing.

    Ultimately, you should take the advice throughout this thread and perhaps reevaluate things.

    Quitting should never be an option (in my humble opinion), change is inevitable so try to learn and just roll with it.

    11 North Digital
    Consulting, coaching.
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Profile picture of Jamell
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    In the grand scheme of things I think the current internet marketing format is unsustainable.I say this because you have it to where marketers are recruiting marketers .So it is like going in a loop.

    As far as you not making sales you might need to brush up on your skills and or change up your tactics

    I wouldn't be able to give a full assessment until you tell me exactly what it is you are doing
    • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
      Profile picture of palmtreelife
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      In the grand scheme of things I think the current internet marketing format is unsustainable.I say this because you have it to where marketers are recruiting marketers .So it is like going in a loop.
      You think the loop is big enough to kill internet marketing? I don't think there are that many internet marketers working for other internet marketers. Even if they are, they're both still targeting regular customers who are not marketers. Maybe you can elaborate on this point a little more because it sounds like you're saying internet marketing is going to die soon...which...I hope you don't believe to be true?
  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Profile picture of DURABLEOILCOM
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    You should have a regular job that will sustain you until you can succeed in your Internet Marketing venture. You should also try different avenues of Internet marketing strategies.
  • Profile picture of the author NestZone
    Profile picture of NestZone
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    with six years experience, you want to stop?
    You had long past the stoppage time.
    With that pool of experience and a website there is not only hope, but you are lying on a pool of knowledge.

    What about?
    do you have and products developed so far or you are marketing for others?
    • Profile picture of the author deebee23
      Profile picture of deebee23
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by NestZone View Post

      with six years experience, you want to stop?
      You had long past the stoppage time.
      With that pool of experience and a website there is not only hope, but you are lying on a pool of knowledge.

      What about?
      do you have and products developed so far or you are marketing for others?
      just adsense and affiliate links


  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Bouchard
    Jonathan Bouchard
    Profile picture of Jonathan Bouchard
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    6 years is a long time, but don't fool yourself - many jobs need 6 years of going to university too! Lawyers, Doctors, etc. they all have to study for years BEFORE they make money with their skill.

    What I'd suggest is looking back at:

    - What you've learned
    - What strategies worked, and what didn't
    - What your mistakes where (too many different projects? Shiny object syndrome? Not being consistent? etc.)
    - Trying too many different approaches and strategies (again being all over the place?)
    - etc.

    That's exactly what I did a while ago. I jumped around from one thing to another, always believing "that other thing is better/easier" aka the grass is greener on the other side.

    Then, I decided to focus and do one thing - and one thing only until it works. I only took advice from people that were successful in that field and blended out every other "opportunity".

    Because here's the thing:

    There are people making millions with shopify + dropshipping. And there are people making millions with Amazon FBA. And people making millions with Affiliate Marketing. Some find success with SEO, others in paid ads.

    There is no "grass is greener". All it takes is focus. Focus on one business model, one market. Get it to work BEFORE you try something new.

    You might be closer to your first big breakthrough. You obviously have the skills, and you have the know-how. Now it's time to take laser-focused action. That, and only that was what worked for me. Good luck!
  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Profile picture of GordonJ
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    Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

    I've been at it for six years now, still no consistent income. May sell my site and focus on another market or quit all together.
    Quit in the morning. Do nothing. What would happen if you ignored your site for the next two weeks? Anything? Would anyone be concerned?

    Best time to START over? Tomorrow afternoon. Only take the 2 weeks to a month and PLAN out what you want. If it is income, then you need to do something different. If it is a passion and a hobby, you can do it in your SPARE time, after working hours.

    So take a deep breath today, grab a pizza and a beer (if inclined) and decide you will QUIT being unsuccessful in the morning.

    And decide at the same time, maybe after a few brews, you will try a different way, once you have clarified your goals and know what you really want and why.

    There is plenty of gold buried in the last 6 years, you need to extract it and refine it, and be smarter in the future, starting tomorrow. Today, relax.


    PS And focus only on the BROWNS. Know every player, even the practice squad, specialize in knowing the next NE Patriots and Brady. His name is Baker.
  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Profile picture of myob
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    "Don't let the learning from your own experiences take too long. If you have been doing it wrong for the last ten years, I would suggest that's long enough!"
    - Jim Rohn
  • Profile picture of the author bond87
    Profile picture of bond87
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    there is no actually no time to quit but someone can quit if you have not been making profit for several times.
  • Profile picture of the author LindyUK
    Profile picture of LindyUK
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    Hello deebee

    I'm going to be a bit tougher with you than most here, so my tough love goes like this:

    Why did you come here and just talk about quitting rather than asking for specific help? Do you want sympathy or do you want help? And why has it taken you six years to realize your idea is not viable? Kilgore said you should have realized that five and a half years ago and that is right. You seem to be listening to some of the motivation people are giving you so I'll give a bit more, then some advice.

    I'v talked about my life in other threads to show people that you can overcome anything if you don't give up. I get personal so be warned. My father (and I use lower case) was a church official in our town as well as a lay preacher, we even lived in a house owned by the church and right next to the church. He was highly respected in our town but he was also a paedophile, he sexually assaulted me from the age of 12 to 16 and also shared me with his friends at parties. My mother knew too, when I told her she said he wasn't hurting me and not to tell anyone or I would be put in a girls home. I got preggers to my high school boyfriend at 16 and he first made me leave school, then said I was to have an abortion. When I refused he kicked me out of home and one of my friends parents took me in, but he kept pressure on me to leave town, he didn't want to be embarrassed by me in front of his church friends. So I left our town and went to London, had my baby by myself, not even 17 yet. Then I really struggled to survive, looking after a baby I couldn't even look for work until I was 20. It was still hard since I had not even finished high school and had failing marks in all the main subjects, due to my life at home I guess.

    I was 23 when I read heard about ebay so decided to start an ebay business selling ebooks. I spent about 3 hours each night trying to learn about IM but my profit for my whole first year was only US$408, less than $8 per week. But I had no thoughts of giving up. I wanted to make at least a few hundred dollars per month to just give us a better life.

    Then my whole world changed, I met an Australian Guy in a chatroom, nearly twice my age but I found out he was making his living from his IM Business. I told him about mine and asked him if he would mentor me. He said he didn't have the time but he would help me for a week or two, In that time he turned my ebook business around, due to his so different thinking and I was making more a week than I had made my whole first year. So now I really wanted him to mentor me but he would say noo, noo, we can have a chat now and then but thats it. But over time I gradually wore him down until he finally agreed to mentor me, but with tough conditions. Very early on I told him about my life and so we got more personal and closer. I found he had never married and didn't have any children. One night he was mentoring me and the story was about our British SAS troops and their motto - Who Dares Wins. His lesson was about using that motto in business but I took it to heart. I was already thinking of him being like a Dad I should have had, now I was going to Dare and hope to Win, I was going to ask him to be my Dad and Sherri's GrandDad. (she was 8 then, she talked with him every night and just adored him, she would nearly knock me off my chair to get to him when she knew he was on) So the night came when I had the courage to ask him, I couldn't even do it in voice so I typed it, I looked away because I was sure he would say no. When I looked back at my screen I had to read what he typed over and over because I couldn't believe what I was reading. He had said yes and that he loved us. Our world changed that night, my past didn't matter any more, only my future with my new Dad and Sherri's with her new GrandDad. He took me into his business and we started working hard, he had to teach me everything, even how to spell. He once told me he had never worked so hard in his life. He obviously woke up fast that Daughters and Grand Daughters are expensive! lol.

    That was 14 years ago so where are we now? I am 38 now and my Dad is 70. I am the CEO of our group of companies. We have built one of the largest privately owned Agencies in the world, 76 full time staff and just over US$20 Million in sales last year. We grow at the rate of 1-2 million in sales each year. We treat our staff like family, we pay them double the award rate, they get profit share and we take them all on fully paid holidays to Hawaii each year. They have chosen Hawaii each year as it's freezing cold here just after Christmas. We take them for two weeks and in two batch's so we still have staff here to keep our business running. We have money to do good, we fund things from sexual assault support clinics over here to dog rescue groups in the US and Europe. We sponsor children from African and South American countries (over 400 now and we add more each year. (We also run a campaign each year to encourage our business clients to sponsor children so that adds hundreds more children being sponsored each year) We run events for pensioners and under privileged families in our home town. And so many other things. We live back in our home town now, or just out of it. My Dad ran my parents out of town by threatening he would have them charged.

    A long story even though I have shortened it but what does it mean? It means NEVER EVER give up on your dreams no matter how hard or disappointing your life has been. My Dad, before he became my Dad, once told me I could be anyone I wanted to be, I could do anything I wanted to do. He told me I could dream and make those dreams come true by working hard and never giving up. He taught me that passion isn't only related to love, its related to life as well.

    So now a little advice, and you can ask for more. I don't know anything about NFL or football but I am guessing this is on a national or state level? That means you are fishing in the wide open sea along with many other fishermen. We prefer to fish in ponds where there is little or no competition. We still do some affiliate marketing but we don't promote products by any of the normal means. We create online Magazines on specific subjects and build subscribers to these free monthly Magazines. In the Magazines we can promote many different affiliate offers by means of our own Ads. So those Magazines are our own ponds and we are the only ones fishing in them. I outlined our Magazine idea in a WF thread about Amazon 3 or 4 years ago. But what I would really suggest to you is to look at a completely different model and market, a smaller pond but with way less competition. I am suggesting an Agency where you are offering marketing services to local business's. You said you promote your site via social media. That is a service we offer to our clients and it is monthly recurring income, so perhaps you could start there.

    Anyway, I hope you can get some benefit from my reply.

  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Profile picture of tagiscom
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

    I've been at it for six years now, still no consistent income. May sell my site and focus on another market or quit all together.
    Yes, 6, l remember my first website, on toys and board games, (l created one successful one) which l worked on full time and about 10 hours a day, most days for 2.5 years and it was a total failure, (l don't consider $1.30 a month from adsense a success, especially when the site costs me $30 a month US).

    I read a pile of SEO books, implemented it all, and some kw's ranked over time, etc, but dismal sales. And sure l could still branch into computer games, but after years of little to show for it, l mothballed it instead and tried other things.

    Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

    Thanks for all the advice. I am going to go back to drawing board and see what I am actually doing wrong. My site mainly is about NFL, College football, and fantasy football. I have had the site for about six years. I am clearly doing something wrong and I believe it has to do with my overall SEO strategy, I promote a lot through social media and so fourth. Again I say thanks for the advice.
    Social media, l also tried that when l was doing flyers, as well as article writing, and after 6 months of trickle traffic ditched it.

    Still mess with your site, but consider trying something else, just in case your site really is unproductive.

    Originally Posted by awledd View Post

    I have been in IM for about 12 yrs but never made big numbers. Sometimes I wish I quit some time ago but never did. I hope I will make it in the near future.

    12 yrs is too much but remember I also have a JOB all those years which I like very less than IM. I watched Arnold's video recently and liked it a lot. take few m minutes to watch it:
    12, you beat me l have only been at it for 10.5 years, tried pretty much everything, except drop shipping, and ended up with online trading, that l am starting to get a handle on, after more than a year of learning and investing.

    It is all a process of elimination, nothing more, and if you never give up you will end up doing the one thing that should work, but like any online business it is easier said than done, but you still end up with a lot of insider knowledge you can share with others...
  • Profile picture of the author amro
    Profile picture of amro
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Why not get Consultancy to improve your business model? or a Mentor? He might advice you to do modifications or find another project!

    I do not think quiting is the solution in your case, just find some help/advice from IM guru!
    • Profile picture of the author kevin jackson
      kevin jackson
      Profile picture of kevin jackson
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      Originally Posted by amro View Post

      Why not get Consultancy to improve your business model? or a Mentor? He might advice you to do modifications or find another project!

      I do not think quiting is the solution in your case, just find some help/advice from IM guru!
      He beat me to it but we are apparently both on the same page.
      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        Kay King
        Profile picture of Kay King
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        Why in the world do people post this sort of garbage?

        My thought was "WHO in the world would post so rudely" - then I realized probably someone just off a long term forum ban?
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
  • Profile picture of the author SEOptimization@1
    Profile picture of SEOptimization@1
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    When you are done with your targets / sales or satisfied with your online presence or lead generation activities.
  • Profile picture of the author beyond web
    beyond web
    Profile picture of beyond web
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    There is nothing like that. It depends on how focused you are with the internet marketing. Nobody will get satisfied very easily by doing it. Every one will face lot of up & downs. We should never give up. Try Try try again until you succeed.
  • Profile picture of the author kevin jackson
    kevin jackson
    Profile picture of kevin jackson
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    One word: Mentoring.

    In other words you need professional help. PROVEN professional help. One other thing. DO NOT expect anything for free. It's been six years. Why not get professional help? I don't mean training or buying somebody's course or hiring some SEO team or whatever. I mean SPECIFIC tailored help for YOUR site, YOUR niche and YOUR target market. This stuff is not rocket science. If your car is broken you take it to a mechanic not necessarily the junkyard.

    I hate to sound blunt but I'm just cutting to the chase. Quitting is certainly an option and if you just can't take it anymore bow out and start something else from scratch but do it the right way from the beginning. In at LEAST three to six months you should be seeing some positive results ESPECIALLY with qualified and PROVEN professional help with documentation.
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Daniel Evans
    Profile picture of Daniel Evans
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    You don't need to consider quitting 'IM'.

    You didn't fail at 'IM'.

    Instead consider that Internet Marketing is just advertising on the Internet.

    There's a wealth of different things you can do (and advertise) on the Internet.

    'IM' is not a job, any more than dedication to newspaper classifieds. It's a method by which a type of job is facilitated.

    Consider a different type of job - a different role to provide something that people need and use the Internet to sell it. You could potentially even take it out into the 'real world'.

    Your potential is massive.
  • Profile picture of the author Anthony J Namata
    Anthony J Namata
    Profile picture of Anthony J Namata
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    Wow, this is an interesting thread. There are so many people out there wondering about with online ventures that don't work. I think they should all come and read this. That being said, one does learn from a failed business. It makes you stronger. Failure, too, is good. So, pick yourself up. Have another look at your niche, and decide on a way forward.

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  • Profile picture of the author Makabongwe Maseko
    Makabongwe Maseko
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    All I can say is 'Never Give Up!'

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  • Profile picture of the author Klark Devlin
    Klark Devlin
    Profile picture of Klark Devlin
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    I think it's time to sell.
  • Profile picture of the author DRP
    Profile picture of DRP
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    Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

    I've been at it for six years now, still no consistent income. May sell my site and focus on another market or quit all together.

    Indeed, time to throw in the towel and focus on something else. Now, if only 99% of the other people here snapped back to reality and laid off the pipe dreams...that would be progress.
    I'd rather tell you an ugly truth than a pretty lie.
  • Profile picture of the author jfrombk
    Profile picture of jfrombk
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    I would just suggest a mentor who is where you want to be and willing to help you figure out what you are missing in your business.
  • Profile picture of the author sammobright
    Profile picture of sammobright
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    Even if you are to quite; let it not be because you failed!!!

    So, what happen if you try another venture and record no success; will you also move on? To be honest with you; I suggest you get someone to mentor you to success. As every business has a learning secret; who knows, you might be doing somethings wrong.
    • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
      Profile picture of palmtreelife
      Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
      This has been an interesting thread to read. It didn't seem like it would get much traction, but the idea of quitting and what society makes us feel about quitting has really hit some nerves with warriors.

      So, what happen if you try another venture and record no success;
      This caught my attention as it doesn't seem many have considered this while commenting "you should quit". Agreed that 6 years is a long time to stay with something that has not been successful. However, a few have said it's fine, but treat it like a hobby, not a business. I also agree with that perspective.

      If it is treated as a real business and you quit and "try something else" as people have suggested, what will you change about your approach to make that business work? What will you do differently? If nothing, you will eventually quit that as well. Quitters tend to quit many things.

      If you tell yourself this is a hobby and NOW I'm going to start a real business, that's not quitting. That is called shifting perspective and moving forward. BUT...if you do what I suggest, call it a hobby, and start something new, you NEED to do something different this time around - not a different TYPE of business, but a different approach and strategy.

      Otherwise, you will also "quit" that venture...and the next and the next...
      • Profile picture of the author deebee23
        Profile picture of deebee23
        Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
        I'm not quitting dude, I'm already in the process of shutting down the site and starting a new one from scratch. I have a new strategy in place that I will start utilizing for promotion.


  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    Profile picture of ZephyrIon
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    You've had one site for 6 years and it hasn't made money? Did you put time into anything else in the 6 years that did?

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  • Profile picture of the author lukeo
    Profile picture of lukeo
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    Don't quit, You ever see that picture where two people are digging for gold, one guy is so close but gives up right before he gets there and the other persevered and got the gold!
    Look i understand that you get thoughts of things like what am i even doing this for anymore, nothing is working, im wasting my time etc etc. I suggest you take a step back, take a week or two off completely and just live your life, formulate a new game plan that isnt draining your funds each week too much and go at it again and eventually succeed.
    All the best
    Make Passive Income Online Easily!
  • Profile picture of the author simontoaldo
    Profile picture of simontoaldo
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    sadly story.
    Are you actually focus on work?
  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Profile picture of dave_hermansen
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    Not every business or product idea is a good one. We tossed up nearly 100 sites a couple years ago that we thought had potential. After 6 months, we pared it down to the most promising 70. After a year, it was down to 40. Ultimately, we kept less than 20 of them.

    The point, as many others have suggested, is that we don't become married to our ideas. We try new ones and see what happens. If they show some promise at the beginning, we continue to tweak them to see how much better they can be. If they look bad, we cut our losses and concentrate on more promising ventures.
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  • Profile picture of the author virtualprincipal
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    Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

    I've been at it for six years now, still no consistent income. May sell my site and focus on another market or quit all together.
    Well, I failed pretty spectacularly and ended up going back to work in education to feed my family. I never made more than $2500 in a month for 4 straight years.

    Now, despite still working full-time (summers off), I am doing better than I have ever done. And Lord, it is fun to bring in extra money!

    Perseverance is important but knowledge is more important. "Never stop learning" is the key to everything in life!
  • Profile picture of the author Ravi Talwar
    Ravi Talwar
    Profile picture of Ravi Talwar
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    Thanks for sharing with us
  • Profile picture of the author pramodtapu
    Profile picture of pramodtapu
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    6 years a lot of time you spend so i think you take IM in a part time.
  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Profile picture of luciesmazanska
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    You need the right traffic if you target the wrong audience you will never get a sale
  • Profile picture of the author Faylor St Hilaire
    Faylor St Hilaire
    Profile picture of Faylor St Hilaire
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    Originally Posted by deebee23 View Post

    I've been at it for six years now, still no consistent income. May sell my site and focus on another market or quit all together.
    Okay..but you do have income.

    It seems like you simply need help on how to improve or scale up your business.

    However, if selling your site will make you more money than all those previous 6 years then I say go ahead and move on. If not, then you have to find the right knowledge to make it better.

    Stay cool and successful....
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  • Profile picture of the author PolicyMaker
    Profile picture of PolicyMaker
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    Seems like you have NOT much interest in IM. OR have lots of negativity attached to this market.

    First, i'll suggest focus on what you truly passionate about (and have good market)

    Second, Stop doing it in your way...And stop doing it in their way...Model the success of those who are already successful at what you striving to achieve...

    And Last but Not Least...

    Go All in and #NeverGiveUp on Your Dreams - Remember, Winners Never Quit and Quitters NEVER WIN.
  • Profile picture of the author taffie
    Profile picture of taffie
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    The thing is you ask yourself why you started, and have you done everything possible like have been asked by others above. I mean how bad do you want it?

    If you have done evrything possible it should sure work in my opinion. I ask myself, am I being productive, or am I just busy being busy? The answers lie within.
    Coach | Mentor | Consultant | I work with business owners, marketers, experts, or coaches/ and mentors who want to understand new media or digital marketing better https://llpgpro.com/Internet-Marketing-HQ/
  • Profile picture of the author LEE BYRON
    Profile picture of LEE BYRON
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    6 years of learning......
    I bet you were only learning but never implement.
  • Profile picture of the author mike197903
    Profile picture of mike197903
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    My tip is find succefull markerters and model their succes.Maybe you did something wrong al these years.if you where learning did you implement the strategies that you have learned?
    Don't give up too fast .
  • Profile picture of the author Alicia28
    Profile picture of Alicia28
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    6 years is a really long time. You better find another profitable market.

    Dafont Showbox Adam4adam
  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    Profile picture of cearionmarie
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    Do you love what you are doing? Because if it's only for the money and you haven't found success with it yet then I suggest you quit and do something you love.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

  • Profile picture of the author Keira M
    Keira M
    Profile picture of Keira M
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    If you have been working on a website for six years and you still haven't seen any profit you are most likely wasting your time. You may want to consider exploring other markets in eCommerce that work for YOU. Maybe having a store with products that you sell isn't what works for you.
    Learn How I Build & Flip eCommerce Websites For 5X the Profit -Click Here To Join My Private Coaching Group
  • Profile picture of the author Tristan dela Pena
    Tristan dela Pena
    Profile picture of Tristan dela Pena
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    what other choice do you have?

    are you going to go back to your regular 9-5 routine?
  • Profile picture of the author 482722
    Profile picture of 482722
    Posts: Threads: Thanks: Account age: less than a second
    One thing I'd like to point out is, try to use every business failure as a learning experience. Especially in situations where you'd normally outsource a part of your business, like logo design or getting a website set up, and learn how to do it yourself easily. I know everyone's hot on "outsource everything" and "fail fast" but you can really eat up your profit margins by throwing money at things that would otherwise be easy to learn.

    Plus, increasing your skill set makes the turn-around time for starting a new idea much quicker. If you already know how to quickly launch a website, fix an annoying problem with Wordpress, launch an ad campaign, write a few lines of Javascript, you become a much more capable internet marketer. I always recommend learning as opposed to outsourcing, especially for the low-barrier-to-entry stuff. I would still outsource foot surgery though, for example.
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    Profile picture of Medon
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    I suggest that you try to change strategy. I mean the way you do things. If you still don't get the results you are looking for, it may be time to quit.

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